ty for intel Dark.
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May 10 2016
i think we had the same report a few days/weeks ago... the problem was a old version of CBA MOD.
@DarkDruid... can you maybe give us some news to the animal/agent movement bug ? ty
this is a big problem in sniper mission with 500+ range. Sometimes the enemys complete disappears in the terrain.
acknowledged... is the same like close... so sad
But it sucks if you whant to make a prison and the ai walking around and open all locked doors !
Have you any MODs running ? i had the same problem while using MCC MOD.
Update: Finaly setPosATL [x,x,x] (FIXED COORDINATES) on each client will fix this problem. If you use: setPosATL getPosATL _unit the position of the given unit seems not to be 100% the same on each client so the model get stretched.
i think the problem is, that the dead body is not local to the host because the issue only apears on the clients not on the Host Player. If i have time i will reproduce it.
if you have time, create a unit per script on the client side, so the unit is local to the client and not to the host/server player. then call the setPosATL command from the host/server side. Now check if the model still ok in the client/ second player.
CALL SetPosATL on each client seems to fix the bug.
i think, giving an dead unit the same ID on each Client will fix the problem. Currently dead units get random ids on each client. ID# NR MODEL.P3D REMOTE
If your looking into this one, pls check this also:
broken since Marksmen Release. TY
I only know, that animals and agents currently not able to move/anim but they are visible in SP and COOP. Zeus not tested.
no.. its duplicated:
Hmm so why its not working if i host a game ?
BIS_fnc_MP will only make the Arg to publicVar ?
1: Save attached mission as MP_mission
2: Host the mission Local or Dedicated
3: Let 1 or 2 Players join the mission
4: Walk to the marker
5: you will get a hint message with an included picture.
6: the image will only shown on the host/server machine.
Host the uploaded mission... now let 2 players join. Let one of them move to the building (make sure the player who trigger is not the Server)
@Stpuccio89 - Server does not use any GPU...
Will only boost the Draw Calls... and complete uninteresting for Servers. So you will still not get more FPS on MP Servers until the NetCode is like it is.
I dont think this will fix the CPU Load !
Will try this after work. thanks
And pls check the memory handling on Windows 10... Arma is not running verry good on the new OS. I always get Memory warnings but still 4 GB free
Will be nice
Disable all MODs an try again.
wrong place... write to the BattleEye support.
nice written ;-) but pls... let the shitstorm stay on skyrim.
What you can try at the weekend: Lets check your files by Steam.
GoTo Steam -> Right Click - ARMA 3 -> Settings -> Local Files -> Check files for Errors
wait until its finish.
pack those files into ZIP or RAR and upload it to any free FileHoster:
or any other...
Upload your CrashDump files...
C:\Users\DalePicks\AppData\Local\Arma 3\arma3_2015-04-25_14-51-32.mdmp
use export button ?
Ok, i think i got it.
Seems to be a problem with: disableAI "FSM" and enableAI "FSM"
i uploaded a test-mission for you.
how to:
1: Editor -> Load -> Play
2: after spawning let the AI Move to the MARKER
3: Wait until both AI-Units are DOWN.
4: Eliminate the three OPFOR Units (you are in GodMode)
5: Open Debug Console
6: Enter: p2 setVariable ["r3_unitIsDown", 0];
7: Enter: p3 setVariable ["r3_unitIsDown", 0];
Now you can see the units will do nothing. If not, reload and try a second time.
8: Open initPlayerLocal.sqf
9: remove: disableAI "FSM" and enableAI "FSM"
10: try again.
With the FSM command the AI Stucked 4 of 5 trys
Without the FSM command the AI got not stucked 3 trys
Post updated.
i still got stucked AI units... im trying to reproduce this night.
Yeah.. i need to remove my Medic from the group, otherwise he will not moving in firefight. After revive i let him join back my group and used the dofollow command.
Its also bad that: if you rejoin the unit to the group, he will not get the Behaviour and CombatMode from the group. So you need to set it by yourself.
Hey oukej, i tryed to reproduce this and found the issue in my revive script where i called: _unit doFollow (leader _group); It seems that the unit will now get a new formLeader. I removed this line now.
Same here:
i will try. But i am using the system marloc since 4 Month.
Confirming with M (Map) and V, working with W,A,S,D in current DEV Version
it's not always.. i will upload video if i get it next time.
Same happend if deploy the weapon downhill and press the move key (W), seems the VectorDirAndUp get lost.
already reported:
Any news ? 1.50 RC i cant see anything
read the above comments...
good to hear
Hmm Guys.. Goats and Chickens working now.. but my Dogs still only turning around and not moving :-(
You fixed the Rabbit-bug.. gj ! But Dogs and Goats still not moving !
any news here Adam ? ty
Still no fix in the DEV-Version since over a week... every day i check the DEV-Changelog and wondering your priority... There are a lot of bugs listen in this tracker wich needs to be fixed soon as possible, or are all devs in holidays ?
Some news here ? Need the Agents to finish my new mission. ty
maybe you need to wait until the client is ready ?
a lot of Mods out they do this for you. So BIS can fix huge problems first.
You can sprint mutch longer with binocs in hand ! Take a look on the MP Servers.. 80% of the players running with binocs... because they can run 2 - 3 times longer.
same like: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23692
Im currently running with ( 350.12 )
"H:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -nosplash -skipintro -noPause -CpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -nobenchmark -maxMem=6144 -maxvram=4096 -world=empty -nologs
Arma Settings:
All running fine (vanilla without MODs)... give it a try ?
Have you already done some GPU benchmarks ?
Guess no insights from BI yet on this.... because there is no problem with the NVIDIA Drivers.
You need to look outside the box... 3 - 4 guys report crash with NVIDIA Drivers and GTX 970 but there are 200+ players they dont have any issue with this card or drivers, so my conclusion is that the problem is somewhere else... maybe bad system/drivers, bad DX files, other background procresses (AV), bad mainboard - GPU communication, instable powersupply and and and...
it will be more interesting to get all spesifications of your system not only the report that the driver crashs. Maybe all you guys have the same card from the same manufacturer. Also... does this also happend on a complete fresh system with all current drivers. Dont be pissed off ;-) Give some more informations.. maybe we find the problem.
ím running with 350.12 and Win7 64 Bit. I dont have any issues. Wich Windows did you running at ? CPU ? RAM ? OVERCLOCKED ?
maybe its only a problem on your system... check this first... 99% of GTX 970er users dont have any problems with the drivers.
So you think its a problem in PhysX ?
No problems with 970 since 5 month ! (Autoupdate driver)
it will be mutch better we can set the behaviour to each unit and not only to the whole group. So if you need a unit to move in firefight set the behaviour from this unit to CARELESS.
Maybe we can change the doMove command so the unit always moving in CARELESS mode ?
pls assign it. Ty
Why you need a Video ? Place enemy static AA in editor and blow it up with detonation.... hard to reproduce ?
Problem still apears with static AA Launchers. The unit is still attached to it while hes dead. Its funny to blow them up.. so the AA flying in the sky while the unit is still attached.
Whats wrong with Virtual Arsenal ? I can add "Binocular" without problems
DownVote... use nearSupplies
Still not working on DEDICATED ! (Global command wich not work on Server)
1 Year and still not fixed ?
This will be nice
let a AI chopper fly over Stratis and set flyinHeight to 300... now enjoy the rollercoaster.
whats the problem to set the heighest ground value into a variable and if flyinHeight > this VARIABLE use constant height over Sea.
Alternative command... who cares, we need anyway to do this. Let it call flyInHeightASL and flyInHeightATL
+1 !! FlyHeight based on terrain is stupid.
The AI can still see truh bushes and reed !
We need a functional Sound function !! Not only PlaySound3D whant work, also the Distance from "SAY" is broken !
2 Years.. still not working
pls look into this.
I disabled "Stream Friendly UI" but my Chatbox disaperas sometimes :-(