The use of the CtrlMapCursor command produces unexpected outcome. In the documentation ( it states this command should work with all map controls. However, upon testing Reporter has failed to successfully yield results with the expected outcome. The is no syntax or systematic error within the script engine. (A mission file has been attached to show setup) {F26794}
- Legacy ID
- 3775558195
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- No Bug
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Scripting
Steps To Reproduce
- Create a new mission
- Create a description.ext
- Create a common.hpp file with the control definitions
- Create a display.hpp file to define the mission displays a. Create a new display with onLoad event handler defined b. Create a new map control with an idc = 1; c. Set onLoad event to equal: "(_this select 0) displayCtrl 1 ctrlMapCursor [""Arrow"",""Track""];";
- Include 4 & 5 within the description.ext
- Run the mission
- Create the display using 'createDialog'.
- Move your mouse over the control and reference the cursor icon when the mouse is over the control.
Additional Information
Please download and run the attached mission "TEST.Stratis.rar"
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
Command seems to only work with RscDisplayMainMap, all other controls do not seem to work, even though the inherit from the RscMapControl class.
Comment Actions
Please see updated for the correct usage.