Is the headset surround sound?
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May 10 2016
Maybe this is intended?
What is it? A difficulty option?
What's extended armor?
Fast roping is a confirmed feature.
Breaching charges are covered by #0003914.
Thank you for reporting this. I noticed it about a month ago, but I was too lazy to report it. :D
"fly heli slowly into leaves of a tree"
I actually did that yesterday with the Ghosthawk (camo) and it just stood there for 2 or 3 minutes then it fell out of the tree and exploded.
You can't just come here and say "I want AKs, I want AKs!". Well, actually, you can, but you'll probably get a lot of downvotes. There are a lot of AK mods, check Armaholic.
Are you sure "/" is to open the chat by default? I have it default and it's "-" for me.
How did you get MBTs!?
Wait, are these the default uniforms?
To everyone who doesn't understand: there will be a campaign and everybody who has the game will get it. It will just be released some time after the game's release.
Well, it's not gonna happen. They already said it will not be available on release.
Related to #0009875.
No, they're AT.
Has this been fixed yet?
Quite nice? That isn't really quite nice. But, anyway, I get that kind of weather when I set overcast to 50-60.
Guys, they're not insect looking anymore.
Oh, so you want 'Muricans for BLUFOR, again?
Well, at least they don't look like flies anymore.
BIS is not responsible for this "lock" script. It is up to the mission/script maker.
I thought it was real money.
LOL With 9000 he could buy 4 copies of VBS2 and still have a 1000$ left.
How is it lacking jets? How many jets do you want? There was an X-35 shown on the screenshots and I think there was another jet, but I can't find it.
Unfortunately, no X-35, just an L-159.
Could CRVs be used for this?
This could be a body removal script. Does the mission you're talking about have one?
I don't know, upvoted.
Isn't it supposed to be like that to aim?
Duplicate of #0010808.
Upvoted, except for the map. You can't just run around and kill people while looking at a map.
If it's a different engine, downvoted.
This is a military simulator, not a police simulator.
Here, have a (hopefully) temporary solution:
Duplicate of #0000432.
A sight for handguns? I've been planning to make a feature request for that for the last two months. :D
The second most upvoted ticket here and you didn't notice it.
Duplicate of #0000716.
Oh, okay, then it's a duplicate of #0007940.
Duplicate of #0002835. Please search before posting. I recommend Google.
The changelog said they fixed the icons. Check and close if it's resolved.
This is because of the new (WIP) icons for the objects. No more boxes with question marks, yay!
Nope, not not happenin'.
The heli should not explode when hit by a single missile, unless said missile hits a certain spot (e.g. the fuel tank). I believe it should explode when hit by two missiles at any spot.
How many missiles did you fire and what were you expecting?
With the effects or with new map textures?
I don't really see the point in retexturing the maps. I don't understand why some people love the maps so much. :P
Why would they do that?
What a heart warming story. Anyway, the thing I'm interested in the most is the destruction system. There was a screenshot of it. Was it too performance costly?
Oh, BI, please tell me, where is the destruction system?
Well, I'm too lazy to search for more and I haven't found anything in the first 5 pages of Google search. :D Thanks for that thread, anyway.
"That was actually planned, in which ArmA 1, VBS 2, ArmA 2, OA, and some elements from ArmA 3 would mix together for a mega game, the dream was too expensive and hard, so they ended up dividing the game into different releases."
Any info on that? Articles or something? don't want any attachments to be compatible with the guns? Okay.
Also, I think it wouldn't be fair to people who bought Arma 2 and Arma 3. If someone buys only Arma 3, they get all of the Arma 2 content, is that fair?
Don't get me wrong, I don't have neither Arma 2 nor OA, I'm new to the Arma series, but I really don't think it's fair.
NodUnit is probably right. I think I'm gonna downvote this one.
Wouldn't this mean making pretty much new weapons?
Do you want retextured maps, weapons, vehicles etc. or the same ones that were in Arma 2?
This is the mission maker's fault. He has to make a new version of his mission.
Duplicate of #0008785. Please search before posting.
Reviving is a 3rd party script. BIS is not responsible for it.
Firstly, it's duplicate, not dublicate.
Secondly, this ticket is way older than the one you linked to. The newer ticket is usually the duplicate (unless it has a lot more votes, it's assigned or something else).
Moderator, please close this issue as a duplicate of issue #0012154.
Is the quick weapons swap option present in vanilla Arma 3?
This has been resolved.
Duplicate of #0007337. Please search before posting. I recommend Google.
Duplicate of #0008798.
Duplicate of #0003531.
I like how your name is landmines and you're requesting air mines.
Isn't fastroping a confirmed feature?
The script for respawning people is really easy to make. The script for respawning vehicles is a pain in the ass.
The Kajman doesn't have flight controls. Duplicate of #0009821.
And Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian.
But we want new maps with new textures and new stuff.
Yeah, feature request for a DLC with all of the OFP maps! Yay!
Do you want brand new retextured maps? If not, you can import the maps from OFP using the All in Arma mod.
/upvoted because I LOVE Everon and I'd like to see a new version of it
I'd pay for Everon.
Nope, I don't get it.
Oh, now I get it. The OP is confused why there isn't an empty category in the editor.
Well, little guy, you first have to place a "player" unit.
This ticket can be closed.
What the fu*k is that picture about!?
I don't think it's worth the time. Arma is a military simulator, not a police simulator.
Uh...why? Does the military use it?
Isn't the use of gas for military purposes banned?
APERS mines banned?
Did not know that.
Wrong ticket?
It didn't have fully functioning collision models, i.e. you couldn't throw a grenade inside of it.
Opening and closing doors will be returned after release because BIS is too lazy now.
Just kidding, they said they couldn't implement it now because it would take a lot of time or something.
You should remove the part about doors from the ticket.
I believe these are already in the game. There was a mod during the alpha that made them available.
I saw in the latest live stream there were two versions of the jet, CAS and AA. This probably means select-able loadouts won't be implemented.
And the 24 guided air-to-ground missiles are nothing?
Okay, so you want customisable weapons for helicopters?
What the F are you talking about?
So, it works with PiP enabled, right? If so, this can be closed as a no-bug.
I have 3 questions:
1.Is PiP enabled in the options?
2.When did they add Dragunov sniper rifles?
3.Dragunovs have monitors!?
I really like all the effort you put into writing the ticket. All of this has already been requested.
OK, so, when someone makes a mod with units and gives them goggles the goggles override the ones selected in the profile, right?
I think it should be the way it is now.
Working as intended.
Are you using a surround sound headset?
I also have it on medium. Is is different for larger interface sizes?
"advanced skilled human being with a gun and grenades"
I LOLed.
Duplicate of #0003909.