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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 6:02 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
according to mode = 1 will only allow whitelisted calls, did you include everything needed in whitelist?
Should be fixed on Monday
Stop using this inferior command and become a pro with lineIntersectsSurfaces
There is no difference between MyVariBle = 123; and myvariabLe = 123; The error displays variable name in lower case for unification. It has been like this since beginning of time.
Should be fixed on Monday
Probably related to radio triggers. Should be fixed on Monday
Should be fixed on Monday
Should be fixed on Monday
Should be fixed on Monday
A person who downvoted, probably doesn't like "free"... or "DLC"... or both.
Cannot confirm. Vehicle is disabled, yes, but it is alive.
It is possible it didnt make into stable.
Should be fixed in tomo DEV
I dont think people downvote the idea, but rather the poor presentation
It now only errors when type is wrong. It will still quietly return false if undefined input has been substituted with default value.
Yes, unfortunately params functionality has been changed and now it is not possible to suppress errors as before. However there are 4 Type specific commands added to deal with type of function input, which are also fast.
isEqualType, isEqualTypeArray, isEqualTypeAll, isEqualTypeParams (look up on BIKI)
for your particular example
if !(_this isEqualTypeParams [0]) exitWith {..this will run if _this is not [SCALAR]};
if !(_this isEqualTypeParams [""]) exitWith {..this will run if _this is not [STRING]};
Open any map in editor.
Is it still dark?
Press Esc and enter in debug console:
setAperture -1
then press EXECUTE
Did this fix the problem?
Same as with stressDamage, tehre is a dedicated command
There are no commands to influence other 2 params.
commands. For some reason it is considered as separate difficulty which is not part of your usual difficulties
This is the same with all the vehicles, attached to player items do not follow player when he gets into a vehicle but re-attach when he exits. Parachute is a vehicle.
Yeah someone changed correct example on BIKI to the wrong one (I already changed it back). The ingame function header was always showing the correct example.
And why are you passing Array to the function when example in the function header clearly shows it should be string?
baseBackpack = "b_assaultpack_rgr_medic" call BIS_fnc_basicBackpack;
This works ^^^^^^^
Technically driver turret is not really a turret, but as you said workaround is simple enough to not bother with details:
{...} forEach -1 + allTurrets tank;
so essentially you want allTurrets for a transport vehicle always return -1 since driver turret is always present?
Sorry, if I won't believe you. Your account appeared about the same time vlad_8011 account got banned and then you started bumping vlad_8011 tickets. I hate to think that you are lying to me, this is not cool.
Aren't you vlad_8011 that got banned for trolling, and now you complain because you got trolled? Hilarious!
"you have taken out a critical part"
Not very helpful, or perhaps you forgot to mention what critical part, but I guess you cannot run scripts outside .pbo? There is a simple solution though
Hmm didn't realise game was still $60 on a 50% sale
this might not be eden specific, as i have encountered this with normal destroyed vehicles, the crackling sound of fire burning is not removed after wreck is deleted
thats server side problem
Narrowed it down to verifySignatures = 2;
Same here only on local dedi, latest dev
Also this is after role assigned and recieving mission, I could hear game sounds as well. Esc wouldnt let me out of this. Only solution - restart client
Of course the problem is still with editor placed disabled vehicle, when it is not dead but cannot be used by the crew, it is still a target.
Ah, interesting, this might be it, as if I use leaveVehicle in addition to moving out crew, it gets removed from enemy list straight away.
Confirmed, those toolbar switched dont seem to do anything
I think this is design decision and personally I like it. Type "device" in search field and click different categories, it exists in more than one, so this is actually useful
Why not simply
_playableInGroup = units group player arrayIntersect playableUnits;
the execution of selectLeader was successful when
leader _group returns new leader of the _group
Why is this so difficult to understand? selectLeader needs to be executed on the PC where THE GROUP, for which new leader is being selected, IS LOCAL.
"select leader should be Argument Local, Effect Global, but this is not correct.
[[_group,_unit],"selectLeader",owner _unit,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;"
The group should be local not the unit
[group _unit, _unit] remoteExec ["selectLeader", groupOwner group _unit];
Nothing is strange about it. This is Arma's Single precision floating point for you.
hint str ((0.8 + 0.1) > 0.9) true
hint str ((0.8 + 0.1) - 0.9) 5.96046e-008
It is just that at == 0.9 engine still ok, at > 0.9 it is not
While still on dev it is not too late to change it to
to make it consistent with the rest of the commands
It is true, HCs are in allPlayers. I don't know whether it is a bug or intended, since HCs are playable by default and have own PC instance. No other command returns HCs BTW.
Saying "Yes, it is extremely simple" without knowing for sure how this is all organised is not very credible.
For starters, not a single nular command in Arma has an alternative syntax, and allPlayers is nular command. So I doubt allPlayers <boolean> is even possible.
Also why can you not simply:
_justplayers = allPlayers - [hc1, hc2,...hc2356];
"... and the possibility to get the "rangeFinder" distance with anything! (Sorry I don't know the function) but there is no simple way to catch distance between player's eyes and ANY object/ground, like in rangeFinder or laserDesignator. Big thanks the day this command will be issued."
This is not a bug. createVehicle command will return backpack container. As it is a proxy you can only add items to it but cannot move or attach it. To move backpack you need to access the weaponholder that carries this proxy. Lucky for you new command objectParent will be available from Monday, so you could do this:
//place created backpack in front of player
_bpContainer = "B_TacticalPack_rgr" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_weaponHolder = objectParent _bpContainer;
_weaponHolder setPos (player modelToWorld [0,5,0]);
Tested this both on server and client
direct chat never gets detected always -1
command doesnt work at all on dedicated
systemchat is local client command, how you execute it on server?
Should be fixed in Monday's dev
Should be fixed in Monday's dev
showHUD disables weapon info, and laser designator, rangefinder definitely and nightstalker probably are considered weapons, so the info is removed. Little annoying indeed
The RMB mouse button works with inputAction just fine:
oneachframe {hintsilent str [inputAction "holdbreath"]}
However if bound to user action, inputAction fails to detect mouse button input:
- bind sec mouse button to User Action 1
- execute
oneachframe {hintsilent str [inputAction "user1"]}
- no effect
Edited the title
That's true, I just tested. So the issue is with mouse button hold.
- open User Action 1 bindings
- press and hold RMB to add mouse button binding
- execute
oneachframe {hintsilent str [inputAction "user1"]}
- it Works
do the same as above but add normal button press instead of hold
it doesnt work.
I'm pretty sure you are confusing this with something else. Open Arma 2 OA and try it. Same syntax, same broken functionality. It has been like this for ages.
Wiki doesnt say you can
task getVariable ARRAY
"though it did work that way before."
It didn't because it couldn't. Both Arma2 OA and Arma 3 have the following syntax for get/setvariable with task:
"b:TASK setvariable ARRAY"
"b:TASK getvariable STRING"
As you can see, it never had TASK getvariable ARRAY
Also, I just tested set/getvar in A2OA and it doesn't work there either. Basically this functionality is broken for a long time.
Im not calling command am I? Im calling FUNCTION so array should be treated as single argument on any length. I do understand what you mean, which is irrelevant regarding to custom functions because custom function IS NOT a command and takes only 1 argument. You can see how this is confusing already. Sorry Richard, your reply is just... meh.
Yeah sorry, I meant remoteExec as command not commamd you pass to remoteExec
Confirmed. Array of of params 3+ elements stops command from executing, forget about the function. The command returns NOTHING, while under 3 it returns ""
Tested without CfgRemoteExec class
Doesn't return nil anymore
I think autodeletion is bugged, may fail occasionally
always check
_group = createGroup independent;
if (isNull _group) exitWith {error};
You probably exceed 144 groups, so no unit is created
"Using waitUntil is maybe a bit problematic in non-scheduled environment :)"
As was mentioned before, works only on server (think it even has a fancy serverExec icon on BIKI page)
"setMarkerText" is global command, will instantly turn marker global. Not a bug.
duplicate of #24844
Perhaps you should notify the owner of the server that their mission is not what you expected it to be.
Cannot reproduce. Could you add repro that works in vanilla game?
I havent closed your ticket, you idiot, I simply am not able to do this.
Fixed in 131580
I suggest the following
allTurrets <vehicle> - generic, returns all normal turrets (backward compatibility)
allTurrets [<vehicle>, true] - returns all turrets including turrets that have FFV
allTurrets [<vehicle>, false] - returns all turrets excluding turrets that have FFV
If I want all normal turrets for slammer I use
allTurrets slammer - [[0],[0,0]]
If if I need all turrets including FFV
allTurrets [slammer, true] - [[0],[0,0]]
If I need only FFV turrets
(allTurrets [slammer, true]) - (allTurrets [slammer, false])
which would be
So this way using "false" for a flag would actually return something useful instead of duplicating allTurrets generic command.
The command is actually even more broken as before after the fix
The turrets command returns now are always the same regardless if a flag used to include FFV turrets or not
allTurrets vehicle player
allTurrets [vehicle player, false]
allTurrets [vehicle player, true]
all 3 return identical results. Apart from that here is another problem, assuming it is fixed:
how to return only FFV turrets? Ther eis no mechanism for doing this. Before it was possible to subtract result with normal turrets from all turrets (inc FFV turrets). This would give FFV turrets only. But with introduction of FFV from commander, it is not now possible. Because commander turrets would exist in both results and subtraction will not return it, so it will be missing from FFV only turrets. So I dont know how would you solve that.
If you have a scripting problem, I would suggest to ask first on the forums, 99 times of 100 will save you time making a ticket.
That is correct, animals inherit from Man. Not a bug.
Thank you Koala. Closing
unit setMimic "";
does the initServer.sqf run at all?
Thank you for your very constructive feedback
has already been fixed on dev
Sorry but this is like saying, "my car has a flat tyre, it doesn't drive too well, this is extremely annoying".
I dunno try -autotest if you dont want to check missions for errors manually?
Ok, I try to explain this. This ticket is about crash. Crash is fixed. This ticket is therefore resolved. There is no point bringing up a dozen of other unrelated to this particular crash issues. If you have other issues, make another ticket, yet I advise against it as if it is about what you posted here, then this will be a waste of time. There are way to many more important issues to deal with than adding support for magazines to addItemCargoGlobal while there is a dedicated command for magazines. I hope you see some sense in what I just wrote.
smokes are magazines and not items. use addmagazinecargoglobal or additemtoxxxx for inventory as those have been tweaked to accept magazines.
"Any ideas how to by pass this and get the games going?"
vestcontainer player addmagazinecargoglobal ["smokeshellgreen", 2]
this works
What about addMagazineCargoGlobal since smoke shell is a magazine, or addItemToVest where item could be anything?
no one will ever change this behaviour, regardless if it is by design or a bug. Resolving as wont fix
It is a random bug, just like smudged clouds, second time round it didn't happen.
I dunno if you can see on the video, but stars are in front of clouds, if you can call them stars :)