Is anyone even looking at this? Do I need to escalate further?
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Arma 3 Activity
Mar 19 2024
Mar 18 2024
Mar 17 2024
Still an issue preventing me from doing some cool stuff.
Additionally, I have tried using Steam "Verify integrity of game files" option twice to try to fix it. It has not worked.
Mar 16 2024
Arma 3 as a whole is old technology, but still worth the update ;)
Mar 15 2024
I saw that there was a feature request for this on the forum too back in November of 2016, with the latest post being from April of 2019.
Grass cutters are old technology, and they weren't designed to be moving around. So unlikely that this gets fixed
The reason could be that I don't know how character sounds work and would have to learn it first to know if doable or not :D
With simpleVM, which will apply in this simple code, the loop will already be order of magnitude faster. Not really worth to add more alt syntaxes for that
When game freezes, it will generate a FREEZE .mdmp fule in the RPT folder. I need that to figure out what it was doing during the freeze
It tried to display some text for which the font didn't exist.
I don't know how that happened, but the crash will be fixed in next profiling/dev branch update
load on the GPU has increased to the point where objects start to flicker in and out of existence multiple times per second.
Isn't that just the same as T178840 ?
Its going to be fixed on next profiling branch/dev branch update, but I'm not sure if moving the event processing before the UI processing will break something else :D
Works for me.
curatorToggleInterface is backspace (That's not the Zeus open key which would be Z/Y).
And pressing backspace, it activates and prints to chat.
Mh I can't see enough in there to figure out why that happened.
But its just a random one time thing right? it doesn't happen repeatedly?
Huh nice find.
Your game is set to chinese language right?
Crash was already fixed on profiling branch. Will be fixed in 2.16
Good find. Wow. Sadly really annoying to fix :D
Something went wrong in our memory allocation, but I've never seen that before and don't understand how thats possible to happen.
As its just random, it might just be a random one time fluke
Please follow this
I need the crashdump files
Caused by 3CB code. Bug was fixed on 04.03, I think the fix is on profiling branch
There are also other cases where these ghosts stay behind. They simply don't delete properly
Your crash from 6th was in microsoft's XAudio code
Not possible.
Well the game just said your graphics card disconnected.
Might be a graphics driver issue or power surge or some other random thing. We have no indication of what the reason might be.
True. That is because Triggers themselves don't have a eventhandler collection on them.
These Eden events re-use the event handling already present on objects.
Its not really worth it to add it just for that, and also as you said wouldn't work on Markers either.
Mar 14 2024
The fix on dev seems to work, whatever it is. Tested with 1, 10, 1000 and 1e6. Also checked for bias in the last value, seems fine.
Mar 13 2024
Mar 12 2024
Sorry, community servers are not our responsibility.
Mar 11 2024
We found that this change was done in October 2008. That was before Arma 2 release, its been like that since then.
If the commander orders a medic to treat a wounded AI, then that wounded AI stops like a statue and will wait stands at full height without moving! During combat, this makes his behavior unnatural.
Mar 10 2024
After researching this particular issue and learning about What a status stack buffer overrun error means and googling nVidia with that error code. I learned that using DDU to uninstall my graphics drivers (including physx) in safe mode, rebooting, and then reinstalling GeForce experience and recent driver update, that could fix this issue.
Mar 9 2024
In T179763#2580011, @NikkoJT wrote:Don't worry about that response, it's an AI-generated spambot.
Don't worry about that response, it's an AI-generated spambot.
Right, this is why I am here requesting this on the "Feedback Tracker". I assume some devs are looking at this still? Hopefully. Thank you for looking through my request though. You have some very good points. I just am requesting BI devs try to give us at least one truly meaningful update to a game we all love.
Revision: 151549
Mar 8 2024
Much faster repro by abusing isNil. Typically generates the fail case well within a minute:
[] spawn { private _attempt = 0; private _nohit = true; while {_noHit} do { systemChat str _attempt; isNil { for "_i" from 1 to 100000 do { if (floor random 1000 == 1000) exitWith { systemChat "hit"; _noHit = false; }; }; }; _attempt = _attempt + 100000; }; };
The floor doesn't make a difference to the result (FP won't report a normalized value as equal unless the bits match) but was added on request.
Non-shameless bump.
Any reason this could not be done, to a layman sounds like not too much of an hassle?
Mar 7 2024
Confirmed as fixed in Dev build 151510.
Mar 6 2024
Revision: 151519