can it be documented in a bit more detail than what is currently there?
I'll let Lou decide that
can it be documented in a bit more detail than what is currently there?
I'll let Lou decide that
In T179631#2577768, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:There is no designed support for nils or other missing params, the fact that it worked is a coïncidence. I will have a look if this could be turned into feature.
In T179654#2577767, @mrzorn wrote:@Leopard20
Do you think the original issue is caused by that or did you only look at the last comment?
This bug currently breaks ACE' ability to set terminals in the editor.
There is no designed support for nils or other missing params, the fact that it worked is a coïncidence. I will have a look if this could be turned into feature.
Do you think the original issue is caused by that or did you only look at the last comment?
In T179654#2577759, @mrzorn wrote:I think i was able to isolate the issue:
testArray = []; _obj = createVehicleLocal ["#particlesource", [0,0,0]]; testArray pushback [_obj, "somedata1", "someOtherData1"]; _obj = createVehicleLocal ["#particlesource", [0,0,0]]; testArray pushback [_obj, "somedata2", "someOtherData3"]; _obj = createVehicleLocal ["#particlesource", [0,0,0]]; testArray pushback [_obj, "somedata2", "someOtherData3"]; testArray // [[164337: <no shape>,"somedata1","someOtherData1"],[164338: <no shape>,"somedata2","someOtherData3"],[164339: <no shape>,"somedata2","someOtherData3"]]When i take the Value of the array and try to use the raw data and select the first entry, ill recieve the following error message: (like above)
When I reference the globalVar assosiated with it, it works, though.
I think i was able to isolate the issue:
16:03:02 Error in expression <#line 1 "new_1.sqf" [[1bf183f0100# 163978: sign_arrow_large_f.p> 16:03:02 Error position: <bf183f0100# 163978: sign_arrow_large_f.p> 16:03:02 Error Missing ] 16:03:02 File new_1.sqf..., line 1 16:03:02 ➥ Context: [] L81 (DBUG\functions\console\exec\fn_exec.sqf) [] L81 (DBUG\functions\console\exec\fn_exec.sqf) <- [] L24 (/DEV_TOOLS/functions/general/fn_addSchd.sqf) [] L61 (DBUG\functions\general\EHs\fn_eachFrame.sqf) [] L55 (DBUG\functions\general\EHs\fn_eachFrame.sqf) [] L57 (DBUG\functions\general\EHs\fn_eachFrame.sqf) [] L77 (DBUG\functions\console\exec\fn_exec.sqf) [] L80 (DBUG\functions\console\exec\fn_exec.sqf)
Fixed in Dev build 2.17.151464.
Thank you, we'll fix it soon.
I just started my PC and a script code that did not work before is now working.
If there is something unclear please feel free to ask for clarification - apologies if the report is a bit messy, its late night but i wanted to get the issue out there while i have everything at hand.
TestMission i was running: Get in the vehicle & activate the first waypoint.
the line i changed that might have stopped the error from happening. (same line as error message)
As said before, i think its a cool feature that can find application, but an alternative reset of the speed limit is needed, like:
vehicle this limitSpeed false; vehicle this limitSpeed "Reset"; vehicle this limitSpeed -999;
not present in A1/A2/A2OA, introduced in TKOH - should be "reverted" back to normal?
Fixed in Dev. build 151464.
Same issue is present in TKOH
Tested with cars. (that SF Nato Buggy) For Vehicles, it seems to actually reset the speed limit.
@2BoCoo Does this continue happening if you disable hardware antialiasing?
This is also happening on DayZ at the moment. Do you run into the same issue if you disable hardware antialiasing?
my bad, wrong thread
Is this post meant to be for Arma3?
In T179311#2573291, @IGORAMIK wrote:что то можно с этим сделать?
Купить видеоплату, поддерживающую feature level 12_0 DirectX.
In T179311#2571177, @Schatten wrote:Во-первых, какое отношение билет имеет к Arma 3?
Во-вторых, в console.log есть такая строка:Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti' does not support feature level 12_0
что то можно с этим сделать?
Should be fixed with the next dev branch update
Revision: 151464
Во-первых, какое отношение билет имеет к Arma 3?
Во-вторых, в console.log есть такая строка:
Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti' does not support feature level 12_0
it also doesnt happen every time
looks like gunner animation is not synced immediately. Jip wil see correct animation
In T179257#2570198, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:Does this happen on dev version?
This will require whole new JIP system, current system cannot do what is proposed in this ticket. So for now is won't fix
rev 151453
You are correct there is more than one issue here. FYI I also cleared the Appdata A3 Launcher folder. (first backed up the presets and other settings.) to force reacquisition/repair of these Launcher files. I also cleared the Steam Apps Common Redistributables folder to force reacquire (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Steamworks Shared\_CommonRedist). This seemed to also resolve a C++ lib problem in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Steamworks Shared\_CommonRedist\vcredist. Once I had cleared these files - I got Steam to revalidate the local file cache of Steamworks Common Redistributables - Steam then reacquired the above files.
Seems like there's multiple causes then, because the only way I got my launcher to successfully load presets and mods was by doing a factory reset and selecting the keep my files option. It worked, and I haven't had the issue since. My issue likely wasn't that the HTMLs were formatted wrong since everyone I knew could load the same HTMLs perfectly fine.
if you replace dev arma3_x64.exe with performance binary arma3_x64.exe, this happens on dev build
I had the same problem when trying to import a preset from an html file I was sent. I have found the error - the output html file is formatted incorrectly - I edited the html and file now imports!
Does this happen on dev?
Does this happen on dev version?