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- Mar 6 2013, 1:49 AM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Good call Keshkan. Instead of the screen getting blurry it should be more realistic. Your character should be forced to look at the ground as you puke your guts out or just fall over and pass out.
I like the idea, as the suggested fix I would just put a small icon for each type of scope in the upper corner
+ Long range scope
. Short Dot
^ Iron Sight
No Scope
I am an idiot. Holding down alt will bring the view back to the default position. Please disregard/delete this issue.
I think the fact that you crouch and lower your weapon gives a good immersion feel to the game. Since you shouldn't be pulling your map out during a firefight anyway, it shouldn't really matter that your weapon doesn't instantly pop back up.
Agreed, more options is always a good thing.
I upvoted. I think a red dot laser would be a handy close quarters tool.
This was a useful feature in ACE.
May 9 2016
Downvoted only because I don't want to see this in vanilla. I bet this will make a great addition to Arma III ACE.
It seems like just about anything you do makes the tires squeal (start, stop, turn, high speed, low speed). As OP stated, tires should only squeal on pavement.
I agree with MulleDK19
+1 for a default dirct comms button to gently suggest to all users that they should be using direct coms.
It seems like this would mean more character models, which may lead to lag. I think it would also end up like Goldeneye 64; everyone wants to play as Oddjob because the short guy is a smaller target.
None of the currently implemented weapons are reallly built to be sileced. Lets wait until they release the HK MP5SD and true SD ammunition (a bullet from a suppressed weapon is still loud) before we start complaining.
I like the "arcade" term to desribe this. I feel like a lot of the "make the game more fluid" changes should more correctly be called "make the game more like an arade game".
This ticket is not needed. I can almost gurantee these weapons will appear in the full version of the game.
Down voted. This is a repeat of 426
Down voted. This is a repeat of 2614
I am a bit confused as to what the issue is here. Are you saying that weapons misfire too often in ALPHA, or are you saying that weapons should misfire more often in ALPHA?
You can detach them from other weapons, but you have to pick them up first. There is already another ticket open asking to be able to remove accesories without having to pick a weapon up first.
This is a huge problem. I like Ezcoo's tags idea. Some people poorly word their tickets, so you don't actually know what they are about without reading them (which you may not do because the title is poorly written).
Although I love ACRE and TS, it should be a very simple thing for the devs to add a few extra channels.
/Besides, ACRE might be a ways off. I want air channel now.
This would be nice. I hate when my mouse moves a bit causing me to drive off the road.
I think ARMA II ACE handled this well with an optional stance indicator. I would use the ARMA II ACE indicatiors, but add a downwards carrot under the existing stand, crouch, and pronce figures to indicate the new bewteen stances. Put a C behind the figure to indicate combat pace.
This was also a problem in ARMA II.
This sounds like a two parter. The first part about viewing all of your inventory at once sounds like this issue I created
The second part (pulling stacks) would be a great fix on it's own. I really like the shift click. I would take that idea further and add a ctrl click to open a box where you could choose how many of an item you want (imagine restocking at a loaded ammobox, you don't want to pull the full stack of 100 mags). I would keep the full stack and pull # commands separate so that you aren't slowed down choosing "all" when looting corpses.
ARMA II isn't a FPS, it is a military simulator. If you want situational awareness, use iron sights, acog, or red dot. If you want to see far away look into a scope.
With the new scope attachment system you don't even have to pick between a long range or short range rifle anymore.
I like the marker idea. I didn't count them all, but I think there have to be over 100 markers available. At least sort into categories. Markers, flags, ranks, and symbos. Up/Down changes marker, Shift+ Up/Down changes color, why not have left/right change categories?
Based on the stock image someone uploaded I made a poorly photoshoped version of what I would like to see. Ignore the fact that me and the dead guy have the exact same loadout.
Key elements:
-In case it isn't clear, the column of items below an area is the conents of that area (my chest has 5 items in it, my rig has 3 items in it, and my ruck has 4 items in it)
-Everything in my inventory is visible
-Everything in the dead guy's inventory is visible
-Space is saved and the overall look is much cleaner without text (this is what I am calling the classic look. I really like the old school boxes)
-You would still get full text descriptions by mousing over something like you currently do
-Full mags stack, partial mags are separate inventory
Kid, this issue has nothing to do with where things are placed or how much fits.
It has to do with being able to see everything at the same time.
I like the fact that items can be organized into different places and that similar items are condensed into a single item (all full mags are a single item with a counter, partial mags are separate), I just want to see all of those places open at the same time. To me only having one storage area open at a time looks like, "Time to scavange some mags off this corpse. Lets see, he has one here on his body, then I'll click to open his rig and grab 3 more, then I'll click to open his ruck to pick up 8 more". Similarly I have to click three different places on my own inventory just to count how many mags I have (in a realistic mode with no hud you don't get the round/mag count in the upper right corner).
Somewhat unrelated, ACE limits you by volume, not weight. Large items take up more slots in your inventory or more volume in the ruck. For example, an ACE stinger missle only weighs 10kg, but you are limited to carrying two at a time because they are very large (each missle occupies 6 of the 12 available primary inventory slots).
All of you haters aren't really helping either.
Although OP lacks subtlety, he makes a good point. One legitimite gripe that the OP likely shares with me is that movement is too fast. You can sprint supersped up increadible slopes without even breaking a sweat. ARMA II movement speeds were slower, of shorter duration, and you could not run up steep hills.
There are many other slight changes like this that give the game "a cheap console feel". Many of them are subtle things which are hard to put into words, which may be why OP had a hard time expressing himself.
I think a new model is a waste or resources. Under all that gear doesn't everyone pretty much look the same anyway? Add a few new face skins/voices and be done with it.
No need. I think all of this will be solved when real tutorial missions are added to the final game.
Unfortunately Alpha is not a finished game. It was made so that players who are already familiar with how to play ARMA can try to break the game so that it is polished when the full game is released.
You can change that yourself in the options menu.
Options > Game Options > Colors
I would + more than 1 if I could.
I really liked the ARMA II ACE implementation.
Agreed. Add this as an optional HUD item.
Lean indicator is different than the generally asked for stance indicator.
/Also, 338 comes before 426. If anything 426 is a repeat of this issue.