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Experimental. Mortars, ranks and AIs
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded: No

Human player needs to be Captain to use explosive rounds.
Human player can recruit and command AIs as Private.
AIs can shoot explosive rounds with mortars.
So a human player in the rank of Private can shoot explosive mortar rounds.
This leads to mortar barrages and destroying everything within 2900 m radius.
Commanding AIs to use mortars with explosive rounds should be available only for Majors.
Commanding AIs to use other mortar rounds should be the same rank-wise as with human players when they use those rounds.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
24H2, 10.0.26100 compilation 26100.2605
Steps To Reproduce

As Private recruit an AI, tell him to fire mortar.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 17 2024, 8:37 PM

Commanding AIs to use mortars with explosive rounds should be available only for Majors.
Commanding AIs to use other mortar rounds should be the same rank-wise as with human players when they use those rounds.

Or just add new AI mortar team who only knows how to use mortars
And abitity to spawn them from Captain or higher

PR9INICHEK added a comment.EditedJan 8 2025, 2:47 PM

Human player can recruit and command AIs as Private.


Or just add new AI mortar team who only knows how to use mortars
And abitity to spawn them from Captain or higher

That's very good idea.

Commanding AIs to use mortars with explosive rounds should be available only for Majors.
Commanding AIs to use other mortar rounds should be the same rank-wise as with human players when they use those rounds.

Or just add new AI mortar team who only knows how to use mortars
And abitity to spawn them from Captain or higher

I'd prefer this

It seems that all the problems from this ticket have already been fixed and it can be closed.