The ability to be able to customize face with more modular options, instead of choosing an already predefined layout, give us options of hairstyles (short, long, styled, shaved), and facial hair (beards, moustaches, goaty etc), facepaint, scars, moles, red cheeks, and other small details.
I am not asking to go and make all of those for final release, but to make the foundation within arma to do that, and BIS can make a small amount of basics true to military standards, but with that ability the community can just make all extra details and styles to better customize our playable avatars to better resemble ourselves, or an alternate version of themselves.
This should be available via a customization window in player setup, and should be easy for anyone to customize their own, close to real faces without having much texturing skills. make custom faces more personalized without having to download an entire face package. Personally, I would like a lot of options to be native in the final version so that everyone has access to it without having to download a mod and keep it up to date, but again, the ability for the community to create and share these will be awesome.
Also, this should probably be much more effiecent way to do custom faces instead of having to download an entire face package for every player that has a custom face, since it is all natively in the game, and also can be reused among different players.
I only request this as an option for diversity in looks so that everyone can feel like, "hey, I am in ArmA, and I can play with myself" (meant in the best of intentions ofcourse)
I am sure this shouldn't be too much of a big deal, I assume. But of course, low priority, so at your own leisure. {F18672}