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[Experimental] US Mortar Rangetable changes Entries for D Elev with different Game Sessions
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Game Version number:
Modded?: No (Yes/No)

Issue Description:
The range table for us mortar sometimes shows wrong numbers for the M821 HE shells (only 4 rings) for the D Elev column. Didn't find any issues with other data (shells or rings).

shows the wrong table,
shows the correct from 2 different game sessions.

When doing tests i realized, that my shots where way off when doing shots with high elevation difference (with HE Shells). Working through my excel and comparing the ballistic data with the ingame table i realized, that the entries in my excel where way off (like +20 to 30 MIL/100m). First i thought where the hack i got those numbers (and questioned my sanity) from and changed the numbers, which lead to way better hit results.

Today morning i was testing again, doing some random shots and working on my calculation excel for other shells, when i realized that the data for the HE Shells with 4 Rings were way off compared to the (right) data in my excel, so i made a screenshot and saved the table, i turned off the game and my pc and got some breakfast. Now i just started the game again and found, that the numbers have changed again (see the pictures above).

i haven't tried to find ways to reporduce this, if i find out i let you know



Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Haven't found any way to reproduce it,

-tried taking new range tables
-tried restarting game sessions
-tried restarting the game

Event Timeline

Cthulhu.616 renamed this task from US Mortar Rangetable changes Entries for D Elev with different Game Sesseions to US Mortar Rangetable changes Entries for D Elev with different Game Sessions.Dec 15 2024, 10:34 AM
Cthulhu.616 renamed this task from US Mortar Rangetable changes Entries for D Elev with different Game Sessions to [Experimental] US Mortar Rangetable changes Entries for D Elev with different Game Sessions.Dec 16 2024, 8:29 AM
Cthulhu.616 updated the task description. (Show Details)

Related to (provides further information)

I am also seeing this. Great find!