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allTurrets doesn't return all turrets — it excludes drivers' turret
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As in the summary - there is not much to describe, really.
Both variants (with true or false in 2nd argument) of the scripting command do not return [-1] - the driver's turret containing for example a smokescreen in speedboat.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. place Blufor's Speedboat (minigun), so you can exec some code on it
  2. execute "hint str (allTurrets [this, false]);" code on the speedboat.
  3. returned string contains array of [[0],[1]], which is missing [-1] - the driver's turret.

Event Timeline

Arkhir edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 7 2015, 2:36 AM
Arkhir set Category to Scripting.
Arkhir set Reproducibility to Always.
Arkhir set Severity to None.
Arkhir set Resolution to Open.
Arkhir set Legacy ID to 2044557813.May 8 2016, 12:54 PM

so essentially you want allTurrets for a transport vehicle always return -1 since driver turret is always present?

Arkhir added a subscriber: Arkhir.May 8 2016, 12:54 PM
Arkhir added a comment.Oct 7 2015, 3:08 PM

I would like it to return an array of arrays containing every possible vehicle turret — and that includes driver's turret.

Do you think this is a bad idea? Well, the workaround is simple enough; I can always add [-1] to the array if I wish to have it there.

Technically driver turret is not really a turret, but as you said workaround is simple enough to not bother with details:

{...} forEach -1 + allTurrets tank;