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0.56 memory error
Closed, ResolvedPublic


when leaving game. crashes with memory error {F31703}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

run game play a bit, run around then close client

Event Timeline

NinjahMeh set Category to Game Crash.
NinjahMeh set Reproducibility to Always.
NinjahMeh set Severity to None.
NinjahMeh set Resolution to Duplicate.
NinjahMeh set Legacy ID to 4007010709.May 8 2016, 10:32 PM
NinjahMeh edited a custom field.

I too have this issue now. Restarted computer multiple times with the same results

Geez added a comment.May 14 2015, 2:28 PM

Hello NinjahMeh.
Do you run the game in windowed mode or fullscreen?

I am always running in fullscreen mode

yea same issue here, also fullscreen, when exit get the instruction at 0x6c338867 referenced memory at 0x000000000, the memory could not be read, ive tried verifying files in steam, also tried running around a while then exit but same issue keeps happening,

Geez added a comment.May 15 2015, 9:20 AM

Hello NinjahMeh.
In that case, please run the game with -dologs startup parameter and attempt to reproduce the crash again. Once the game crashes, attach contents of your C:\Users\*USERNAME*\AppData\Local\DayZ to this ticket. In case the files wont fit due to size, upload them to some kind of cloud site. Once all of this is done you can remove -dologs and possibly other startup parameters, as it is advised to not use them as they may cause issues within the game.

hi, I delete my character and ran around a server, few things popped up on screen, after I log out game and it back to normal with no error message