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- Apr 29 2014, 1:11 PM (563 w, 4 d)
May 17 2017
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Feb 14 2017
Jul 10 2016
Seems like this has finally been introduced in 1.62 :)
Jun 4 2016
May 10 2016
But...King of the Hill isn't an official ArmA 3 it?
Great ;)
I'd love the editing area & camera area of a zeus be within a specific zone, which has straight borders. There's no way to accomplish that because Zeus' editing areas can only be circular and thus there are un-editable gaps which are weirdly shaped.
See this picture for visualization:
Yeah but even after adjusting it, it originally didn't work.
I was able to get it to work to some extent after saving the broken stuff to a .ods file and then re-opening it (that magically fixed it).
However I don't think you can make a full table with that technique :/
In fact, there are many errors popping up in the arma 3 rpt.
13:41:56 Error Max array size would be reached. Current size: 1000000, wanted size: 1000005.
13:41:56 File A3\functions_f_curator\Curator\fn_exportCuratorCostTable.sqf, line 395
13:41:56 Error in expression <%2 = [%1",_qt,_x,_row];
_text = _text + format ["&I%1",_x];
} foreach _rows;
Doesn't work with google spreadsheet, excel 2010 or latest OpenOffice calc
Quoting from BIS forums feedback thread:
please streamline modifiers, s.t. I can hit shift (to rotate) even if I already have something selected (i.e. placement/moving is currently active), thereby going from placement/movement mode to rotation mode in a heartbeat. >>Currently I have to stop placeing/moving first, then hit the modifier, and start dragging again, where as just hitting the modifier should do to toggle modes<<.
Related post:
Still seems to be broken.
Good :D
If you use setpos(asl/aslw/atl) on an object that is not local to you, there will be at least a 3-8 second delay for the teleportation to be complete/visual.
If however the object is local to you, the teleportation will happen instantly, even when setPos is originally executed by another client.
Still not fixed in 1.50
I don't imagine this being a big deal for Bohemia to do, right?
Interestingly enough I'm still experiencing this with my group on a dedicated server. It doesn't happen for everyone when I exit the mission abruptly using #missions - but for say, 60% of the 15 people.
I absolutely do not support the idea of using launchers on a vehicle in FFV mode...I doubt ISIS would even shoot RPGs from their pickup trucks, for example.
But I do support what I think is a config glitch, where I have configured a helo for FFV, made it so that cargoCompartments and gunnerCompartments match up so a person sitting on the FFV position can switch back inside the helo (to Passenger seat), however can not switch back to FFV unless the helicopter has no AI in it.. :S
Still an issue.
When there is no one occupying the vehicle (that has Fire from Vehicle capability) other than the player, the player is able to switch seats. If there is an AI or another player occupying the driver/passenger seat, the player can no longer switch seats.
Great job. Glad to see this implemented.
Now I'm hoping for 22000/20583(duplicate), either way I'm already happy ^^
Well, sorry for incredibly annoying you Killzone_Kid, it wasn't my intent.
Either way, adding magazines to another muzzle doesn't work as mentioned above.
e.g. player addWeaponItem ["arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F",["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",1,"GL_3GL_F"]];
Also, what commy2 said.
Sounds great. Will there be a wiki entry for 'addWeaponItem' at one point too? It was never added.
Kind regards,
Polease Bohemia ;) Early Christmas gift..fix what you broke :P Noany hard feelings.
By the way, seems like japapatramtara (Bohemia Interactive - developer) 2014-12-10 08:34 never fixed the issue that he said would be solved in a week. I can confirm that muzzle magazines still don't work as Killzone_kid described.
Commands need wiki pages.
I agree
Please don't forget to add this...I'd love to see it in 1.50 or 1.52
o.o time to download the dev branch. long as it gets fixed one day.
Verified fixed...let's hope for 1.50
I recall it being in dev branch it still in dev branch or have they removed it from there too?
Can a moderator or so re-open this issue? clearly it's not resolved.
Yes, exactly. Yet it was fixed 1,5 months ago and it has been in the dev branch way before 1.48 was released...I don't even know BIS anymore..
What the heck.
This was announced fixed in dev branch 1,5 months ago. Why wasn't this introduced in the 1.48 update!?
How is this acceptable? People are still dying in ArmA 3 due to this issue and afaik this bug is getting close to hitting the 2-years-still-not-fixed mark.
Yep. It sucks knowing this worked absolutely 100% fine in ArmA 2 and then it's broken in ArmA 3.
Worst of all is that Bohemia's in-game videos do not suffer from this problem and I tried using the EXACT same (rare) codec and everything to try and get it to work, but no cigar.
Meanwhile this ticket is hitting the two year mark :(
Some more information would be splendid ^^
Not at all :(
Imagine how cool it would be to have a pre-recorded briefing or like a hostage video in-game. Please give us an update on this ;)
Kind regards,
The comparison.rar contains two pages generated using MediaInfo. I managed to get really close with trying to copy the (working) arma 3 intro.ogv, even with the same ffmpeg version and bitrates and stuff..there are only a few differences.
Per usual, the bootcat2.ogv is synced in VLC media player but is out of sync in ArmA 3.
the intro ogv is always synced.
another 6 months pass :(
Like it'd be grand if we could get a documented encoding setup, or even better an OGV converter for arma tools.
Clearly, the a3 intro ogv file does is synced..playVideo is used..however none of us seem to be able to fix this ourselves.
Please, some encoding/conversion information or a tool that is guaranteed to work...or simply fix this bug :/
Why hasn't this been resolved yet? It's been nearly a year.
Can we still have this please?
:( Fix pls
Still here..
Thank you. Hopefully more people will see that now ;)
Why Bohemia....WHY!?