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AP-5 keeps old gun after disarming and rearming on dedicated servers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On a dedicated server, when disarming and rearming the AP-5 with a different gun, both guns may remain on the drone and sometimes the old gun will get extra magazines. After disarming the AP-5, the gun will drop onto the ground and after rearming the AP-5 will have the new gun, but you can use both guns on the AP-5. Occasionally, the old gun will get extra magazines. This can be a big problem for balance because sometimes the drone will have up to five times its normal ammo. I have tested this on an official BI Extraction server.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Play a mission with AP-5s and guns on a dedicated server
  2. Change the gun on the AP-5
  3. Connect to it and see that you can switch between the new gun and the old gun

Event Timeline

POLPOX added a subscriber: POLPOX.Dec 18 2024, 9:35 AM

The issue is identified. Unfortunately the fix didn't make it into the last update - but hopefully next one

Lexx2k closed this task as Resolved.Jan 15 2025, 5:24 PM
Lexx2k claimed this task.
Lexx2k added a subscriber: Lexx2k.

Should be fixed now.