Game Version number: (Experimental Branch)
Modded?: No
Issue Description:
Currently, there is an issue where the Ballistic Table may provide incorrect data for the change of elevation (mil) for every 100m of barometric altitude change.
Going by the formula in game, where any altitude difference (m) is halved and added to the radius/ground distance (m), and the resulting elevation (mil) is rounded down to the greatest integer, it is quite easy to reproduce the values within the column as shown in the correct Ballistic Table.
However, there is currently a bug where the table provides erroneous values, which are seemingly random, and cause a large margin of error in the resulting shots if the wrong value is used in calculations. A solution to this is to calculate the whole thing manually (as shown in the formula above), but this defeats the purpose of having on hand the ∆ɸ value to adjust for ∆z.
Below is an example of the correct list of values (4th column).
Below is an incorrect example. (I could not replicate on a US mortar firing table, but I was (un)lucky enough to have it occur for a Soviet firing table.