And may be in Iron Front they realise this, i don't know, if yes - for dev's it will be freebie.
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May 10 2016
Do admins ignore this issue?
SilverDude, try this feature in dev version, and you will understand me, use keybord not joystick
papy, "small dev team?" are you live in some other universe? not so small now! why do you say this, papy, you don't want fix this bugs?
Moderators, were are you???
voted up
HDR standart = this bugs, HDR minimum + view distant more than 3000 = less (no) bugs,
voted up!
GTX770 same problem
I can't use sniper rifle now. Revert back to how it was befor 1.24 update!!!!
(Win8.1 x64) I install x86 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4
and yes! it works!
win8.1 x64 uacoff run launcher as admin - same problem, crash on click "play" and steam is offline
1.24 still not centered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
problem is resolved in 1.32 stable
duplicate of
1.31 still the same
Set HDR to low - better but not the best
It's not resolved
Хорошо хоть вообще что-то делают
Чувак, прежде чем предлагать назвать это снарядом, почитай как называются боеприпасы для РПГ, для пушек, а потом предлагай! Твоих школьных представлений об этом не достаточно.
Downvoted, "Снаряд" is wrong name for RPG ammo!!! "Снаряд", is the name for the flight part of cannon ammo only! Full name for cannon ammo is "выстрел". Military term is always was the "выстрел", only girls and childrens name it "снаряд".
Voted up+
it's not true, i am disagree with you
it's still operation flashpoint come, childhood disease
As for me, z-fighting is the most disgusting bug in Arma and Flash series, if dev's will not change this issue and LOD's problem, i will play GTA 5 (without this bugs), not ARMA, i am tired
Change category from Visual-Environment to Engine.
Great idea! Voted up!
Interesting idea! Voted up! But better just postpone the explosion longer
Edward, make separately, and you win
Postman2112 support you! GTA forever
You're right. It did not help. )))
Iratus, i like this (being able to set the tripwire for the tripwire mines) too, but feature for hand granades not cancel this for tripwire mines, it will take more time then mines and this will need to get wire, and guerillas are not as well armed as the regular army. The dev's can do this only for the guerrillas for example
Yes, I agree with you, shotgunsheamus
Let the developers decide what bugs they fix first! Do not debate! ))
//alpha is about stability...
-I do not think so, thats my understanding:
- alpha - many bugs
- beta - less bugs in engine but still more in missions and compain
- relise - little bugs
but in real life will be with BI:
- alpha - stratis and small amount technics - many bugs
- beta - .....- more bugs
- relise - all staff - much more bugs
At which point they will be polished?
They must delete all bugs on every point
"Urgent" priority for this? You serious?
It's "urgent" for me, because very simple, and gets lot of fun.
late into beta will render this urgent
-I do not think so,in beta other issue will be urgent .
Not need trees breaking in my Issue.
Our business is to offer up to you to think.
When the trees are harder to swing person movement will be less noticeable.
Wait, so much work they have to do.
No words! Tears rolled looking at this
simply just create a new transition effect for switching LOD's to be much more unnoticable and it will be an improvement. -golden words
I propose to make this feature is turned on-off in the settings. And let's stop arguing.
Great idea! Voted up!
Look at the GTA's decision.
What i mean? It's not for you it's for developers
Avi а ты уверен в том что говоришь?
Keep both hands!
May 9 2016
prasek i change the priroity from high to none, go vote again!
Голосую за, хоть ты и мудак
It just is the general mechanics.
It is a minor issue? A you seriously? Attacking buildings is minor issue?
Huge affort to fix? And then what to fix? Sounds and missions?
No need to do the calculations for a collision with the walls of smoke inside the building, it is necessary to gradually fill the room with smoke, and the smoke from the windows, above the smoke out of the room did not go through walls, and this smoke inside the house shall be operated otherwise than in open space. Smoke outside too shall not penetrate into buildings, it must cut
-"I recall reading an interview in which BIS said they were aware of this problem, but that it would be too costly in terms of computing power to calculate all the extra collisions for smoke and lights within towns."
It's all nonsense, excuses.
ShotgunSheamuS! You and I think alike. 1 to 1.
Make at least no wind in the rooms, for inside smoke.
What good? Reviewed - it's nothing
Must have!Greate idea!