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May 9 2016

ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

Shit, i hope that makes sense lol... I could better explain it with pictures though to show it instead.

May 9 2016, 11:32 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

Well the simple solution to that i would imagine, and would solve the rendering of unnecessary grass, is to apply this grass technique to the player model itself. That way its only rendered around the character, and not in the terrain. So if this as effect is for example a square wall like object around the models feet parallel to the ground terrain, then no matter the players position, it will remain parallel to the ground. This wall like effect will do what is required, but only applicable to this invisible wall. Since this is only around the player, the top could still be open.

Also if this wall like object could obstruct view for AI then it could also help with remaining hidden, even at fairly close, unless the AI stands up close to see you from above and not on the side.

May 9 2016, 11:32 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

I gotta admit, playing now I've noticed the same, i understand why, and what it compensates for, but players end up too deep that they actually completely disappear, and even if you know where, it seems that the ground obstructs your rounds, cuz i can't kill the AI in the ground, so technically, it is a bug yeah, and partially an exploit too.

I really do hope the team does d fix this, mainly because most combat happens at long range and so this actually becomes an integral part of combat... That and the mid range textures, need to improve that too.

May 9 2016, 11:32 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

i voted up for both this, this is just to say that this issue has much needed attention.

I figure a much more efficient way to do this would simply be to simplify.

Character models seem to be too detailed in both complexity and texture at long range, and the terrain texture at long range really just are poor, see ticket 0003505, hopefully they work on that too.

But anyway, the contrast between model detail and texture compared to the terrain makes the model stand out like a sore thumb, so what devs need to do is to simplify the player model with less LOD complexity, as well as drop the texture resolution of model to that of the terrain, an you will find that the player model will easily blend in with the terrain. so much simpler and not so resource hungry.

also as a side note, when scoping in on said character (sniping or binocs) grass should be able to be rendered perhaps, since the FOV decreases when zooming in, less grass should be visually generated, which too will not eat so much resources. I have seen this being used alot before, one example was ye ol farcry (the first original one) if you looked into the distance, you would have flat textures, but if you used binocs to zoom in, grass would be generated, this worked fairly nice without any overhead on performance and could work in ArmA3 just as nice.

May 9 2016, 11:32 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61833: Implement a Report Function in multiplayer.

agreed, controlling the system will be just as much needed, since you will get those idiots that will try and get back at you.

I would say a voting system, majority rules. If there are 40 players in a game, then only 1/3 (13) people need to vote to get player kicked. Of course, if that many people dont want you to play, then why would you want to play with them.

I think this could just be as an autopilot feature for when admins arent around, when admins are present, then the voting can still happen, but will be up to the admin to kick or not to kick.

May 9 2016, 11:25 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61833: Implement a Report Function in multiplayer.

this is a much needed feature, anything to stop or aid in banning hackers really will be much appreciated. It pisses me off how hackers just come in and mess up a good time.

is there anything being done to prevent people from hacking anyways?

May 9 2016, 11:25 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61802: Add ability to climb onto/over objects.

Just get me over an obstacle quicker than step over, or climb up waist high object then I am happy

May 9 2016, 11:23 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61802: Add ability to climb onto/over objects.

Yes modders will most probably do most of these requests, but still, the lack of these things featuring in ARMA makes ARMA feel very incomplete, and also secondly, if something is natively integrated, it is beter, modders can then just work on improving it.

May 9 2016, 11:22 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61802: Add ability to climb onto/over objects.

+1 for TPenn for that comment. This basically mimics the current movement system, so yes thats awesome. Also allows access to cancel animation on the fly without leaving you at an disadvantage when suddenly out of nowehere bullets start coming your way lol.

May 9 2016, 11:22 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61802: Add ability to climb onto/over objects.

Sniped, look at above post, i linked a vid that sites this is done already

May 9 2016, 11:22 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61802: Add ability to climb onto/over objects.

watch this video, someone already made a mod for it, and it looks effin sweet! This is exactly what we need!

Somebody add this into the description maybe?

Also side note. 0;48 to 0:50... BIS really need to fix that awkardness.

May 9 2016, 11:22 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61713: Character clips through the car roof.

I actually came across this issue yesterday on latest dev build

May 9 2016, 11:18 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61683: Resolution switching from 1080p to 1080i resulting in whashed out texts and graphics.

I have a similar issue, but not exactly as you achieved it. when I force refresh rate on TV/graphic card or even in ARMA config file to 30hz, the colour and image looks like crap. Basically 1080i.

When I run the game in 1080p then it all looks great but I am capped at 30frames. But it is a very choppy 30frames. If i drop the resolution, then I get smooth frames up to 60, even if it drops to 30, its still smooth and not choppy at all.

What I dont get though is, I dont mind the 30 frames, because 30 frames on xbox is pretty smooth, but also if I run other games that allow to set resolution scaled with refresh rate for exampl 1920x1080@30hz or 1920x1080@60hz, then the 30frames is smooth, and image is still great.

My problem really is that I would like to force arma to run 30 frames at any resolution, because the game seems to vary in frames drops quite frequently, and dropping from as high as mid 50's to 30-31-35fps is very noticable and annoying, however the ability to force the game to run at 30fps, I imagine will be 90% effective to cure the lag of heavy frame drop, unless it drops below 25 of course.

Also I dont get why if I run ARMA at full 1080p it is capped at 30hz, a horrifically choppy 30fps, but any other game will run 1080p at 60hz.

And if not too much to ask, will it be possible to allow us to choose our resolutions alligned with refreshrate? For example being able to choose between 1920x1080@30hz or 1920x1080@60hz, or should I make a seperate ticket for this?

TV is Samsung 32" 5series(forgot the model)
Nvidia GTX660 (non-Ti)

May 9 2016, 11:17 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Great, thank you punk. So now everyone must just test it. Be nice to share a mission with this setup, and then i thinkwe can see what the outcome is, maybe its just lack of proper documentation in how to make it work.

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Lol been there more than once... Just ctrl+a and copy before submitting, its become a habit for me.

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Punk, how about uploading a mission to test, or describe how you set it up to work, in detail so that others can try and test to confirm your claim?

May 9 2016, 11:14 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61600: Horrible convoy driving of AI vehicles.

Think one of the common issues with AI in vehicles are the limitations, whatever applies to us, applies to them, since they dont have the full control over the vehicle it can be expected that they will speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down, and also this can most likely also be the cause of crashing. I see the same behaviour with human players. More control of vehicles could lead to smoother trips, so this ticket could help solve the problem.

As for the waypoints, well that will need work. I played some of that command carrier and I have to say the AI seemed to follow waypoints alot better there... They should look into that and perhaps rip that code? They can do that right???

But otherwise yeah, the devs need to work on the AI... I still say after ArmA3 has been released and settles down, they should start from scratch and rebuild everything from the ground up. New Virtual reality engine, not just extensions.

May 9 2016, 11:13 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61530: Be able to let go of your primary with your hands and pull out your secondary handgun in combat quickly..

great idea, i think it can go further than just for fast switching, it could allow to temporarily switch out primary weapons without having to drop your current weapon and magazines, and then switch back again after use.

a simple example would be sneaking up on a sniper, take him out, and only be able to pickup the enemies rifle with current magazine, thus temporary use. Once you switch to either primary rifle or sidearm, you will drop the weapon on the ground.

Think other situations where a specific weapon could be very useful at a particular moment, and without the need of using the inventory, you can just quickly pickup an enemies primary, be it a rifle for sniping, support gunner, RPG, etc.

This way you do not need to go into an inventory to manage your gear in critical moments where the inventory could just be what gets you killed.

May 9 2016, 11:10 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

"Don't need a DLC to integrate gore mode, like i have said, options to disabled it, like we can for the blood will be way enough i think."

See that is a problem for sales in countries that dont approve of gore. Take the GTA hot coffee mod for example. That was a huge issue since the game wasnt labeled to have interactive sexual content, yet everything was there hidden in the data, and all it took was for a modder to make it available in game.

Before this whole issue, your statement would be no problem, just disable it, but since that hot coffee mod crisis, if the content is distributed, even though it is not usable in game or disabled or whatever the case may be, the fact is the content is there and should be rated acordingly.

Soooo they will have to make two seperate versions, and I also dont see a problem with that, but I imagine it has complications somewhere. So as a DLC it would be perfect because they dont have to release that DLC to those countries, yet those countries will still have ARMA at least, so more sales =)

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

DLC is a way to go with this for sure. I will agree on that. But I think they need to see how popular it will be before going for it. Especially the gore factor could work as a DLC with a nice expansion covering something very controversial and horrific lol like vietnam.

Also the theory of more realistic equals less bugs and self balances, yes balancing it does kinda help with that, but for the bugs it is actually the opposite. Software development doesnt work like reality. Everything needs to be fabricated, and with that, there will be issues, and those issues will need to be tested and tested and tested until it is acceptable for production (public release) and even then it may still have issues, and as far as ARMA goes, nothing is ever really perfect, since OFP until today, there are still issues that have been haunting for years and still isnt resolved.

it is a shame if they dont release the code, with the kind of modding community they have, some modders could most likely fix alot of the issues that they dont get around to, for example better mid range textures and also better alternatives to the sinking effect, probably work on that popping effect to create a better smoother transition etc, and we could have better mods =) Can you imagine that?

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

I know, i would love for so many things to be implemented natively rather than have a mod for it because of limitations like this. In fact maybe BI could release source code for registered modders then we can see mods better implemented?

But comes down to the point that they already have so much to do and release is around the corner. so there are things that must be I'm the game, and some not. Gore and complexity is optional, not a must, so i doubt it will get done unless they have the time for it, or it was part of the development.

Its not that anyone is against per say, some might, but yeah whether you like it or not, not everyone is hard core like you want to be, some really do play for fun. I like semi realism, not hardcore for example, unfortunately battlefield doesn't offer semi realism anymore, because they capitalizing on the CoD community, and regardless of all the team work elements, it still comes down to kill death ratio, and so while CoD players migrate to bf, some bf players are migrating to ARMA, which isn't a bad thing, more sales for BI and that will benefit ARMA community, maybe not just yet, but it will in future.

So, hope that perspective helps. I think though releasing source code to public, or at least registered modding groups, could really help with better mods natively, and maybe fix other issues that the devs don't want/can't focus on for whatever reasons.

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Ps, your wall of texts will go unnoticed, try to keep it short and sweet.

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Dude, once again, it can be made a mod. ARMA 2 had that war mod that introduced that level of gore, and plus ace mod would probably offer that heavy in depth wounding system.

You have to realize,.based on the amount of work, that BI develops for public and has a lot on their hands, i doubt they will make this just because you and the minority really really need this.

But fear not, a mod will be made for it if there's enough interest.

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Look, I can argue most of your points, but this will be pointless. I barely had the patience to read all you typed, I read most and skimmed some of it, but I understand your point.

However I dont know why you keep bringing up battlefield all the time??? Yeah I play battlefield sometimes, not nearly as much as ARMA, but im sure everyone else does, how else would anyone dissing battlefield really know what its like without having played it. But I am not saying ARMA should be like battlefield or call of duty. And I have been playing ARMA since the original Operation Flashpoint, and full well know that arma did not originate from DayZ. Just want to clarify that.

I am just saying, ARMA would be boring as fuck if anyone had to play an incapacitated soldier. Sure crewmen drive vehicles, and pilots fly choppers up and down without firing one bullet, but that's still doing something, and that is at least fun, where as, a soldier wounded and incapacitated on the battlefield??? Medic treats him, but because he lost so much blood, and he's leg is fucked, now all he does is just lie there and wait for evac while fighting for he's life for the rest of the game because it is unrealistic for a medic to heal him 100% and to just jump back into action???
I would rather suicide and respawn to get back in action, and so will everyone else, thus making this whole in depth wounding system even pointless to enforce right from the start for the devs, it is effort that they could spend on something else that could be more appreciated, and why mods like ACE will complete this section of the simulation for those who want it. That is why BI supports modding, because they know some things they just cant do, or have the time to do.

Not everyone likes ACE mod, most players I know either haven't heard of it, or just simply dont like that level of depth, I myself included. so really the devs really try to aim to please the majority, after all, they have to make money. The modding community can expand, or take away what they want though.

Oh and still, ARMA may mostly be a simulation but, it's still a game. To be more accurate, ARMA is actually whats classified as a serious game. To put it in context, Simulations are for training, hence ARMA's alternative which is VBS, see which is for training.(appologies for calling it Virtual Reality erlier, VBS slipped my tongue.) But point being, ARMA is not a training simulation, and also a game doesnt have to be far fetched like unreal tournament to be classified as a game, a game is an experience for entertainment, and pretty much everyone who plays ARMA plays for entertainment. with the exception of competitive players who play in clan's i guess.

Now ARMA being a serious game, it has to balance out some things, cut out some unneeded stuff, like it does not NEED to have everything in associated with real life, you do not NEED to clean and service your gun, you do not NEED to eat, sleep, piss and shit, you do not NEED to be incapacitated and be forced to go through the entire remainder of the game in a wounded state.

Yes, you can be shot in the leg and that will slow your movement speed down, additional limping animation will be a god send, but if a medic treats my wound I want it to be 100% normal again, and be able to sprint and get back in action, I do not want to continue to limp. And I bet 90% of the community feel this way. This is why such an advanced system will not be in the vanilla game, but will have to be a mod for those select few who want it to extend to that kind of depth.

So again, I would maintain that ARMA does not NEED this level of depth. Especially since there are much needed attention needed elsewhere in the game. As you mentioned, the lack in so many other important parts of the game, completing animations like getting in and out of vehicles with animated doors, propper falling animation, a much needed improved getting over/jump/vault animation etc. and so much more that is focussed on the core visual and gameplay aspect is much more important than this highly in depth wounding system.

Once again, I feel all that is really needed, is just something along the lines of proper representation of injuries, you get shot in the leg, you cant sprint and you limp, until you are healed, you get shot in the head with a 50cal, your head is gone, you step on a landmine, your leg is gone. That depth is okay and tollerable for everyone. and that is why I voted up.

I don't wish to keep arguing, I think everything is as clear as can be. But you will have to rethink your perspective of a simulation, or at least where ARMA stands as a simulation. It isn't meant to be as hardcore as you and the select FEW want it to be, but it can be through mods of course.

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

All that said, the fact still remains, that ARMA is a game, the simulation is restricted by the fact that its a game. I highly doubt that the devs will have the time and budget to create this ultra realistic simulation you want it to be, to not to mention we will have to wait forever for a release.

I get that you want it to be hardcore, seems a lot of people do, but also certainly not everyone. If you want hardcore, join the army? ARMA is still a game, though much more realistic than other games of its Calibre, the fun here is being able to reconstruct a more realistic warfare, to live a more realistic fantasy representation of being a soldier, but of course with restrictions, and not being an untouchable action hero.

You want to play a mission to evacuate a wounded soldier, POW i assume.. Who will play that role? I don't think anyone will find it fun to play an incapacitated soldier for 2 hours. Neither will anyone want to be incapacitated on the field even after a medic has treated us. It just won't be fun, and so people will just respawn instead defeating the purpose of having something like that.

You just have to understand that ARMA is not 100% a simulator, it does simulate more than any other game, and is therefore classified as a sim, but it still is a game.

But anyhow, yes ARMA lacks quite alot of other things, I do agree that stopping to change weapon, or that step over animation is the only way to get over an obstacle are flaws and rediculously retarted and need to be fixed. There is alot I agree with, more than you think. But all I am saying is, that the in depth woounding system you described, just really not something that will be easily accepted. perhaps better as an optional mod, and even then only select few will use it.

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Demon, based on your description, I can only think the problem with all of that really is, that it would go to waste. While I do agree with you on all of that, I can only think that level of realism is reserved for hardcore simulation, which will break the balance of the game, (and yes ARMA is still a game by many standards and needs to be balnaced) because, it will practically be one shot kills, if not, then, what are you the player going to do if you are imobilized? No one will enjoy playing the injured soldier thats useless and just waiting to be escorted to infirmary.

BI have another version of ARMA, called virtual reality i think? which is a full on hardcore simulator that probably provide this level of depth, but is not intendid for the public. And there is obviously a reason why ARMA is different from it and less hardcore. Personally Id like to see a more realistic wounding system for being better representations of damage, like dismemberment.

Also I do agree about the headshot issue, I havent made a headshot in ages so dont know if it has been fixed yet. But other than that, mostly the current damage representations are more for balance, and cutting out the boring unplayable parts. Thats why patching up a wounded player results in a player fit to fight again.

The only place such an advanced wounding system can be somewhat "fun" is when playing medic, having to attend to a soldier will bring up a mini game to aid the wounded. in this case however, the victim (player) who is severly wounded will not be enjoying the game very much from that point, and will probably just respawn, leaving the medic to do nothing.

I dont know, maybe the devs have a way to make it work, but i highly doubt it.

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Can't they just lock it optional in a parental setting much like the blood effects, and for German versions just lock it permanently? I assume they already do that for German version since German games can't have blood or alerted to green blood? I dunno, i just see no point in making the rest of the world suffer because of that, but I'm sure a mod will be made lie in ARMA 2, thing is, it just needs to have the foundation to allow modders to be creative with it.

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Well i don't think I'm out of line to say, excessive gore is all part of war, and THIS IS WAR right? The AI only is just a suggestion really, but i did add an alternative. I'm sure we will see a mod for it, BIS doesn't necessarily have to do the dismemberment, just implement the possibly for it.

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Dismemberment would most likely be for AI only, and if for human players, surviving dismemberment would probablyequal death anyway, just in a bad ass kinda way. So it can still work, but of course

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

I lolled hard at vals comment... Me playing the medic a lot

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.


"adding onto this, I think enemy soldiers should also get affected. I noticed several times I put one into a enemy's leg, only for him to stand up and sprint away."

Yes and likewise I have noticed I get shot in the leg and I can sprint away... unless I get shot more than once in the leg. I agree the AI should have to follow the same process and animations human players do. But I think the wounding system will have that when it gets released in update.

take a look at this vid of VBS2.0 , look at the wounding system and animations there compared to A2 and current A3 Alpha.

I don't get why BIS just doesn't work on one product and provide the same product based on different licenses, and content. Instead it seems almost as though they are working on two different products entirely with the same tech, doubling the workload having to remake everything they already made, when they can be reusing all of these animations and content from VBS2 in A3. Because really, the only change in A3 that wouldn't suit VBS is the whole story mode and future warfare.

Really hope A3 wounding and injury will be like this. Limping anims and limb dismemberment etc.

May 9 2016, 11:00 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Depends Realo, i believe full metal jacket rounds would penetrate through and through, however some rounds are designed to fragment on impact to maximize internal damage and lethality.

May 9 2016, 11:00 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

the whole bodily damage thing sounds interesting, it doesn't need to be accurate based on precise hit detection, it could just be a random guesstamate, for example the you get hit in the upper chest, and a randomized system will determine your wound, did it break a rib or not, did it rupture your lung or not, did it pass through and through etc. That should keep the CPU head, down, but it could be interesting for the medics, being able to approach a downed soldier, and this randomized wounding system will pop up when medic evaluates the wound, then given the damage player picked up, will depend how the medic needs to attend to the wound, and apply steps in an order (think mini game for the medic).

But ofcourse, biggest problem with this, simply is that most wounds should realistically put you out of action. This may just work with Veteran or Elite mode to make your deaths more dramatic, but otherwise i dont see it working too well.

The body dismemberment is a great offer, I have it on ArmA2 with CoWarMod, and it is fairly entertaining, all though abit over the top (grenades completely dismember all limbs), but grenades hardly would dismember anything, cept your fingers, feet maybe.

Lastly, I feel you had a good point with the wounding system dependent on where you are it. Simple wounding that relate to animations properly displayed, if you are shot in the leg you should be limping with said leg, get shot in the arm, you should be disarmed to using your primary and fall back to using your side arm etc.

May 9 2016, 11:00 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61281: NV Glasses when I drop them.

not so, it can be used as a cheap hack.

May 9 2016, 10:57 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61133: PROPOSAL for change in Mounting Interface Config design for Weapons - Mounting system categories on Weapons.

Im all for supporting the modding community, after all, isnt BIS also all for the modding community? Im sure they will be working on it.

May 9 2016, 10:51 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

I dont know goose, as far as hand to hand combat goes, its about disarming and subdue your victim, not just stab or slice them because that does sound like CoD. so mix that with some stealth and you could pretty much say a knife could be pretty much deadlier and silent compared to a gun.

BF3 already has an effectively realistic approach to this melee attack with a knife, sure it's all animated and requires the press of one button to initiatew the action, but if trained properly, the action required will feel natural and could be executed without much thought.

That said, I'm not saying BF is realistic, I cant think that taking someones dogtag really is the prime focus of a melee take down, so the animated take downs are rather over exagerated. But as I said, the approach is what counts. However knowing arma and animations between two persons, this could just look awkward. So just like we have to use our imaginations to visualize character getting into the vehicles without animated doors etc, I think we will need a basic, but effective melee take down, and use our imaginations to visualize it being more complicated than it really is.

Your point about a gun being superior over a knife, is a valid point, because a gun has range, where melee doesnt. However once again, you can however big gun you want, if someone sneaks up to you with a knife and subdues you and slits your throat, that gun meant nothing really. The point being, the request for melee is for stealth purposes, not to charge someone head on with a knife like CoD.

May 9 2016, 10:46 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Lol even crossbows can be military issue, however not to infantry, so understandably it's a request not worth pursuing. But yeah, so many good ideas sien voted because of this, as if the people really believe the devs would do it like other games. If they wanted to be like cod or bf, then ARMA wouldn't be what it is. Also the posters should just bring up the idea and argue why we need it, not how it should be implemented, because thats what people down vote. But even then, make suggestions and come up with solutions!

And the moderators should be cleaning up the descriptions if they don't want duplicates because one person wants the same as the nexT, but one describes the issue better or has an alternative, but he's ticket gets closed as a dupe.

May 9 2016, 10:46 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Just cuz it sounds like bf or cod, doesn't mean the devs will implement it that way, instead of people bitching about what it sounds like, rather provide suggestions and solutions of how to employment it then. The principal is what counts and what you should be voting for.

Ps, not attacking your statement Raoul, just making a statement, I'm seeing this trend of good suggestions being down voted because people compare to bf3 and cod.

May 9 2016, 10:46 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Take the new night ops show case for example. So many opportunities for stealth, even though it isn't intended to be stealthy lol, but it's a Good example anyone can try play stealthily and see how useful this is, and how close you could get to use melee attacks.

Also, i should probably make a ticket for this, but AI seem to not notice you on a quad in the dark, completely ignore you. You can literally just road kill them all.

May 9 2016, 10:45 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

image the mods... like street fighter for arma =P

May 9 2016, 10:45 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Funny thing, everyone brings up CoD when ideas are mentioned, practical ideas at that too, and ironicly, CoD gets gunned down for being the same game over and over, yet it seems some of the arma community wants arma to be the same game over and over by rejecting anything that will expand the gameplay. How long till the community complain about the same thing?

Just because we want to see something added to the game, doesnt mean it has to be done the same way, it can be done in an entirely different way, a better way, it doesnt have to be the CoD "fuck logic" way where you can cut someones leg and kill them instantly. You all bringing up CoD and BF have serious issues, go see a shrink.

Just saying...

May 9 2016, 10:45 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Reading through most of these requests, i can't disagree with most of these features, especially the one that fill the incompleteness of ARMA, however, i do kind of feel sorry for the devs, so much to do, i doubt half of our requests like this will be done by release.

I think though, best way to really approach these would bethrough expansions. Bring the core game play to ARMA 3, and then create expansion packs that include these extras, as well as some missions that revolve around these features.

Wonder if the BI will put these feature requests one side to work on later? It be nice to know if they don't implement it, that at least they don't ignore it, but reserve it one side for later expansions.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Dr death, thing is he isn't clear where he stands with the knife and melee gesture, he was making a comment, but without really siding whether he is with it or against it, sure it sounds like he is with it, but could be meant sarcastically as well, especially with the part about crossbows being next. Hence my reply, in case he's against it, i just added my thoughts. =) it wasn't an attack, nothing personal.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Not sure what you getting at mik? If you saying knife kills or any melee attacks aren't realistic, then based on your question about a sneaking up on a sniper 3m away, well if you managed to get that close, its worth knifing the Bastard, why bother getting that close just to alert everyone to where you are, or even alert them to your presence... Its a simulator, you are quite right, so if you can do it in reality, then it should be possible in a simulation. Just because cod did it so badly, doesn't mean ARMA won't do it justice. And bf3 actually did it fairly well in my opinion. Nothing unrealistic about sneaking up on someone and slitting their throats.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Dr Death, I have made the same statement about the CQC animations for MGS3, see my first comment up a bit. That would work great, but I can forsee one very shitty problem with it. The allignment of animations. Have you noticed for example when healing or reviving another player or AI, that sometimes you can do it 10feet away ? even just carrying or dragging another character looks horrid. If BIS cant even set fixed allignment for that kind of interaction, how do you think it will work with this CQC animation?

I am all for it really, I would love for some decent CQC anims, doesn't even have to be as complex as the ones in MGS3, but then BIS will need to fix above described issue, and now whether they will or even can do that, is another ticket all together.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

I think the biggest challenge with this melee action would be adapting the AI for it. It would most likely work great in mp pvp, but single player against ai I'm not sure. I had moments in the showcase where ai ran past me not noticing me at all lying in the grass, but it is rare as well, and in close quarters I'm not sure how that may work.

To impliment a melee attack id say am action sequence would work better, because most likely you would want to cover a persons mouth of possible, and also hold on to him to break fall which would make a loud thump in the ground if enemy had to drop. But given how bad the animation sequences are when interaction with another character (think when healing someone, you aren't always right ontop of the guy)

So i don't know how it will work, but it would be great to have this feature indeed

May 9 2016, 10:43 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

funny enough in arma 2 i noticed knife models on soldiers, but no use of them. this is a needed feature, especially for stealth. Since supressors arent silent like in the movies, knives are. Also some basic CQC anims for taking down opponents will be nice.

Also not just with a knife, but the stock of a rifle or sidearm should also be useful for knocking oponents down or knocking them out.

May 9 2016, 10:43 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60978: Gun strap / sling.

great idea, i think it can go further than just for fast switching, it could allow to temporarily switch out primary weapons without having to drop your current weapon and magazines, and then switch back again after use.

a simple example would be sneaking up on a sniper, take him out, and only be able to pickup the enemies rifle with current magazine, thus temporary use. Once you switch to either primary rifle or sidearm, you will drop the weapon on the ground.

Think other situations where a specific weapon could be very useful at a particular moment, and without the need of using the inventory, you can just quickly pickup an enemies primary, be it a rifle for sniping, support gunner, RPG, etc.

This way you do not need to go into an inventory to manage your gear in critical moments where the inventory could just be what gets you killed.

May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Val, your 4th point there really might be the only argument you have. What they have achieved currently with the current 3D Scopes already, answers your first three reasons, since the current implementation is already a huge step forward.

May 9 2016, 10:27 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Why move your head while sighted? Just right click to exit scoped view, then alt and move your head around, it won't affect where your cross hair aims, then just let go of alt and right click to get back in. So i don't see the problem there really.

As for peripheral vision, the scope takes up pretty much the entire screen, so what's the point for peripheral view when in scoped view, especially when clear sight is just a right click away?

I really don't see the benefit to using RTT or PIP for Scopes other than pure good looks. Hence this is more a performance luxury than anything else.

May 9 2016, 10:26 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Given that the devs haven't closed thus ticket already, with a statement that it won't be achievable due to performance issues, makes me think this might have some chance of happening, though i think making it clear as am optional is important.

I'm really happy with the current implementation though

May 9 2016, 10:26 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Have to say, that video was awesome.... But I'm slightly confused, is that actually a mod done epically awesome, or was that video edited to "simulate" the efffect?

May 9 2016, 10:25 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Agreed that would be nice so +1

Though I dont know about the PIP, it looks like crap, heavily pixelated, no shadows, and limited view distance. A better option would probably have to be a reversed way, leave it as is, but make the view around the scope a PIP zoomed out to default FOV, and then will most likely have to blur it to hide the PIP because it would look like crap.

The you face the bunch who are going to complain about the blur...

So until PIP gets improved and optimized I dont think this will be a viable option, but then again, i think the real problem with PIP is having to render an image in an image (duh), and ARMA being so resource intensive, I think the problem is hardly anyone will really ever enjoy using scopes in that fashion due to performance issues.

As it is now, it is okay, it's a step up above the previous method so it is already a win. Maybe in the next ARMA release, hopefully then they have an NEW engine designed around the new tech, not this recycled one that just gets add ons.

May 9 2016, 10:25 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60844: Trees and other vegetation, not affected by terrain shadows.

Exactly what Nicolii said. The dynamic shading is already there, present, because you can see it in action with the sun and moon. BI should make it an option, and maybe it works fine. Honestly the only lights that really need it other than sun and moon are flash light attachments and vehicle lights. because those really do impact GAMEPLAY when playing night ops.

May 9 2016, 10:17 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60820: Water stops bullets instantly.

As mentioned "Bullets can't travel far once they hit water, but currently in the game, if you're 0.00001 nanometer below the surface, you're safe."

I am getting exactly the same results. Playing the diving showcase, I am safe poking my head out of the water, because only a well placed headshot will get me, but bullets landing right infront of my face, which I gues should be hitting my chest, nothing...

Second encounter was the heli showcase, was hovering above water shooting at an enemy swimming in the water, wasted 1000 rounds shooting right on and around him, and nothing at all.

Bullets should have some form of damage, at least up to one meter in depth. Even if it halves the total value of damage given, it should still have some effect.

May 9 2016, 10:16 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

I noticed with the ifrit! =P i love that now, ARMA 3 really starting to shape up!

May 9 2016, 10:12 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

Maybe priorities go wrong by all the other things being requested, and everyone else making a ticket feels their ticket needs highest priority... I guess that's why we no longer get to chose our own priority, and now they go based on votes and attention...

Either way, there are some things more important than others, personally i would rather prefer it they first deal with the issues and requests from prior iterations, like the texture/model lod popping and mid range texture and proper concealment in terrain before tackling all these new graphical features, and also vehicles have long been a part of the ARMA serious, it's actually disappointing THIS has never seen the light of day etc.

All other new features should be put on hold until old feature requests and issues are dealt with. Just my opinion

May 9 2016, 10:12 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

Raoul, firstly, when you done with that mod, please link it for me?

Secondly, yes it will work with a coordinated team because of the level of discipline and you can control people with assigning responsibilities, but that's all private related, which would make it great as a mod, but for public purposes, it will be chaotic, and frustrating. And i believe BI works in terms of public need, not private needs.

So once again, I'm fine with moving my torso, but not so much the whole freedom of movement in terms of public servers. Etc.

May 9 2016, 10:11 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

Could you imagine everyone trying to sit by the door trying to shoot out? Not gonna work. Besides most helis have gunners already, just have to put your faith in them.

I'm referring to sitting in or outside the little bird, or inside a vehicle, or even lying on the rubber duck, etc. either way, not necessary to get up and walk around in the vehicle, it would be chaotic.

May 9 2016, 10:11 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

Yeah i don't know what freely walking around inside vehicles has to do with it, personally just being able to move my torso and not just my head rotor be useful, and could contribute to pointing the weapon around to shoot shit outside.

May 9 2016, 10:11 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

Agreed, M-ATV's like the hunter aren't really meant to be fired from, unless they have those round peep holes in them, but i would imagine that would weaken the structure of the bullet proof glass, or pose as a risk in some way.

But light vehicles, and inside the heli-s wouldn't hurt.

May 9 2016, 10:08 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

It is doable, This vid alone just proves how it really can make it a worthwhile feature.

May 9 2016, 10:07 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60692: Smoke passes through objects and building walls.

Zonr, anything is doable, and most probably even with our much of a performance hit, how ever yes it may entail more work, just needs to be done differently. As the saying goes, there's many different ways to skin a cat.

I proposed a method above, its just one way of doing it. But personally id say BIS should start looking into making the engine capable of things like this, perhaps even completely remake the virtual reality engine from scratch, and building it up right.

But who knows what their plans are.

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60692: Smoke passes through objects and building walls.

You said the C word! =O

Lol... people can say what they want, but all games, regardless how unrealistic they may be, use creative ways to work around problems. No harm in naming then

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60692: Smoke passes through objects and building walls.

yeah i dont know if it will be worth the resources to have smoke get affected by the buildings walls, and stay within bounds.

however perhaps changing it's effect inside a building could work better, greneade would emit just a little smoke, or to be more accurate, the time to live for smoke emitter is shortned to like 2 or 3 seconds, and then use volumetric fog which fills only the room giving it a dense smokey foggy feel, and then for the building doors and windows can emit some small amounts of smoke. I believe this will be less resource hungry than smoke and hit detection against wall's and other objects.

May 9 2016, 9:54 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60661: "Aiming Deadzone" : Spawns Negative Acceleration + Inusability..

I also really enjoyed the deadzone aim in ARMA 2, mainly because i can do miniscule movements to shoot larger groups of enemies without having to move the entire screen, which would either create a bit of motion blur, or depending on how intense things on screen are, I dont get frame drops when shifting the screen, so I still get that non interupted shot.

Mind you, I think the deadzone should really only apply to free firing "from the hip" so to say, but while aiming down the sight, it can lock back to norm fixed with your view with zero deadaim.

Also for the love of god, please make the free look snap your waepon to where you are facing your head, rather than snapping your head back to where your weapon points, or make it optional.

May 9 2016, 9:53 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60648: Remove weapon switch and reload from the scrolling action menu..

I don't think that is the whole point, besides i bet many people will get lost without any indicators such as UI. it is just impossible to make a fully realistic simulation without aids such as UI, because as a player, you are severely limited in the game, and many other things can't be simulated, for example in reality our FOV is pretty much 180 degrees, In the game it's not, in reality when you focus on something, you don't zoom, in reality you have a better sense of feeling and sensing your environment from your first person perspective, but in the game that's what the third person perspective is for. All these are aids that are work arounds because these just can't be comprehended in game. And the little UI you do get in the game, is the same really.

May 9 2016, 9:52 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60648: Remove weapon switch and reload from the scrolling action menu..

Well i like options, some will prefer a UI, and some hot keys... Could always have both.

May 9 2016, 9:52 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60648: Remove weapon switch and reload from the scrolling action menu..

To each their own, right.

Point is BIS should make a plan to fix it, I think that we can agree upon.

May 9 2016, 9:52 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60648: Remove weapon switch and reload from the scrolling action menu..

I don't know, i found radial menus to be much easier and quicker to navigate than a long press menu or scroll menu. Radial menus are kinda gesture based, press key for radial menu and swipe mouse in direction to swap weapons, ammo, attachments etc.

Shortcut key binding is much faster, but with ARMA having so many keys already, adding more isn't exactly better, unless you really good with navigating the keyboard without looking.

Shift +R does sound like a better option to swap ammo, and perhaps shift + scroll might be great for switching weapons. I guess preference is what it comes down to.
But which ever way BIS goes, it be great if they just try at least

May 9 2016, 9:52 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60648: Remove weapon switch and reload from the scrolling action menu..

Perhaps a radial menu for swapping weapons, ammo etc separate from the actionetc menu, personally, i think weapon related actions, and environment related interaction are two different things and should not be on the same scroll menu.

Assigning an optional key for weapon menu when you want to access weapon related functions would be useful, it should be much simpler then the inventory though, but also some of us use hotkeys, just as quick.

I vote up for this having suffered being kicked of a server for placing a satchel charge in the base when i actually just wanted to enter the chopper.

May 9 2016, 9:52 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60635: Separate mouse sensitivity options (in sights, zoomed in, scope etc).

technically there is no hip shooting, but the default view (not directly down the sight) is considered shooting from the hip.

And also aiming down a scope, your movements will be tighter and slower with proper discipline, hence why it should be set to a key to physically limit your characters movement since you cant fine tune your characters movements. The mouse sensitivty can make sniping very dificult otherwise. But for that I can set the mouse speed via a quick press of a button on the mouse itself, slow for sniping, and fast for CQB, but not everyone has these fancy gaming mouse's/mice? So for them, having an in game option to slow or speed up mouse speed would be beneficial.

Dont be a douche

May 9 2016, 9:52 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60635: Separate mouse sensitivity options (in sights, zoomed in, scope etc).

well from what i have noticed in the controls, if you press turbo (left shift), should slow your elevation, however it doesn't seem to, however i think if implimented well, and not only for elevation but be able to change scroll speed by the press of a button (also make it togglable) like shift or alt to speed up/ slow down scroll speed it would help much for sniping (slow scroll) and/or CQB (fast scroll)

May 9 2016, 9:52 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60583: Skeleton in cave bleeds when you shoot it.

Lol now that's odd... How many will try this lol

May 9 2016, 9:50 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60583: Skeleton in cave bleeds when you shoot it.

^ I was thinking that too.

May 9 2016, 9:50 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60546: rain not affected by wind speed.

yeah this would be nice if the rain was affected by wind too, but I cannot imagine the particle effects that would be required for this. Perhaps creating dynamic rain feature for the very top end machines as part of the ultra settings for particles.

However what I would like to see though is differently animated rain that come down in various angles of the same general direction of wind, much like in these pics below

May 9 2016, 9:48 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60456: Let mission designer decide if they want allow players to wear enemy uniforms or not..

I can't say I am against it, because I agree, spies and moles are a real thing, people do go under cover as the enemy, and it is very risky though. But this can be used creatively. So I am pretty open to it.

BIS just need to impliment the rules of the Geneva Convention properly. As a soldier wearing your rightful uniform, you are able to surrender your arms and be taken prisoner. Under circumstances of solo game play this can just end the mission as if you died. But being caught wearing enemy uniform, if you engage with the enemy, or get caught out, you will be treated as a spy, and most likely executed =)

As for getting caught out, lets just say if you are spotted as an enemy and you are not following orders, or enemy soldiers get too close to identify you as not one of them, or perhaps approach or point weapon raised at any enemy unit, they can turn on you instantly. Almost like throwing a little hint of hitman gameplay into the mix. I'm sure it wont be much of a feat to do.

This may not be a very high priority feature though, so no pressure to make it an absolute must. This can also be welcomed as a later addition via DLC or expansion.

May 9 2016, 9:45 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60397: Choppy level of detail transitions.

something I have noticed, you increase the sample rate of your resolution above 100%, it actually improves the detail and LOD,I guess because more detail can fit into the screen space.

However it is a very resource hungry requirement, so much agreed. Also something I have noticed, and can be tried self in editor. Place 5 hunter vehicles, about 10m apart in a line, diagnally. then look at them from one perspective. You will notice the change in LOD, but heres the interesting part, change object detail between low and ultra, and you will always notice the the first hunter, the model is identical in detail, so basically, the lower settings just have more frequent lod changes than the higher settings.

Personally I dont care too much about graphics, I would rather have lower detailed objects that are more consistent with less LOD changes than highly detailed objects that require frequent LOD changes over shorter distances which is just too damn obtrusive and distracting.

So an option to cut out the very high detail models and mixed with a decent transition effect, i think it could finally better match peoples hardware specs and look good.

May 9 2016, 9:43 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60212: KA-60 health/strength potentially too high.

well the front panel windows seem to be bullet proof, but the side windows (door) is where it isn't, so no big deal there really. The caliber of the rounds obviously matter the most here, the bigger the more damage seeing as it actually has more potential to penetrate light armour. If 696 rounds of 12.7mm is what it took to take down the KA-60, then i agree it is a bit too powerfull. I can understand that if it was small arms up to 7.6mm though.

I am with tree hugger here on a brief explanation or presentation from BIS to see how vehicles hitpoints/hitboxes armour etc work? Because I have logged a ticket for armoured vehicles like Hunter and ifrit that go up in flames when shot up with small arms. MATV's are suppose to be able to shrug off RPG's and drive away from mine/IED hits, yet it seems awfully weak in game. I dont even know if armour really even plays a role? But none the less, I would like to see and study a presentation of how the damage system on vehicles work, this will be very educational, and I bet many will start finding bugs and stuff to exploit which will lead to patching up before final relaese =)

May 9 2016, 9:35 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60186: You should be able to move while changing weapons.

this needs to be done for vanilla release! I am pretty concerned with final release about a month away that BIS will be disapointing us by skipping features such as this.

I have no problem with comunity mods, but something like this should be a standard in the vanilla, community are supposed to be experimenting with new ideas, not patching up what BIS was suppose to have done in the first place.

May 9 2016, 9:32 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60152: [Feature request] Duck / take cover in vehicles.

That could work maybe, or just zoom in far enough that only the vehicle takes up the entire screen, that too could be near impossible to navigate.

May 9 2016, 9:29 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60152: [Feature request] Duck / take cover in vehicles.

Pretty simple really, just disable any control over the vehicle while ducking, orrr increase the mouse sensitivity to max with slow response, that will ensure an accident, even inn 3rd person.

May 9 2016, 9:29 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60152: [Feature request] Duck / take cover in vehicles.

Thanks MadDog. =)


May 9 2016, 9:29 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60148: Aircraft should not explode violently when in water.

agreed! got my +1

But I would like to add to this, the same should go for tree tops. I mean the tips of tree are the weakest, yet you just touch the tip and you go down in flames, I mean seriously.

It should be much like described with impact on water, touching the tips of trees should do little to no damage to the hull (body of the chopper), the more impact you make with trees, and lower you go, would knock your heli over, like a roll. If the rotors touch the tips then you loose control and sever damage to main rotors, then instead of just touch and your heli is fucked.

just my 2c

May 9 2016, 9:28 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60028: Fog in 50m.

well that surely isnt 5km, but I had the same issue, but it turned out the sun went down, and up again, and so many weird things started happening, and it turned out to be a hacker messing about. Anyhow been on ARMA for more than 3hours at a time fiddeling and playing wasteland etc, never noticed it.

May 9 2016, 9:21 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

I had voted up, because options are always great. Especially for those who want it.

However, reading the attached doc, I could agree that women should probably not be in the infantry, but who am I to judge if a woman does want to and can keep up with the best of us. Besides, it's just a moderate simulated game, not a full on hardcore simulation, So my vote is still up.

That said, all the women I know would NEVER play with a female model, likewise they will never have a girly nickname, simply because guys tend to harass them while playing, either by dissing them for belonging in a kitchen, or trying to flirt and sex chat them in game, or simply just treat them like 5 year old's playing a game for the first time.

But as I say, options are always good for those who want it, surely there are some girls who would like to play as girls, so to that, I say why not? how will it ruin ArmA? Diversity is not a bad thing, I welcome all genders, races and cultures. ArmA is not just a reflection of the US military by itself.

May 9 2016, 8:08 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59889: Sound does not switch to USB headphones while game is running.

doesnt work with anything =/ like seriously, I have never had an app or game that auto selected the audio device i plug in. I have to restart the program or manually set default adio device in sound panel, even tried after reading that, and still found it not true. I honestly think it's windows at fault.

But fine if you say it is possible to fix it for ARMA to auto detect output and use that, then vote up i will =)


May 9 2016, 7:17 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59889: Sound does not switch to USB headphones while game is running.

I dunno, this also is an issue that frustrates me, but not just with ARMA, same goes for TS, so agreed it is somehow bound to windows, and not the games fault. Sorry, have to down vote


May 9 2016, 7:17 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59883: Helicopter controls are way too arcade.

"Shouldn't only designated pilots be able to fly a helicopter? The average infantry can't fly helicopters or airplanes."

I agree with this. I have seen some MP missions like domination where your role depends greatly on your skills and gear. For example if you are an MG gunner you can not use a sniper rifle because you aren't trained for it, or you cant fly a heli because youren't trained for it. So you would have to choose the appropriate gear for your class and skill.

However I do wish that stock ARMA was like that, having some emphasis on classes and skills, so that if I am a sniper marksman I may be able to pickup an LMG but due to poor skill I wouldn't be able to be very effective with it. Because I noticed, I still can for the most part be a jack of all trades in most cases duting solo and MP games.

May 9 2016, 7:17 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59883: Helicopter controls are way too arcade.

"bind a button to 'pull up'
take control over a A9 Helicopter
hover at 45m altitude
press and hold 'pull up'
-> you will not touch the ground"

Tried that... Crashed and Burned...

"Flying upside down is now no longer possible (as of the latest dev build) and loops/corkscrews are significantly more difficult to do."

Guess it explains why.

But on a note, I wouldn't want to change much on flying a heli. The controls are fine and it controls great. I use a keyboard to fly, I dont have a joystick, so I would prefer the controls and feel to remain the same.

However as for unrealistic traits such as flying upside down and doing loops, I would agree would need fixing.

May 9 2016, 7:17 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59785: AI doesn't seek cover other than lying down while under sniper fire.

first reaction is to go prone and make yourself a smaller, harder to hit target when you take fire. That is almost a rule i think, but it works regardless. The AI is programmed for that.

I would say ducking for cover would only be priority if it is less than 5 meters away, more than that and you are just too exposed for anyone who is a good shot. I go by a 3 step rule, duck for cover every 3 steps, and repeat till you get to decent cover.

May 9 2016, 7:13 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59777: No option to set Field of view degree in options. 1st person view FOV.

Since we now have 3D Scopes, i think we may be able to have a configurable FOV without messing with accuracy of Scopes?

Should test this. Will update when i get around to it.

May 9 2016, 7:12 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59777: No option to set Field of view degree in options. 1st person view FOV.

I have actually recently been playing with controls to kind of fix this for me. I have double assigned the zoom out with my sprint and free look keys. So basically when I sprint the FOV increases, when i look around, the FOV increases. It helps allot with peripheral vision when looking around or running. So only time i actually have a narrower zoom is when I'm moving tactically and focused on my direction, even then i still can zoom out with free look.

And best of all is my method doesn't mess with scores and mill dots.

Only complaint though is, The zoom out effect is too sudden, it needs to kind of blend in without feeling like distraction. So allow zoom out to transition slowly, about as slow as it is to zoom in on sights.
Also the FOV value isn't big enough. Sure the image starts to look odd like fish lense the more it increases, but really just need to give us more FOV.

May 9 2016, 7:12 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59777: No option to set Field of view degree in options. 1st person view FOV.

However i think it would work better if:

non-tactical mode (normal default look): The FOV is set to 90 or whatever the figure is when zoomed out is toggled, just general purpose awareness and peripheral view. This should be the default.

Tactical mode/pace when weapon is raised: The FOV should change to the default as it is currently since your focus will be much more narrowed at where the weapon is pointing. No change basically.

Aiming down the sight: This should also allow the default zoomed in as is currently to simulate the narrower focus. No change basically.

in short, what I am saying is by default we should begin with FOV zoomed out, as if double tapping/toggling "-" on the numpad. So BIS doesn't need to actually change much more than that, without breaking anything else.

otherwise they should just fix the zoom out toggle, and I agree it should apply within vehicles as well.

This i think will serve a much better experience.

May 9 2016, 7:12 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59657: Please use the crosshair from Arma1/2.

Thanks Khan for response, always nice to get feedback from the devs.

Bringing in a variety of crosshairs is a fine idea, as long as the principe remain the same. Most like the new crosshair for the fact that it points directly where one is looking at, and not where the bullet will land. If all optional crosshairs follow the same principle the new A3 features, then i think you can satisfy everyone =)

May 9 2016, 7:07 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59657: Please use the crosshair from Arma1/2.

totally disagree with bringing back the old crosshair, i like the new croshair, but i like no crosshair even more.

basically the iron sight view is pointless if you have a crosshair, especially one that shows the exact location of where your shooting at. Crosshair should be disabled, use the iron sights if you want to shoot.

the current crosshair in A3 is really only good for third person to have an idea where you are shooting at, though even in third person you can aim down the sight.

I rate the current crosshair should stay the way it is.

"Choosable Crosshairs (between Arma 1/2 or 3 should be the best Option)"

As for this, it would be warm welcome for nostalgic reasons, let those who liked the ARMA 2 crosshair have it, but remove the dot that points to your exact location where the muzzle is pointing. They should be using the iron sights for this.

May 9 2016, 7:07 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59650: Can't eject from helicopter.

Yeah Ive seen that vid, now thats all pretty fine because those crashes are things going wrong not so high above ground, if they even had the option to eject, it would probably crash before they even get to eject. Besides those choppers all were in working condition to which pilots are trained to crash land, and survive it most of the time.

The circumstances I am referring to is losing all functionality at high altitudes, like getting shot down, if your instruments, and rotors and engine are all dead, you are essentially a hunk metal falling from the sky, nothing you can do to improve your chances of surviving that crash, and in instances like this, I am sure ejection can be an option.

Unfortunately though I have never actually flown a real chopper nor am I really so clued up with choppers without googling about it, I just go based on what I have actually seen, hence the knowledge on the Ka50 being able to eject. So forgive my unqualified opinion about these things, but I still am alowed to have an opinion on the matter.

That said, the Ka50 in game should feature this then. But may be a problem with "balancing" among the other factions, This is the near future though, it could be implimented on other attack heli's in future. so I would imagine all attack heli's in the future could have a similar system, since they generally go into the AO and stand a higher risk of being shot down, where as the transport heli's arent really intendid to get too close to the AO.

But as danny mentioned above, it should be an option at least. Because shit happens, and so If there are spare chutes in the chopper for the pilot to equip, and they can grab one, they can jump out, and for the sake of avoiding pilots trolling the passangers, (which we all know will become a huge hit on youtube) lets just say they can not jump until everyone else has jumped, meaning the co-pilot is second last to jump and primary pilot the last. I believe that can work in the best interest of everyone yeah?

May 9 2016, 7:07 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59650: Can't eject from helicopter.

I think pilots should be able to eject from a helicopter, I suppose they should be the last ones to eject though, but I really cant see any pilot willfully go down in flames and die with the helicopter without a chance.

Besides, when pilots eject, dont helicopters rotors eject first before the pilot's seat ejects? I am sure the Ka50 features this?

May 9 2016, 7:07 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59617: Vegetation grows through the the floor of buildings.

i found in arma 2 that if a building was placed on the map, even setting up a tent, it would just remove the grass, or set it flat asif someone rolled over it. That fixed the in A2, they should just do the same in A3.

also need to deal with those grass that magically grow on concrete.

May 9 2016, 7:03 PM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T59567: Water transitions to land are poor.

firstly, I agree, the waves need a little work, I know it is not a deal breaker, so low priority is fine, but touch ups will be a warm welcome. I am not expecting surfable waves to be simulated, but the shore break needs a little more love.

Secondly, as far as the AI goes that spycho mentioned. The AI in general needs work. The scuba abilities to be honest came at the wrong time, because other factors of AI, especially on land, and vehicles still need major improvement, and since those are more important and form a bigger part of the gameplay, I would not expect too much being done on the scuba side for AI... for now, Might see a mod that will improve it, but perhaps the next iteration of ARMA after the general AI is satisfactory, then the additional AI touchups will be done, like for example the SCUBA.

lastly, since we can go in water and stuffs, just a little suggestion to touch up, make water sprites that drip and drab off the characters coming out the water, and darken textures to appear wet? maybe even add a shiny wet like texture to clothing? just a suggestion... not a deal breaker =)

May 9 2016, 7:02 PM · Arma 3