Currently non repeatable triggers continue evaluation of condition expression past their "tripping" point. Fixing this could lead to performance improvements in certain cases.
Additionally OnDeactivate expression is never called.
Currently non repeatable triggers continue evaluation of condition expression past their "tripping" point. Fixing this could lead to performance improvements in certain cases.
Additionally OnDeactivate expression is never called.
Setup a trigger:
Activate trigger, notice "Condition" in chat output past "OnActivation"
Notice "OnDeactivation" never fires.
Suggested fix would be either disabling condition evaluation once trigger is fired, or deleting trigger once tripped (This could however break backwards compatibility).
Additionally enabling "OnDeactivation" for non repeatable triggers, by adding "Deactivate" (unchecked by default) checkbox next to repeatable.
This would prevent triggers that would never deactivate from evaluation condition indefinitely.
Something like this:
Enabling deactivation would also fix Effects->SFX as its supposed to "Sound effect played by trigger upon activation. Repeats as long as trigger is active". But since trigger never deactivates, SFX never stops.