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- User Since
- Sep 9 2024, 7:44 PM (28 w, 3 d)
Duplicate of T187957
Wed, Mar 26
Haven't seen it on 1.3 exp, so far.
Mon, Mar 24
Sun, Mar 23
I made a video showing there are no issues flying with this setup:
Fri, Mar 21
Just had this or similar happen on exp.
I will attach a video of the events:
Thu, Mar 20
Linking T187824
Wed, Mar 19
I thought they did this already?
Tue, Mar 18
Mon, Mar 17
Just had it happen again. Fully closing and restarting game did not fix it. Late-game server. Noticed it here:
This also happens with turrets
Sun, Mar 16
Duplicate of T188205
Sat, Mar 15
Probably this
You should use search function before making tickets
Fri, Mar 14
Others seem to have experienced it too
Thu, Mar 13
Wed, Mar 12
Tue, Mar 11
Present in exp
Could relate to T189837
Mon, Mar 10
Present in exp
Present in exp
I think it would be easily exploitable
Sun, Mar 9
Also in exp
I think it makes sense that you can have for example multiple radio stations, like a "safety"
I noticed this yesterday on exp too. A lot of empty FIA bases in the beginning, then after a while there was suddenly a lot of them spawncamping you pretty much.
Well, it looks pretty funny. Was this you, Ponezun? Hehe.
Looks like it happens randomly on Xbox exp aswell. Had it happen maybe one instance in 10 hours playing.
I don't quite remember but I believe the car was spawned at MOB, brought to Le Moule, I took supplies from the big barn with supplies nearby, built a radio tower at the base, took more supplies from barn and then drove to Morton and tried to unload but it just said "No Storage Nearby". We blew up shortly after so couldn't test more.
Also happens sometimes on experimental it seems
Think its fixed as of at least
Possible also in Xbox experimental
Still happens in, very randomly it seems.
All at once, from nowhere:
"Seize Vernon QUEBEC"
No background on Figari marker
"Base name" is displayed on some enemy bases (see also merged ticket)
Supply depot green icons are replaced by red squares.
This time it was not fixed by rejoining. After rejoining, other bases lost their backgrounds, and different bases displayed "Base name".
Sat, Mar 8
Replication stalled 8 March experimental 23:45cet
Present in Xbox experimental
People are exploiting this a lot now, also on experimental.
Happens in Xbox experimental too but might be a bit more intermittent
Present in Xbox experimental
Probably the same issue
Still present in Xbox experimental
Still present in Xbox experimental
Still present in Xbox experimental
Still present in Xbox experimental
Seems to be working correctly as of Xbox exp
Looks to be resolved in Xbox experimental
Still present on experimental
Fri, Mar 7
Same as T187413
Tue, Mar 4
So this will be an issue present in the next stable release? Will change the game a bit for sure