Hello Jazzert.
Can you please provide logs from the occurrence? They should be located in %userprofile%\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\logs
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Dec 17 2024
Hello Vanitas.
Please send a screenshot of the error yo uare receiving.
Hello Jakerod.
In case you come across some information in regards to reproduction of this issue, please let us know so we can use the information to test the issue on our end.
Can confirm, I have seen this issue before.
Usually happens after a while after you put multiple razor wire barriers really close to eachother.
I went to the FrostLine Map at this coors X 0.83 Y 0.51 this is where the car parts is spawning. can we get this sorted.
Yeah, I completely agree!!! It's not the only game that is like that either...TDUSC is the same...it's exactly the same on pro as it is on the base console...as for this game, how the HELL does it run so poorly In quality mode? I've seen drops to 17fps at some points just in training In the quality mode, I dread to think what it's going to be like when I get into a match with a full 128 person lobby, and things get really hectic on screen. There is NO WAY they've actually implemented the pro enhanced patch...but as for performance mode, as I said, that screen tearing, I've never seen ANYTHING like it in my life...ever. I really hope they sort this out, because this game has no right to be called pro enhanced.
I'm not a fan of the changes proposed here, people can build bases along the water and store boats at their bases just like cars. I don't think they should despawn unless they're destroyed, same as cars. Maybe suggest a monthly vehicle wipe to the server owner instead.
nevermind, we figured it out
Still not fixed as of Arma Reforger
Happy to hear its resolved! Wanted to add, this caused by the 2 new tree ambient sounds added in 1.26: WindTreeLargeEvergreen_1 and WindTreeLargeEvergreen_2. If you listen to the files, you can hear the foley artist hitting branches together to create this rustling thoughout but there are particular spikes in volume and presence around 2/3rds through in each. The volume, rhythm and tone of these is very similar to that of running footsteps. Since these sounds are repeated by all large, bushy evergreen trees, they are heard all over and the rhythm repeats often. I personally was working on a mod to remaster those sound files when I thought to look up if it had been reported. Hopefully these kinds of things are a priority for the audio team, you're often alone in DayZ, so we're keenly alerted by player-like sounds.
Interesting suggestion but id personally prefer a human to be ultimately in charge of the faction. Create a voting system that allows a player to become leader of their faction. Have the vote on a timer so after every vote people can put their name forward and offer to lead the faction while the current leader is active, then every fifteen minutes or so a new vote can occur to either oust the current leader if they are making poor decisions or keep them. Give the leader the ability to give preset commands that show up in text on screen for everyone in a particular squad or the faction as a whole. That way if other players are out of radio range or cant communicate via radio they can still receive orders. Give the faction leader the ability to change the platoon channel and have it as something on other players screen (current platoon channel is: X). Attempting to change platoon channels when the enemy has your comms is very difficult at the moment as people are constantly leaving and entering the game, missing the text chats regarding it, etc. With this system people can choose to ignore orders and carry on playing how they want or they can follow orders but not have to interact with other faction members or have a working microphone to do it. With the new changes to spawning and the threat of mortars easy communication and coordination is going to be essential.
Proposal for Single-Channel Radio and Chain of Command Enforcement
Proposal for Revamped Radio Communication System
Yeah I'm on the ps pro and let me tell you (Ps pro enhanced ) tag Is a lie! It's not
Brought this at the weekend, I have a ps5 pro, and for whatever reason, it's barely hitting FPS in quality mode (which is ridiculous considering the ps5 pro power ..doesn't seem enhanced to me at all), and in "performance mode", again, it's struggling with FPS, and the screen tearing is THE ABSOLUTE WORSE I've ever seen in a game. Im truly shocked! I mean, ive seen screen tearing before, and alot of the time, I can handle it if it's just a bit, but this is so damn bad it's actually making me feel physically sick in the stomach to look at it...and that's not exaggeration either, it's really nauseating when turning around fast.
Related to https://feedback.bistudio.com/T187370 (provides further information)
This is related to: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T187307
Hud Info provides you basic info about the distance, which is quite useless if there is some vertical difference as well. If you want to compute with vertical interval you need the range table.
hi. you need to install DirectX(search for dxwebsetup) and then the Visual studio 2015-2022 x86 + x64 version
then report if its fixed or not
Looks like we need some similar pipeline like in this tool for another engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIKRWtNTjEY
This is not only a problem of the Sahal map. I forgot the last time I saw a boat on Chernarus. They are simply collected in one place, or driven along rivers deep into the map, once I saw a boat under a bridge. Hunting for cars makes sense, since they are multifunctional transport. Although meeting a car at a respawn point is more often an exception than a rule. But boats have a very limited use, it is simply a bonus to movement on water and that's all. It would be great if boats respawned after some fixed time, for example every hour, two, four, and so on.
The base game Marshall variant does not support those textures. We can't edit that model, so there is nothing we can do about this.
Having issues with no connection backend on Xbox any body have solution?
A user on reddit just posted the same bug.
I think you'll see day become night and vice versa many times over again. By the way you could host your own podcast - mystery wheels and murders on the same server )
Steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/wolfge1st/