roleDescription shows wrong or invalid roles if used on AIs.
I tested with players instead, it works fine.
script output:
In this output I am the player (sql aka "ASL - Squad Leader2")
14:55:03 sql
14:55:03 "the ai: sql, the role description: ASL - Squad Leader2, the group: B Alpha 1-1"
14:55:03 mohawk
14:55:03 "the ai: mohawk, the role description: Mohawk 1 - Pilot, the group: B Alpha 1-2"
14:55:03 mmgguy
14:55:03 "the ai: mmgguy, the role description: ASL - Squad Leader2, the group: B Alpha 1-3"
14:55:03 marksman
14:55:03 "the ai: marksman, the role description: , the group: B Alpha 2-1"
script input:
sleep 5;
if(isServer) then
diag_log _x; diag_log format ["the ai: %1, the role description: %2, the group: %3",_x, roleDescription _x, group _x];
} foreach (playableunits+switchableunits);