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[Reforger: bug] M60 emplaced in nest or on vehicle gunsight issues
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


When adjusting the range on the M60 gun emplacement, the Iron sight moves up and down, but the gun position does not change in relation to the eyeball of the gunner, so the forepost ends up staying in the same relative position, making accurate aiming impossible.

This was tested in Experimental and Normal

No addons.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

{F4883082}Build a gun emplacement with the M60.
Get in as gunner.
Adjust the range up and down.
Observe the rear sight goes up and down as it should, but the front post does not adjust accordingly, and becomes obscured.

After 400m the forepost cannot be seen, at 1100m it is completely below the rear sight.

Additional Information

Happens if the M60 is mounted on a vehicle as well.

Event Timeline

StevieB created this task.Jan 28 2025, 9:14 PM
StevieB edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 28 2025, 9:16 PM
StevieB edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
StevieB changed Severity from None to Minor.Jan 28 2025, 9:31 PM
StevieB changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
StevieB updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 28 2025, 9:44 PM

Not just the M60. This is true with all mounted weapons, tripod or vehicle, that have zeroing (mounted guns, not actual turrets). That means vehicle mounted guns, plain placeable tripod guns and emplacements that have these guns. Gun models included so far M60, PKM, UAZ with UK-59.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 29 2025, 11:39 AM