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BIS_fnc_liveFeed function is broken in the current version. (Close please!)
Feedback, NormalPublic


When trying to use BIS_fnc_liveFeed ( a error message appears and no live feed is being displayed. The error has been attached as a screenshot.

Tested on both the stable version of Arma 3 and the profiling one without mods.

Edit: I've also verified my game to make extra sure nothing broke on my side and I can still confirm the problem.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.22631 Build 22631
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create a trigger and put in the BIS_fnc_liveFeed function like this: [source, target, receiver, effect] call BIS_fnc_liveFeed as seen on the community wiki page.

My script uses the following: [d1, t1, player, 0] call BIS_fnc_liveFeed;

  1. Activate Trigger and see result.
Additional Information

Event Timeline

29j2003 created this task.Feb 10 2024, 12:10 AM
29j2003 updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 10 2024, 12:12 AM
29j2003 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
29j2003 updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 16 2024, 1:17 AM
This comment was removed by 29j2003.
29j2003 added a comment.EditedFeb 16 2024, 2:00 AM

Scratch that - I am very confused on what is happening right now?

I've tested it thrice, once on profiling and once on stable branch a few days ago (10th Feb.) and just about 20 minutes ago on the normal branch where I've still encountered the problem. (I've also verified my files before the third test)
I've now entered a scenario using liveFeed (from the workshop) which appears to have fixed the error message as well as the problem with displaying it.

I am unsure how it happened, why it did that and if that makes any sense at all. I guess this ticket can be closed and I am not sure if I should feel stupid or if Arma just has done an Arma on me?

Nah, probably due to race condition, when display is not ready but is assumed to be ready

This comment was removed by LouMontana.

Can be closed;
revisted the problem to see what I may have done wrong and found out the problem:

It is is me and my own stupidty; PIP was disabeld apperntly for when I've tested it before and I now know that disabeling it creates this error after fideling around with it. Makes sense tbf and hopefully haven't taken anyones time away with this!

29j2003 renamed this task from BIS_fnc_liveFeed function is broken in the current version. to BIS_fnc_liveFeed function is broken in the current version. (Close please!).May 13 2024, 3:43 PM

should be fixed in next data update

BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Jun 18 2024, 11:14 PM
BIS_fnc_KK changed the task status from New to Feedback.
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.