If you start a few minutes long sample on server it will not play for JIP player not from the beginning not from the middle, not at all. It will start playing for everyone currently on the server but if you log out and log back in it will no9t resume.
- Legacy ID
- 3061167914
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Engine
Steps To Reproduce
put this in init.sqf, start dedicated server and join
if (isDedicated) then {
"start" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_obj = "Land_Loudspeakers_F" createVehicle (_this select 1); playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\ambient\winds\wind-synth-fast.wss", _obj];
} else {
if (isNil "start") then {
- spawn {
sleep 4; hint "creating speakers and starting server sound of wind from them"; start = position player; publicVariable "start"; sleep 2; hint "go to lobby and back now!"; };
it will create quite long sound on the server. when you drop to lobby and back no sound will be heard while it is still supposed to be playing on server.
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
related to server side of playSound3d being broken http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17678