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- Jan 12 2019, 10:22 PM (320 w, 2 d)
Oct 21 2024
Same thing has happened to me on 2 occasions the past few days. So I guess this bug went into stable.
Apr 19 2022
It’s positively potty!
In my opinion, it would silly for them to add new items AND a new item state (cleanliness) just for this cooking change.
For all intents and purposes, a ‘cleanliness state’ does exactly the same job as the current ‘condition state’.
Jul 17 2021
Also, bears, too
Jul 16 2021
@Geez Been an issue for a while now. This was also mentioned in a recent Wobo vid. Any chance of looking into this? Thank you 🙏
Jul 14 2021
Jul 7 2021
@Geez Please consider this! All you would have to do, would be add a chart to the existing assets… i.e. blood bags, blood test kit, etc. Also a nice big one on the wall of hospitals would be lovely 😊
Jun 23 2021
I think this is related to this ticket:
While we’re on the subject… there’s nothing worse than seeing a ‘worn’ backpack on a zombie. You have these shabby, bedraggled, creatures wondering around like feral animals, yet they have a beautifully preserved backpack on their person.
Let’s crank up the hardcore factor. You’ve already made it so that coastal zombies have a reduced chance of making you bleed (I think?) Why not remove bandages/rags from the starting loot, altogether…
It’s currently far too short, in my opinion. I love the idea of different calibers having an effect on the time you are unconscious… variety is the spice of life, after all.
Jun 19 2021
Apr 24 2021
Also... the only way to reset the action circle, when a prisoner is breaking out, is to hit them. This leads to unnecessary deaths.
Apr 22 2021
I don’t know anything about ballistics, but I think if you go to the trouble of having a nuanced bullet drop system, it makes for it to be as realistic as possible.
Glass bottles would be great. There’s a vodka bottle in the files, so that’s a start! I agree with you on cooking pots. My pet peeve is being able to drink water out of a cooking pot that has all kinds of random items inside. It should hold one, or the other. You can also hotbar items inside a cooking pot that is INSIDE your backpack... *sigh*
@ParanoiaLP I mentioned it in Sumrak’s stream last year 😂 He liked the idea, so just thought I’d remind him.
Oh man, this would be an absolute game changer for the zombies. I think they are still a long way from being ideal. The current pathfinding is too gamey.
Apr 21 2021
Apr 20 2021
Apr 3 2021
Yep. Noticed this too.
Nov 24 2020
Nov 14 2020
Nov 6 2020
Oct 27 2020
Oct 25 2020
GG for sharing the info. I suppose the point I was making was that the devs are aware of the issue. Fingers crossed it’s fixed before stable drops.
Oct 24 2020
If you check the patch notes, you’ll see at the bottom of the post, under the header ‘known issues’ it says ‘It is difficult to find the refuel option for vehicles’
I think we should get a discussion going on this. Everybody should give their opinions. There are so many intricate mechanics now, that we need to give as much feedback as possible.
Oct 23 2020
@Vitdom Yes, the helmets went into my inventory, whenever I tried to drag it onto my character.
They’ve made changes to mitigate this in 1.10 (the next update)
Oct 22 2020
I wasn’t at the time... I’m aware of the issue of not being able to wear a balaclava and a motorcycle helmet. I tried to wear 4 motorcycle helmets, I could only wear 1.. so it doesn’t affect all of them.
Oct 8 2020
Apologies for gatecrashing, but should this really be a thing? Being able to navigate via an imaginary hotbar? In my opinion the hotbar compass should be a static image.
Aug 26 2020
Jul 27 2020
Log out in bushes. If you log in a building this is always a risk.
@Geez any info on this? Buckshot is useless in 1.08. Is it intentional?
@Geez can we get some kind of update on animals? A high caliber round to the head should kill. It also seems like they don’t even bleed out any more. Thanks
Jul 18 2020
@Masgel it doesn’t hurt to bounce ideas around. The devs are actually very open to suggestions from the community.
Jul 17 2020
May 20 2020
Hi @Geez I am unable to reproduce this issue consistently. It’s happened to me twice though. Next time it happens, I’ll be sure to send you a video. All I can say is, the gun was in my hand slot, and I dragged the pistol flashlight onto the image of the gun.
May 4 2020
Also, FYI, items do respawn... it’s likely that other players have recently looted the houses you’ve been to. You’ve just been unlucky!
Welcome to DayZ! 😅 Download iZurvive app which will tell you the location of drinking wells in the towns. Not gonna lie, it’ll be hard going as a new player. With time you will learn where to find loot, and how to easily survive. Be sure to check the overturned boats on the beach. They often spawn tinned food. Same with zombies. Good luck
May 2 2020
Apr 26 2020
This is still the case @Geez and has recently been mentioned in this YouTube video: (around the 8:30 mark)
Apr 25 2020
Any news on this issue @Geez ? Is a fix still being worked on? This was nearly 9 months ago!
Distant lighting works differently to nearby lighting. I think that distant lighting is essentially ‘faked’ in order for us to see it... Using eye-zoom messes that up.
Nov 18 2019
Nov 6 2019
@Radamantyz You cooked in the ruined buildings?
Nov 5 2019
Nov 4 2019
Nov 2 2019
I noticed my double barrel shotgun had a floating bullet, too
Nov 1 2019
It seems to happen with the blaze too. I’m guessing it’s all the new weapons. Modded weapons on certain servers used to do this, too.
Oct 29 2019
Also, this..
Oct 23 2019
Oct 20 2019
Me and a friend wondered if we’d ran into hackers last week on public servers. Nothing as crazy as what happened to you. These guys moved fast as lightning, appeared to teleport, and took an insane amount of ammo to kill. In the end, we were undecided, thinking it could also be poor server performance. Yours seems pretty clear cut, though.
Oct 15 2019
Had this happen so many times recently. Today, alone, I was unable to pick up 3 m4s and 1 AKM. Pretty major bug considering how rare certain weapons are.
Oct 8 2019
Agree. I think they reintroduced it to work with different types of blood pressure, and the defibrillator, but haven’t managed to balance the systems. As it currently stands, check pulse is pretty irrelevant. Especially considering unconsciousness is very basic right now. Everyone wakes up after 30 seconds. I would love uncon to be fleshed out further, but until then, being able to check a dead player’s pulse, would be a nice addition.
Imagine those clouds with the current lighting... *drools*
I also noticed that the pistol suppressor has no effect on zombies. Interestingly though, my friend has fired near me a few times, and I haven’t heard it. So it appears they are working for other players.
Oct 7 2019
Do you mind explaining this in layman's terms? Is this a big deal for vehicle stability?
@Digiblast I also do that, but it's not always possible. From freshspawn yellow, I counted 36 circles before the 'full-stomach' symbol appeared. That's just ridiculous.
@Geez 100% middle ground needed for 1.06
Oct 5 2019
Oct 3 2019
Sounds like you've got cholora, lad. It spawns in bottles you find too. Next time, empty all bottles or use purification tablets/alcohol tincture/disinfectant spray. Tetracycline cures it.
Sep 26 2019
To be fair, Emil, it’s a feedback tracker, and there is a ‘feature request’ section in the drop-down menu. It doesn’t hurt to ask, and I’ve had a few bits fed back to the team.
Sep 23 2019
Player pop numbers say the game is not dying. The core DayZ experience is already there. If those people don’t enjoy the game now, they likely never will. I am much more concerned about performance and bugs driving players away. I would love the CLE tweaks in future updates. Perhaps when a certain new map drops?
Sep 22 2019
I agree, this is an issue worth talking about. But ‘killing the game’ is the overstatement of the century. This wasn’t a problem several months ago, but now persistence is fixed, the loot economy needs further tweaking. Especially regarding buried, and stored weapons. It’s a little disheartening when you spend hours looting military bases, and get nothing in return. High tier weapons should definitely be rare, but I feel it’s a bit too harsh at the moment.
Sep 21 2019
Conversely, you can’t hear your friends speak when you’re in a car together because the engine is so loud.