After doing a tonne of testing after my Zeus missions became unplayable, I have narrowed the cause of the issue down to one thing in the Description.ext
class CfgRemoteExec {
#include "sos\common\CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
My path is correct, there was no issue before 1.54. The mission loads correctly but here are some of the things we encountered.
- Virtual Arsenal actions missing
- Cannot change Weather with Zeus
- Cannon change Time with Zeus
- Players don't show up for Zeus as editable objects
All in all it seems that the majority of modules that require syncing with other players don't work at all.
This MUST be something to do with the recent changes to CfgRemoteExec or the deprecation of BIS_fnc_MP.
With the culprit code above commented out the mission works 100% correctly just without the security of defining individual remoteCalls.