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- User Since
- Mar 23 2014, 10:18 PM (571 w, 4 d)
Jul 14 2020
it seemed to be simply outdated server setups on some servers, I shall report issues after having been able to better reproduce them from herein. I jumped the gun :P
Jul 1 2020
Ok having tested this some more it seems more server specific so I guess it is something more server side that needs to be looked at than client side, notably it is more on private shard modded servers where the change has not implemented correctly, though not all
Jun 30 2020
May 11 2016
I am always running in fullscreen mode
can confirm, has been happening a lot on the latest exp.
i noticed sometimes if i have an item in hand, and then drag an item from inventory to hands to swap, the item in hand currently goes to the vicinity area but often is not on the ground and if you drag it to inventory from vicinity it appears as normal in inventory but items to ground seems to be buggy along with swapping in hand items with inventory
this issue seems rather odd, as if its an LOD issue, the textures should not pop from one texture to another and then to another (where really it should only transition once based on proximity where here it seems to constantly cycle different textures once it gets within a given proximity)
It seems that all the grass texture pops i get are just based around movement in general once the textures are within a close radius of the player. the buildings for example have a low lod at distance and as you get closer or use a zoomed view or item it swaps to the higher texture (of which as i understand it there are ONLY 2 textures, hi and lo.) whereas the grass textures seem to cycle constantly between different ones during movement, confusing either way.
in the arma mod of dayz i got the same grass behaviour but could stop this occuring by dropping objects setting to very low, where in standalone it seems doing so just makes the issue more visually noticeable, which is also very odd.
Also i find some people i speak to this claim they dont get this happening (where i think they are just maybe not as observant or consider it as an issue), if this is the case however then testing needs to be done across differing setups to try to isolate what it is that causes the issue.
what are your system specs please and is your CPU overclocked as in any hardware case this seems to be the only thing in my experience that may be a factor (considering also that the engine is quite reliant on cpu and gpu)
all i know is its been bugging me since i first noticed it and other than my initial report of it which you made a little clearer in this report i cant find any other reports on it, even though in my eyes this is quite a detriment to the games immersion as a whole
im thinking its the software side also,although we do both have an oc on our cpu's and i didnt oceither my gtx 760 or my new 970. lets hope the renderer smooths out this business as that would make my year lol
i have also been getting the same thing, it seems to crash at random, sometimes within like 10-20 minutes but usually within an hour i will ctd, seems to become more regular after the first instance also. not sure where my crash reports are to upload for looking over.
May 10 2016
i had this happen the other day, although it didnt happen on every roof i went on, I was in chernogorsk, went up to the open roofed three storey industrial at the east side of town, to recon the town and see if it looked like i had anyone to watch out for, as i was aiming down sites of my mosin with an LRS or possibly a pu scope on it all of a sudden i had the flash of white view that resembles when you get hit by zed or fall damage, i instantly walked towards the stairwell and as i made it in the stairwell my legs were broken and all my trouser gear and shoes went from pristine to ruined along with my trousers.
However after fixing my legs, i went on top of the police station just up the road from the industrial and this did not happen again, even when i was aiming with my gun
to be honest surely if you throw something in a tree, it tends to get stuck in it, especially so if you were to do so in a pine tree.
ah, no my report is for the 0.47 (which is current EXP build) its just simply a case that the report i made covers this issue and has had a number of up votes now (as well as a small number of downvotes, because apparently some people think the changes are for the
It is preferable for the mods and devs to have consolidated feedback for issues, and the more votes we can get in one tracker the more visible it appears as an issue and thus is likely to be seen as a priority to fix/change :) if i had seen your thread and not made my own i would be directing people here and getting them to up vote this instead.
add your feedback and votes to this thread i made
the feedback moderators prefer it if we try to keep issues such as these in single tracker threads :)
from what a dev has said who had a hand in some of the new changes, a lot of whats occuring is not intended and is in fact bugs, but i fear the forced slow walk is actually an intended change, which im not too sure will go down well if it does make its way to stable.
but yeah, please do add your votes and opinions to the original tracker. Thanks
Indeed zerg, although the fact remains that both arma dayz mod, and dayz SA are both already hugely far from twitch shooters in the first place. there is no need to make controls a cumbersome mess to try and detract it further, that just leads to it being bad, as opposed to nice alternative to zippy fast paced twitch FPS games. multiple times iv been told since bringing these points up in forums and stuff that im a "COD loving Unreal Tournament twitch FPS Noob" who wants the game to be easy and unrealistic. this is dumb and the kind of argument lemons make because they have no sensible counter points to the fact a lot of what i and other players have highlighted in the changes, could be considered a wrong direction.
@metisou, i know what you mean. but it feels to me like nothing in the changes really implements a change for the better of gameplay, and with the forced walk when raising a weapon like you said and i have mentioned to people, it nulls the use of the toggle walk jog function, which in all honesty does not make any sense.
i would rather it be like, if you aim down sights your put into forced walk speed, but if you click again to come out of aim in sights you are still weapon raised but able to toggle between walk and jog again. also the fact you crouch makes you forced walk makes no sense either and thats whether you have a weapon in hand or not. someone on the forums was saying that this is now because running whilst crouched is considered a sprint crouch, which is pointless when you think about it. anyone saying you cant take a jogged pace while crouched clearly has never tried it or played paintball or something similair, as it is fully possible to run at quite some speed whilst keeping yourself low to the ground. as it is iv changed back down to stable till an exp patch comes that addresses the movement to see how it progresses again.
thanks for taking the time out to give your opinions on this topic, from what i gather so far, the dev who mentioned there was changes and wanted feedback to the new movement has said that some of the changes created unexpected bugs, hopefully we will get a rework of them with the best of 0.46 improvements and some of the newer things in 0.47 minus the bugs :)
yeah, one of the devs, Viktor, replied on twitter saying the feedback is being monitored (got a reddit and a forum post discussing the changes) and also said that there is bugs having an effect on the changes at the moment. which makes sense because i certainly dont think all of the changes we are experiencing were what was intended to be in the changes.
i am confused why there are downvotes, the movement changes are clearly not a good thing, at least if downvoting it would be good to state why you disagree so the discussion can progress and reasons can be known :)
@ChristmasLunch it is sadly the case that yes these controls were changed on purpose, and its clearly obvious they did because literally nothing shy of completely recoding would make what happened to movement happen. you wouldnt "forget" to add some code that already exists in every build, yet some people seem to believe this was just an accident that will be fixed, i think a few guys need to make their opinions heard on his twitter about this before this one guy their (who seems to enjoy these whack controls) convinces him that its not only him that thinks they are great. if we dont make it known now that this is terrible. we may never get good controls back again.
^^^ this, the whole movement system has taken a massive u turn and needs to be addressed asap. having to stop so your character transitions from gun raised to gun lowered is just beyond explanation. movement was fine as it was
if they wanted to introduce friction i believe they already have see my tracker here
if this change isnt rubbing you up the wrong way i dont know what will. but please up vote it and visit the devs twitter in the mentioned issue. for the love of all that is right in dayz. lol for the kids man, do it for the kids...
i did notice the sliding which seemed a bit silly, it would be better at least if the body had a bit of motion to it, but physics dictates that they would not simply slide along the floor just because there is a small incline. i did not notice them dissappear when watching them myself, but they did stop sliding for me, before they dissappeared
it seems to me that its not so much an issue of loot NOT spawning now, but actually a lot of buildings have loot isues where loot is either spawning under the floor, above the ceiling or outside the building. i have noticed this is particularly bad in the last couple of exp updates. definitely needs to be looked into
and another crash, files added.
system is i5 2500k at 4.6ghz, gtx gigabyte 2gig 760, asus lx v2 mobo 8 gig gskill ripjaw ram 1600hz, Plextor high speed ssd
i uploaded my files, although my crash outs are nowhere near as frequent as every 30 seconds, mostly i seem to of been getting them once i have been shot and killed, if i exit the game after this it usually crashes as it closes down saying dayz stopped working. this crash report i have added actually happened completely of its own accord, no shots fired nothing like it, just running through a field and bang, CTD
well, for me iv not had the issue of them ruining my gear, as i dont let them hit me, and usually creep up on them with my hatchet and they die in one or at most 2 swift strikes. just you guys wait till every hit a zombie makes on you, there is risk of infection, and hardly anywhere to find antibiotics, which is basically where there at in the mod right now and its awesome apart from the horible glitchy weirdness of them and stuff they are going down the route of intended i feel. just learn to get hit less. i mean in any classic zombie film, if the person gets scratched, the group has to kill em, know what im saying, one hit and you infected mo fo, your outta there, nada, vamos :P
Bumping this issue as i have just recieved a new ASUS GTX 970 4Gb strix gpu which i tested dayz on again today to see if it was my old 760 that was the issue, exact same grass issue is visible, i uploaded the highest quality video i could to youtube and have uploaded it to a file host to be viewable in a media player for best clarity but it is clearly visible and not related to my graphics card.
if other people are experienceing this can they up vote and also maybe list their hardware setup
im on
ASUS P8Z77-V LX2 mobo
intel i5 2500K overclocked at 4.5ghz
8Gb G skillz ripjaw DDR3 1600 Low Voltage Memory F3-12800CL9D-8GBXM (Blue)
ASUS GTX 970 Strix DirectCUII 4Gb NVIDIA card
Operating drive is Plextor PX-256M5S 256GB M5S Series SATA III 6GB/s 512MB DDR3
Most games installed to secondary ssd Samsung 840
@RagedDrew no its nothing like that screenshot, its mainly visible when i have the obect detail on anything other than very low (i get the same issue on dayz mod too) im pretty sure its an LoD flicker issue and i have noticed it in other youtubers videos (even though its hard to spot as youtube even at 1080p blurs so much its hard to see)
im going to make a small video of it in the highest quality i can capture and upload it as a download so it can be viewed in a media player and you can see it better. First i thought it was something wrong on my system, but i have seen it in other videos iv watched of general gameplay
madness to see im the only one who has noticed this, iv seen it in videos so i know it isnt isolated issue to my hardware... anyone?
ok so after watching a few youtubers, i can confirm that the flickering of foliage in woodland areas is definitely nothing to do with my setup and totally a software issue. just thought i would update this
would be very interested to know if others are experiencing odd texture changes on foliage when moving, most noticeably in forest floors
no it is something that cannot be screenshotted, as it is an occurunce through movement. i will briefly shadowplay it at high quality and upload to youtube. the issue has been with me since dayz and arma 2, curiously in arma 3 it rarely happens and is at least not nearly noticeable unlike here
sadly shadowplay doesnt do the "best" quality without hogging up a large file size, but you should be able to make out clearly the flickering, mainly when i head into the denser brown forest foliage, its really quite an eyesore. but i think its not a hardware issue (bloody hope not, but luckily i have another 2 yrs or so on my warantee if it is thankflly)
to be expected when playing on experimental, specially when both servers and clients go through updates, Mine was reset also today, but then, i didnt rubber band once so i am happy with that more than the character i had being intact :)
without methods to reproduce the crash, this does not narrow down the cause enough to rule out the problem being hardware side as opposed to software. I myself have never had this happen, although i have had the odd crash to desktop but this is going back a few builds now, have not had a serious crash for a while
i have had this on occasion but it seems to be related more to the sum of both players connections, as i do not always get the issue when near players, but whenever i cant open a door, access my item menus to eat and drink, i always know someone is near enough to me to cause it
have not reproduced this myself, but having played the mod and knowing this method was used (along with others) to duplicated many things, this does not surprise me. I up voted purely as i can tell this would be an issue. and duping is one of the more serious bugs that needs to be figured how to remedy and fixed asap
"I disagree with the idea of forcing the bug report process onto the general public. It's a pain in the ass for those not used to it and the devs wont get high quality responses from them. "
This would not FORCE it upon them as such, but if it is more visible to everyone upon launching the game at least people become more aware of its possibility to be done and creates a much much easier method to get things reported efficiently by the users and in a way thats concise and exact for the developers and so on.
this is more about ease of use then forcing people to use it.
this this this. at least something. a lot of us are really trying hard to bug test but often you just find people trying to play the game as if it is in end state. having a reminder of being essentially stress testers at the moment by way of a feedback in game function would help i think. maybe even a in game dx diag command that can save ALL the diag info devs will need from certain situations in one folder in dayz directory or something. they have something like this in Planetary Annihilation called performance probe and it does a snapshot of info at points when you hit a button combo which helps the devs to see causes of bugs, memory issues and so on
@moeb1us i would say currently that the dupe issues, although annoying, are lower down the list of importance untill most features are added. as more features will likely re add duping possibilities, so to fix it once, then go ahead and update to then have to fix it again, and again makes less sense in a development time frame. the game is not really "playable" anyway with no storage no vehicles and so many bugs, so dupers are really just kidding themselves right now. i would rather they continue to try and fix real hacking vulnerabilities and such whilst still adding the content and (hopefully) upgrading the server to 64 bit and so on. the exploits can and should be dealt with later down the line, i did up vote however as it is still an important issue
if you cheated in arma and got banned, then its no surprise the battle eye client bans you all together??? did you cheat or what caused your ban in the instance of arma 3?
this is definitely NOT the most important issue, also there are like 20 threads duplicated on this issue... please add to existing feedback instead of create yet more duplicates. google dean hall roadmap dayz and watch the video where he talks about all these issues and when they have laid out that things are being aimed to get implemented/fixed etc. this game is fully alpha state, and a complete new system for zombies and their pathfinding AND building interior exterior meshes is being worked on, hence why the zombies are taking a back seat and just having slight changes to them to make them even slightly worth having in game to keep some level of interest. at first zombies were not even in dayz sa, so be happy you have even crappy placeholder zombies.
there was a custom mod of dayz, in which when you died from zombies you then spawned back in as a zombie and could run around chasing players and attracting zombies, cant remember what version it was but to be honest i think something like that will be left to community modding after release reaches us, the team really need to work on the core ideas of the game and get it to a release state. it is a good idea though as it has been implemented as mentioned, but was never taken up in the official mod.
this bug will be related to the odd bug from the previous build, where sprinting with 2 handed melee created only a walking footstep audio to play. i find that actually the sound for the footsteps now just comes and goes as i run around. i have run around over space where the footsteps are silent, to have them magically come back, so i dont think it is certain areas, but actually more dependant on something else, ie player movement itself, possibly maybe a fault in the new code used to fix the bug i mentioned before
this is 100% confirmed for me, seems to be both the tuna models, ones that need an opening tool and also the same for self opening cans. invisible models and no inventory art either.
not game breaker, but means if your in need of food and searching in a hurry, your 90% more likely to not notice a can and run over to it, than if you have your inventory open and you notice the greyed out invent slot on the ground section of inventory
i cant replicate this, this could be to do with a lot more hardware side, than neccasarily dayz specifics, or else i could reproduce everytime, yet havent had it happen once.
ok so went into experimental server de 0-3 again to test this, cannot reproduce it no matter how i try (double tap w then hold while spamming P, run forward holding shift and spamming P) so i think this is not relevant to dayz, maybe to the OP's hardware
Edit, after reading the steps to reproduce i think the problem is related to the NumPad on setting and having rebound keys. i would hedge all my bets on this being the cause.
try posting suggestions in the forums, this is feedback relating to bugs and issues not for ideas on new code that could take months if not years to write in :P
to correct the issue of bugged inventory after tuna or sardines, remove the item be it a bag or clothing item on the ground, pick it back up, and the slots become useable again. odd bug, sure they will fix it when needed
:) at least your civilised unlike the children in the creche over at forums :rolleyes:
how do we report duplicate issues to the devs/moderators, i cant find a single thing that allows us to just report duplicate reports to get them merged.
really should be a feature on here to help us help them. ;)
@OldschoolWarfare no need to get like that man, i dont really look at the dates, and your thread had been buried. easy mistake for me to make. but i wasnt having a dig either.
duplicated report, please search first, just in case you can add to an existing issue report, saves times for devs and makes the issue have more reports as a single issue as opposed to spread out over multiple reports :P
i noticed this bug lately also, although reproduction seems possible without movement of mouse, for me i seem to get it (very frequently) when strafing with either a or d and then if i push w key at the same time and release all keys sometimes i will be stuck walking in either direction i was pressing or forward until i input in with either mouse or another movement key. large issue in terms of gameplay, will share thread in forums for up vote
if i get in the shower, and get soaking wet in one set of clothes, then swap to a new set of clothes the other set becomes soaked also. this is not maybe a bug. more annoying would be the you are/stopped getting wet spam when running through trees. i feel there is little need to remind people the game is raining in the notification feed
i gather this is a placeholder mechanic, the zombies in game are nothing like what we can expec t when the ai team gets closer to finishing the "new" zombies. i beleive it was iomplemented because beforehand NO zeds respawned so after a player ran through say elektro and wiped all the zeds out, that town would be zedless. also if you dont shoot the zeds (something i advise any player to NOT DO) when they die they respawn but will not run to the last gunshot alert (axe is your friend)
not a bug. i also prefer this method, it makes more sense that you need to ready yourself with the axe. also other melee dont all need to be raised to swing its only certain items i think
i noticed this bug lately also, although reproduction seems possible without movement of mouse, for me i seem to get it (very frequently) when strafing with either a or d and then if i push w key at the same time and release all keys sometimes i will be stuck walking in either direction i was pressing or forward until i input in with either mouse or another movement key. large issue in terms of gameplay, will share thread in forums for up vote
I only noticed this bug so far with firem axe, but have not tried to reproduce with other melee, no issues with any guns i have been sprinting with though. also to note, it is ONLY when sprinting that i get the slowed down audio, it actually sounds as if when sprinting with the axe equipped in hand that you trigger the walking speed sound instead of sprinting
"This probably won't be fixed... too much work and they already made all the money they need. " hey man, once they have bought both the client and server architecture to the 64 bit framework, i think we will see a lot of these issues slowly getting ironed out. seriously as slow as development can seem from time to time, these guys are really doing a lot of work under the hood of the engine in the early stages, so when they come to tackle some of these more cosmetic issues, it should be a bit easier to work on (given the memory restriction of 64 bit will no longer cause so many issues like the old 32 bit does right now.
have faith padawan :)
are you guys seriously clogging up bug feedback trackers with suggestions about door noises REEALLLYYYYY??? :| im pretty sure the idea is you make suggestions over at the forums in the "suggestions" area, and you give feeback about the bugs in this, the "feedback bug tracker" section
the more clogged this place gets with stuff thats been suggested like a million and one times, the more likely bugs are to get missed, hence, not fixed, hence more bugs for us. also this suggestion alone has like FOUR DUPLICATES alone in here, at least search and add your vote to an already made suggestion. PLEASE for the love of all that is satanic. search first, and have ideas over in the forums :P
the latest information about this section of the game, is that bohemia interactive recently purchased an existing development studio that specialise in pathfinding and ai in slovakia, which are now the main team working on pathfinding for the new zombies that should eventually make their way into the game, they are working also on the pathfinding of the new animals and everything related to the new physics being implemented which in turn has an impact with regards to the new zombie and animal ai etc. it is annoying that the zombies are able to run through walls and all that stuff, but it has been said in many places for info on dayz that this is just something that will be the case while the new code and models are worked on. will be great once the new models etc are implemented but it is not a high priority as there is so much other stuff that needs to be implemented so all the core features are in game before beta stage can commence. :)
your note clearly holds very little information about an actual bug that is not known or being worked on, that, is feedback. you have i'm afraid, just moaned. that kind of "feedback" should go in the forums
hacksaw is not being updated for one... if you want to rant please take it to the forums, this space is not about moaning. it is about feedback. the zombies are being worked on by a whole team of developers from a studio recently bought by bohemia in slovakia so just have some patience and enjoy what the game does have so far, or dont play it for a while and check it out every month or so to see the significant update changes when you play.
the zombies currently in the game are just newly modelled dayz mod ai code. they are not representative of the new zombies that will be implemented within the roadmap time frame. look for new bugs and add feedback to existing bug trackers, instead of add pointless rants to trackers that have been old news for over 5 months
guys, this is NOT a bugged out issue, these are slighlty recoded zeds from the mod code, and also placeholders until the newer systems are implemented, for me, in alpha this is no issue, i hardly ever have issues with zeds as i sneak up and twot them with my axe before they even see me, as i would in the game when it is finished and as i do if i play the mod. The devs are clearly not ignoring these issues, but the zombies are being worked on for a totally new system probably by some of the Bohemia devs as they may understand how to better code them to work on a melee only basis (the zig zagging of the mod zeds was due to them acting as soldiers with guns, except they were not soldiers and didnt have guns so it was a military style evasive manuever by the ai that was and probably still is hard coded into these placeholders) lets not waste developers time by reporting something that is 1 being fixed and 2 always been a huge topic for debate since the mod
they now have a WHOLE new studio that bohemia bought in slovakia, with a team of 25 people from that studio who are all experts in the field of pathfinding and ai. these people will be carrying on the work on zombies now and i imagine they will help to bring the z behaviour to a awesome level, for now i will continue to look for bugs that no one has discovered. please everyone who reads this do the same. all the devs know this is a huge issue. but are still working on other things while the team responsible for creating the new zombie code do their job. thanks