Olden but golden. I looked a litte bit into numbers and what the debug console gave me.
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Arma 3 Activity
Oct 20 2024
Does this mean the developers are using a new compiler or new compiler flags starting with v2.18?
Аfter update 2.18 the problem seems to be solved
In T185482#2686852, @Leopard20 wrote:It appears this is due to a POPCNT instruction
F3 0F B8 C0 = popcnt eax,eaxbased on some Googling, it looks like yeah Core2 Duo doesn't support it
Oct 19 2024
Revision: 152295
It appears this is due to a POPCNT instruction
F3 0F B8 C0 = popcnt eax,eax
Oct 18 2024
Could it be this problem?
Revision: 152294
Oct 17 2024
rev 152283
I found the revision when something changed that caused this, but this was back in May, you guys dont use dev at all?
Oct 16 2024
Hi, I keep getting: Cannot load texture mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\media\images\77th_jsoc.jpg.
This is not a bug, side of dead or unconcious player is CIV, use
Tested in 2.18 - still bugged
Spent some time on testing today and can confirm this issue happens even when I connect a single flight stick to the computer and using a brand-new profile.
Thank you! 🙏
Oct 15 2024
I will let you know after I try with the actual hut, I have the CDLC now
Attached RPT
Enemy was Looters/Criminals without NVG
When loading into Editor on vanilla you may get message saying missing mods 3DENEnhanced and a JSRS file.
Just force load it.
In T185327#2682977, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:I can dismantle a building with 0.6 armor hit point with MG but not rifle and it is the same for me on 2.16 and 2.18
Using "getUnitLoadout" returns different results if run client / serverside. Something is causing the inventory of the client to desync on reaload.
Enabling deactivation would also fix Effects->SFX as its supposed to "Sound effect played by trigger upon activation. Repeats as long as trigger is active". But since trigger never deactivates, SFX never stops.
This issue came back again. This issue had me frustrated for months because I was not able to outturn keyboard jet players in 1v1 dogfights.
Oct 14 2024
the damage starts happening with 12.7mm, but that is expected
I can dismantle a building with 0.6 armor hit point with MG but not rifle and it is the same for me on 2.16 and 2.18
works in internal, try profiling should be fixed there too
This issue might be related to
In T185298#2682855, @dedmen wrote:"saves crash"
What do you mean by crash? I don't see any crash report?
"saves crash"
What do you mean by crash? I don't see any crash report?
Is it reproducible in an empty mission (Say VR terrain) with some AI's placed down? they are also stuck in animation?
I'm seeing reports on Discord of players using dupe exploits in the prof branch with the mag fix. Can anyone confirm this?
Oct 13 2024
We really need this, I bought the game 10 years ago, and since the motion update(I think) I can't play anymore.
Hi, this is normal (unfortunately). Saves are usually not compatible between game versions.
However, you can give https://save.arma3.io/ a chance to convert your 2.16 save to 2.18 version - no guarantee it works, but there are good chances it does!
The issue is reportedly fixed on the profiling branch. For now use the profiling branch on both the server and clients until a hotfix is released.
See the #perf_prof_branch channel on Arma Platform Discord server for more info.
I can reproduce the issue on the Gruppe Adler dedicated server.
But I don't have the initially mentioned 100% failure rate.
Oct 12 2024
Last night was my community's first operation since the SPOTREP. Immediately I started receiving complaints about magazines going missing, so regularly that as noted above, I doubt video evidence is necessary. I can grab some clips from tonight's operation if necessary.
The bug also "works" with only one mag in inventory. See the single MP7 magazine in the uniform here.
Thanks for the fix. 🙂
In T142540#2681526, @donniepcgames wrote:This is not resolved as of version 2.18
Yes, since 2.18
I tried, and the result was successful. :)
By inverting modelHMDOff and uniformModel, of course.
The following code is correct:
-language startup parameter should work again with 2.18
new since 2.18?
Oct 11 2024
Arma 3 Server (App ID 233780) have no other language stringtable.xml as I know,
so if you want change language on server maybe you need to host server from Arma 3(App ID 107410)
Thanks, just tested out and it's fixed in 2.18
In T185228#2681425, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:In T185228#2681005, @TRAGER wrote:not sure it is
last line of comment noted it
Looks to be fixed in 2.18, unless OP means something different. HitPart now properly has missiles in it.
Oct 10 2024
Nice, cheers!
Mac update (as every time the game updates) is lagging behind, it takes a while for it to receive the last game update.
And you cannot play on servers that run a newer game version.
fix is on profiling branch tomorrow, serverside installation might be enough to fix it