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- User Since
- Feb 17 2014, 5:40 PM (576 w, 3 d)
Feb 11 2019
@Flamberg: Any engineer with any kind of practice will tell you that a duct tape fixes nothing the way it was before and is dedicated to insulate cables but it is the most crude method of doing so. Jokes aside. What is most important is that the current duct tape functionality makes other fixing tools obsolete. Why bother having a gun cleaning kit? Why a leather sewing kit? Both are heavy and take 6 squares. Its better to have 3 tapes instead, or even 4 if you also throw away normal sewing kits :)
Feb 4 2019
Jan 28 2019
Yesterday (Sunday) I observed this issue as well. Military building with L-shaped corridor and with big shower room. I was able to pick items from the room behind me. And those items were not spawned but probably put down by someone else.
TBH I like new controls setup. It differs but every single FPP/FPS game I play differs in that matter.
Jan 27 2019
I've just done that again. Issue still exists. Last (4th) occurrence last Sunday, today 5th time of that bug.
Jan 26 2019
Let me open my suitcase and take out my crystal ball :D
The answer to your question is not a simple yes or no.
Jan 25 2019
Is the page file only on a SSD drive or do you have also HDD and the page file is there as well? When in game, open the Task Manager and in Performance tab see the value of "Free". If it is close to 0 and less than 250MB then your OS will be swapping pages constantly and if a page file is on HDD then relocate it to SSD to increase transfer rate between page file and RAM.
Your GPU is not particularly advanced but it is not so bad neither but it may not be good enough to maintain decent FPS levels on high settings. I also think that the combination of your SSHD and 8GB of RAM is partially the reason. It is most likely that you lack free RAM and when you zoom in to distant objects then your Windows OS is trying to move some pages from RAM to page file and vice versa.
Jan 23 2019
Today I respawned only once with a weapon in my hands (UMP 45/USG-45) and no bug observed.
Update: Full NL server on Official w/ Private shard during a server list refresh suddenly changed to "night". There was still a day, closing slowly to a dusk. Speed: 6.2x.
Jan 21 2019
Not yet but I do not get killed so often. I think that it is the way I use GUI, as my fiends haven't gotten this bug yet but they are not so pedantic about your character looks.
You need a flat and empty surface which rules out many forrest/rocks locations.
Additional info:
I think it is that way for muxh longer period.
Day/night indicator is not working properly in Official servers for Private shard, possibly for others as well.
It forces players to jump multiple times.
What is your PC specification?
Latest GPU driver? Which version?
What video settings in the game have you set up?
Jan 20 2019
Mar 9 2018
May 11 2016
Thank you for writing down more details. I will test that scenario and write down the outcome as we all want that no item would disappear.
Can you write down more details?
Where was a clip located?
Were your hands empty at that time?
Was there any storage space in your Inventory or it was full at that time?
Have you got 2 weapons on you or only one or none at all?
If you write down a test scenario then I will try to reproduce the issue.
ATM there is so little info that I can't even think of a possible scenario I should follow.
I think this is already known issue and scheduled for a fix.
Until then you can't do much with that thing. At least no one will steal your tent.
I may have a solution for your problem which has a small chance of success.
Try to put a barrel or a backpack in the vicinity of the tent so the scrolling would be available.
The reason of not being able to scroll is most likely the lack of items-containers in the vicinity window as the game thinks that if only one container is visible then it doesnt need to be scrolled.
As I had that issue as well then maybe you should test it on the other server as I suppose it is related to some player created items (such as items containers).
However I thing the issue is reproducible when going north from the vodka factory in Vybor city. That place was repeatedly causing such issues but in 0.57.
The issue seems to be similar to the scenario you described but when I change jacket, pants and vest to end-game ones (PautRev + Plate Carrier) then I can travel on the rain constantly and neither of other clothing/sacks become damp.
And few seconds is enough to get damp status when wearing clothes made from tanned and dyed leather.
Why Military Boots make themselves damp only when having Brown Leather Set and never when having PautRev Set even when walking on invisible water?
Why gloves became damp?
I cant check, but inventory also became damp as well as weapons which never occurs when wearing high quality military clothes?
BTW: I cannot test anymore. Uninstalled DayZ yesterday. I need a break till beta stage. Got bored of playing on minimal details when I want to PvP in cities. Got bored playing DayZ on empty servers. Got bored walking on NWAF on full servers and not meeting any players. And finally - got bored playing DayZ as majority of players left the game after 0.58 - there is no one to play with anymore.
See you in 2017.
Another set of test only after I hunt down some more cows.
Some bambi kid robbed me and then killed me when I was AFK typing a post here. I just saw the last moment of my quite a long life span and heard his childish voice.
Another lesson - do not post here when in populated servers.
I've tested the issue once again.
- With Brown Leather Backpack.
After 4-5 second on the rain my character went damp.
All items were damp excluding Brown Leather Hat and Designer Glasses.
I was wearing Brown Leather set (Hat, Jacket, Vest, Pants) and Military boots and Working Gloves. All those items went damp after few seconds.
- Without Brown Leather Backpack.
Exactly the same as with a backpack.
It's not good when all items become damp after few seconds of rain and TBH - all my items are some kinda water proof (typical working gloves needs like 30 minutes of heavy rain to become wet inside), military boots are almost impenetrable by a rain and leather itself is waterproof.
Anything more to test?
I was wearing almost complete set of Brown Leather clothing at that time.
The only pieces different were Military Boots (Pristine) w/ Combat Knife (Pristine) and Designers Glasses (Worn).
In other words I was wearing Brown Leather Hat, Brown Leather Jacket, Brown Leather Storage Vest and Brown Leather Pants.
Also I was wearing a Brown Leather Backpack.
Having PautRev Gorka set (Pristine) and Plate Carrier Complete Set (Pristine) and Tortilla Backpack (Pristine) I can hardly get wet on rain but Tortilla is 100% waterproof.
Should I try going out during the rain w/o Leather Backpack to test it once again?
How should I proceed? I often play on servers with rainy weather occurring so it is possible to test the subject more extensively.
How long would it be to be still dry in a rain wearing leather clothes? I understand it is rare scenario as I prefer to wear Gorka clothes and not crafted leather.
Is the coloring of the leather clothes mean something at all? Should I test all variants?
Now it's OK with the link.
After watching it I came to a conclusion that playing dead should be available just as waving a hand or giving a finger.
It's some kinda nice to be a live trap so your friends would have the ability to ambush players which will fall into such trap.
Link to some lousy cartoon on YT?
Should I test it more?
I think you could easily test it in your own environment so I won't have to ask my friend to test it more on his PC.
It seems that some files stored on the local HDD are common to any Steam account thus it may seem a simple case but instead it needs quite a big redesigning.
I can test whatever is needed, my friend lives like 100m away so the only thing we need is some beer/vodka to socialize so I can once again try to log in to Steam on his PC (and his PC is familiar to my account ATM).
After receiving a feedback from my friend I can confirm that the problem is repeatable.
when he wanted to log in into his account then my character name and character was visible on the start page but in Favorites there were my friend's servers added (as yesterday there were mine).
I've managed to dupe some more 7,62x39mm but only those stacks I pickud up from the ground and only by splitting the initial (picked up) stack.
I think it may concern all types of stackable items which can be picked up from the ground and then split.
I don't know how I duped the ammo removed from a mag - I can't reproduce it.
It seems that only picked up items have this issue and only under really complicated conditions.
I think the issue is not worth investigating as Devs do know and do fix issue with refreshing items after actions performed on such items (refill/repair/combine).
Devs: Please close this issue or add some portions of it to the issue related to fixing bad refresh of the items state and count.
I've tested it more.
I can't dupe 7,62x39mm but I can do that with 5.45x39mm now.
I think it depends on the initial condition of what hapend to the item before it popped in our Inventory.
It seems that you can do it on freshly picked up items.
I removed ammo from a mag and could do the dupe only once. After that it went OK again.
I think the issue is related to badly designed item refresh function in 0.58.
During research of other errors related to game running/server joining I've encountered some Google feedback which corresponds with VB++ Redistributables. You can try to uninstall VB++ Redistributables and then reinstall them.
Download those redistributables first when you have them on the list of installed apps (Win+R > appwiz.cpl).
be aware that those redistributables may also be used by other games and apps. Don't mess with your Windows if you do not feel capable of doing so.
Pity you did not post any errors related to that issue (if there are any error codes shown anyway).
Try to update Windows and drivers and then check again.
Reinstalling Steam and DayZ is also a possibility but probably you won't like it (other installed games from Steam etc.).
Are there any errors related to the crash?
@Phas3r: That's why you shoot bursts from AK's by aiming at the torso so the second bullet has a chance of hitting the head and ripping it off the enemy torso ;-)
AKM is a very powerfull weapon with plenty of force to give back to the soldier after every single round fired. I've never fired a machine gun IRL, only .44 Magnum and lesser weapons, but I can only imagine that AKM is so powerfull that .44 Magnum is a toy when compared, and .44 Magnum can easily get your hands injured.
Even in the video posted by sukablyat2 we can clearly see how the AKM pushes back that guy. And he is not firing continuously but as he should fire AKM (2 shot burst, just to be sure the head is ripped of the enemy's torso).
TBH I'd rather do a research in the direction of having the DMG of AKM bullets increased so AKM would be finally significantly more powerful than AK74 as they seem to be almost the same in the way of dealing damage.
Don't be so minimalistic.
There are plenty of features yet to be implemented into GUI and that list is long even in a small area of server listing.
Let me elaborate:
- allowing to resize columns
- allowing to order columns
- allowing to turn on/off particular columns
- fixing the refresh button as after a refresh the order of items on the list changes without taking a users choice of order into account
- adding a column with private/public attribute
- adding a column with the server country of origin
- adding a column with duration of a cycle
- adding a column with information about server restarts
- adding a column with 1st/3rd person perspective
- adding a column with normal/hardcore attribute
I think the list is not finished.
But I think reporting issues concerning GUI which will be probably replaced by another one are a waste of time ATM.
I often run with my Inventory open. You should be able to run with Inventory open as well, even sprint.
Dunno exactly. I haven't tried to glitch that way. Maybe pressing TAB will help?
You can try the method which is used by glitchers.
There is a thread on this forum with videos of exploits/glitches. One is describing going under houses.
Try to get out from that trap by using a prone position or using vaults ("V" key).
If that won't help then try to use a method which allows glitchers to hide under houses in the first place.
Open game, log into a server, change game to Windowed (not full screen) so you can see an X icon which closes the window with the game. If you have a windowed mode on then run towards a wall leading out and while running press an X so the game will close. There is a chance that you will be outside after you log in back again.
Were you glitching at the time when you got under a house?
Thrown items like to hang in the air as well.
Steps to reproduce:
Get a pistol from police station or a road flare/chemlight and throw it at a building.
Most likely the projectile will hang on invisible pixel or texel.
And your case should be observed on particular ground floors, as there are some areas when you shouldn't drop any items as they will most likely be teleported elsewhere (nearest entrance or another room/floor).
@wasnu: In that case shouldn't the barrel be empty (only lime and pelts inside)?
Anyway, thank you. You were very helpful.
@wasnu: What a nice workaround. Thank you. However it should be fixed and I wonder if this bug is already on the to do list.
Tell me wasnu, even in a closed barrel tanning is possible?
Had that issue (cow pelt and a lime) before the hot fix as well.
Never tried to retest the issue. I wonder if with deer pelts there is the same problem.
@lynken: Thanks for the information you provided. I'm going to test that particular scenario. It may or may not work. I am certain that I've closed and opened a door in that particular building and didn't noticed mirrored door icon state and I am almost positive that other players interacted with doors in that particular building as well. Nevertheless I will test the subject more as there is some new light to that matter.
@Geez: I will report my findings ASAP.
During the gathering nearby the NWAF I've asked my friends to check if they can pick up that Violet Quilted Jacket.
They can't pick it up as well as I am not able to do so.
On our server (IP given above) there are dozens of such items. They most likely spawned that way.
what can I do to test the issue more? How may I help?
Encountered another items which can't be picked up.
Checkered Dress and Beanie Hat in a house at the outskirts of Novaya Petrovka.
Same server.
In the same house after many days there is still the same Violet Quilted Jacket which I can't pick up.
Location 052:042
Desription: The house near a Water Pump located about 600m NE from NWAF.
Tested the issue some more.
I've once again found such items.
- Once again it happened in a civilian house
- Once again it impacted civilian items
- Once again I could take item in my hands (Vitamin Bottle) and then drag it into Inventory
- Once again I couldn't do anything with a Quilted Jacket (event put sth. in it)
I went back to that particular house after logging out, having a break (more than 30 minutes) then logging back onto the same server.
Can't try with another player if he could pick the jacket up.
Lags - not a chance. Smoothly working server, only me on it. Picked up Vitamin Bottle in a split second, but couldn't double click it thou.
I think this is a duplicate thread. Sorry.
It seems that some jackets when ruined stays on the ground like "persistence" items. I've managed to spot on various servers (same hive) and various locations some ruined jackets.
And Bambies' pants (jeans) seems to be as well staying longer than expected.
Maybe there is a reason for that? Items possessed longer than a particular amount of time are more persistent tnat picked&dropped items during manual server items wipe outs.
Since the game totally broke down (my character resets every log in) and further playing is not available so I will report some stuff as well.
Date of occurrence: 10th of Oct 2015
Time of occurrence: about 01:00 CEST
Server Name: [CHG]Chimera-Gaming
Inventory state: AKM on back, AKM in hands, UMP in Olive High Capacity, Binoculars in M65 Jacket and binded to the "4" key.
How the bug popped up: Running fast towards Dubrovka from Grishino. Suddenly I decided to use binoculars. I pressed "4". The AKM in hands was put to the ground and dissapeared. Binoculars correctly put into hands.
Pressing "4" again - binoculars correctly put in the M65 Jacket.
Re-logging of the game didn't help.
I rarely travel with 2 major weapons on my char as there is a high chance of happening sth. bad. The above example is one of such mishap. I forgot to put AKM on ground myself. The alpha engine is full of bugs within conditional loops so there are still plenty of mishaps to happen.
The only fix to any glitches is to eliminate the glitches itself and there are probably dozens of already known glitches and possibly even more glitches not found yet.
You have to understand that not all players are exploiting game glitches. Only those retarded do so ;-)
SKS as the basic military grade weapon should be so high.
Imagine that devs will drop the amount of SKS's to be spawned.
Furthermore there will be a higher chance to find AK74/AKSU/AKM or even NATO weapons.
The overall amount of weapons should be dropped. But I think this will be implemented in new loot system as the present system is some kinda bad, full of flaws and I think Devs are right now implementing a new loot system.
Is it a standard Windows critical error sound?
I can't understand anything from what you have written.
Can you retype it so I could test the issue and report it with more information?
Can you give at least the IP of the server?
P.S.: have you used automated translations? If so then send a greetings to its author ;-)
Why do you play on servers without BattleEye then? I think BattleEye's main purpose is to kicks and probably permaban users who modify game files as it is the easiest way to fight with cheaters - check files (size, CRC, metadata etc.).
I think adult players do not swim. But DayZ is only for adults so there must have been plenty of kids and other mentally impaired players in DayZ ;-)
It's already known issue and scheduled for a fix.
Handguard attachments are not able to be attached to weapons.
- Take a weapon on your back.
- Empty your hands.
- Double click on hand guard on the weapon on your back so it will be unattached and stored in hands.
- Get rid of it.
- Attach new hand guard.
The bug concerns all types ow weapons which have a hand guard/hand grip (AKs, M4s, MP5s etc.).
Maybe you are right but I think that it would procure plenty of lost weapons and stuff and this forum would be swarmed with threads about it.
It would be better to inform a player that he has no space to hide an item which is currently in player's hands (weapon, ammo, can of soda etc.) so his hands are full and thus he cannot perform an action (drinking from a water pump, searching for apples etc.).
In Windows there is a combination of buttons which switch keyboard type. It is usually "Left Alt" + "Shift" for changing language and Ctrl + Shift for changing keyboard layout.
You can change it in Win7.
Control panel -> Region & Languages -> Keyboard & languages -> Change keyboard -> Advanced key setting -> Change key sequence.
Choose "`" and it will probably fix your problems or at least reduce it to minimum.
@rustycaddy: No Coke? No Pepsi? You gotta be kidding me. Even when USSR was still alive there were plenty of such beverages across all occupied countries and not only in DDR/PRL/CSR.