The SHIFT key doesn't work as expected as a modifier for the mouse buttons. The SHIFT key state is only registered at the start of the click/hold, whereas it should be real time (as currently occurs with CTRL and ALT).
To move and rotate a unit, I need to:
-Click and hold LMB on the unit to move it, then release LMB
-Move mouse cursor back onto unit, hold shift, then click and hold LMB on the unit to rotate it (the shift key can actually be released after the LMB is first clicked)
-Click and hold LMB on the unit to move it, keep LMB held.
-Without releasing LMB, hold shift, and move mouse to rotate unit
Expected method is preferred as it requires less precise tasks of the user (moving mouse cursor over the unit, then clicking) to achieve the same result. The ALT and CTRL modifiers do currently work as expected.