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(Feature Request) Ability to individually comand AI
Feedback, NormalPublic


Im well aware that the AI is a work in progress and still needs alot of optimisation, however I think the addition at some point of the ability to command individual AI troops to carry out a task as opposed to commanding the whole squad would simplify the situation immensely. Most issues I have found with AI are caused by the AI getting confused by new orders and most new orders I have to give are the result of a single AI doing something completely different to the rest of the squad. For example if I am ordering the AI to get into a vehicle often times one of the AI will either not respond or start running in a completely different direction, I am then forced to order the whole squad to halt which can cause issues to other AI who are trying to get into the vehicle becoming confused and not responding to future orders, this can easily cascade into having very few AI actually following orders while the rest act weirdly. This is the major advantage I can see of being able to individually select orders for particular AI given how they are currently coded, however moving forward the ability to give specific orders to specific AI could open up alot of new gameplay options. Imagine a scenario in which you want to have two AI soldiers manning a machinegun nest while the rest join you in an attack elsewhere on the map, or a single AI providing mortar fire whilst you and three other AI soldiers push an enemy base, or ordering an AI to hold an angle to cover you while you push a position from the front and the two other AI flank the position from either side. The opportunities for new and interesting gameplay could be massively increased by allowing more complex tactics to be utilised. AI convoys are made manageable and viable when you dont need to stop the entire convoy each time on AI gets confused making logistics gameplay much more viable for the average player. Fighting retreats, real battle tactics, creeping mortar barrages and so much more becomes possible with a change like this and managing the AI finally becomes somewhat understandable from a player perspective when at least we know which individual AI is struggling to carry out the orders and possibly why as opposed to guessing why the squad is saying theyll follow the order youve given while half of them stand around making no attempt to move at all.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 17 2024, 8:20 PM