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PKM & M60 Machine Gun Nest sight misalignment
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Issue Description:
PKM and M60 machine gun nest allows for iron-sights to be adjusted for range, but the player's eye does not align with the adjusted sight.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Open Game Master
  2. Place a PKM or M60 machine gun nest
  3. Mount the PKM or M60 machine gun
  4. Adjust sight range (PG UP/PG DOWN)
  5. Observe the misalignment of the iron rear and front sight.
Additional Information

Tested on Game Master (Experimental branch)

It appears the player is also unable to exit the machine-gun.

Event Timeline

matthys created this task.May 17 2024, 3:14 AM
matthys edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
matthys renamed this task from PKM Machine Gun Nest sight misalignment to PKM & M60 Machine Gun Nest sight misalignment.May 17 2024, 3:17 AM
matthys edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
matthys edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
matthys updated the task description. (Show Details)

Also happens on both tripod versions (without the emplacements). What happens is that when the rear sight is adjusted for range, the rear sight does not align with the front sight and that causes the gun bore line to be lowered when trying to aim, when it actually should be raised. I did not however have any trouble getting out of the tripod guns, granted I only tested it once on game master without anything else going on.

Even more simply. Rear sight moves, but rear/front sights do not align according to changes.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.May 17 2024, 11:45 AM

Unfortunately, the problem has not been resolved.

At the same time, there is another problem with the sighting devices of machine guns on a tripod.
When rotating the machine gun located on the tripod (when the player aims), a fracture of the aiming line (eye - rear sight - front sight) appears. If the butt of the weapon is pressed to the shoulder and you aim, then a fracture of the aiming line is impossible. It is especially "funny" to watch how the optical sight of the KPVT moves separately from the machine gun (the aiming grid catches up with it when turning). This is a clear defect! It does not correspond to reality. This does not allow you to aim properly and hit moving targets.