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Permanently unable to transfer supplies using some vehicles, "No Storage Nearby", randomly
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: I only play Official Conflict Everon EU. Sometimes you cannot load or unload supplies from interaction prompt on certain vehicles. It is NOT only delayed as in the other tickets, but some vehicles are seemimgly permanently unable to transfer supplies. The message "No Storage Nearby" is displayed on the prompt, even though it is in the radius. Not certain, but I believe sometimes it can also say "Unavailable".
It has happened on maybe 10 vehicle instances since the update released. On these instances I have needed to put supplies on the ground from the vehicle or supply point in order to transfer supplies between them, because you cannot directly drag it over between supply inventories on Xbox, afaik.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!
Unknown, will update if I get more info.

Additional Information

Will update ticket if I find more info on this.
Update: I suspect it happens if two vehicles have previously tried to unload / load from the same supply point at the same time.


Event Timeline

byNautiic created this task.Jan 6 2025, 2:32 PM
byNautiic updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 6 2025, 7:27 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 7 2025, 12:34 PM
byNautiic updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 26 2025, 2:04 AM
byNautiic edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
byNautiic edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 28 2025, 5:33 PM

Thanks for the video. I can confirm that. It's annoying. You're standing right in front of it and it won't allow the command. Not even the drag and drop - i.e. dragging the stock into the warehouse - works.

Thanks for the video. I can confirm that. It's annoying. You're standing right in front of it and it won't allow the command. Not even the drag and drop - i.e. dragging the stock into the warehouse - works.

Are you on Steam/PC, also experiencing the issue?

Thanks for the video. I can confirm that. It's annoying. You're standing right in front of it and it won't allow the command. Not even the drag and drop - i.e. dragging the stock into the warehouse - works.

Are you on Steam/PC, also experiencing the issue?

PC - yes But it happens at alternating intervals.

byNautiic added a comment.EditedJan 28 2025, 8:29 PM

Thanks for the video. I can confirm that. It's annoying. You're standing right in front of it and it won't allow the command. Not even the drag and drop - i.e. dragging the stock into the warehouse - works.

Are you on Steam/PC, also experiencing the issue?

PC - yes But it happens at alternating intervals.

Alright, cool. I agree. Seems quite random.

Looks like it happens randomly on Xbox exp aswell. Had it happen maybe one instance in 10 hours playing.
I don't quite remember but I believe the car was spawned at MOB, brought to Le Moule, I took supplies from the big barn with supplies nearby, built a radio tower at the base, took more supplies from barn and then drove to Morton and tried to unload but it just said "No Storage Nearby". We blew up shortly after so couldn't test more.