It could have been that the kill wasn't 300+ m.
The main menu stats does not display proper data, and that may be the issue...
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Jan 9 2025
Resolved for 1.27.
Good afternoon dear developers! I bought your wonderful game because I am a fan of this series. But unfortunately I encountered difficulties. Why are Bans distributed left and right in the game, regardless of the player’s actions? I just might get banned for not liking my godfather!!! Not because of some illegal or incorrect actions of mine, but on the basis of personal negativity!? Is this normal in your opinion!?
This task can be closed as it is no longer relevant
Changed: Repair truck range has been increased so it can more easily allow for helicopter repairs
Hello Localv2.
Players can learn how to fly in GM. In Multiplayer we cannot recognize if crashing with other people was intentional or not. If there was no other damage applied (for example enemies shooting at helicopter) it would be pilot which is blamed and that's correctly considered team-killing.
We identified issue internally and will move to resolve it.
Hello BlankSpace.
The crash dump points towards nvppex.dll file, indicating a problem with your GPU drivers. Please do a clean installation and check your OS for any corrupted installations/files. Also make sure your system is up to date.
Disabling HWAA in the game might resolve the issue but the root cause is somewhere on your system.
There is also a chance that if you are running Nvidia app instead of Ge-force experience that that is the cause of the problem.
Hello Constantinv.
Please make sure all your drivers are up to date and you do not have any corrupted files or installations (run sfc/scannow).
Also try to disable Steam cloud sync, delete DayZ documents folder and verify the game data.
Thank you, we will investigate.
However, all of the servers are being monitored by BattlEye and hackers are being subsequently banned.
Thank you for the report gamerdude.
This will be investigated by BattlEye.
Unfortunately I have no further suggestions. The computer turning off might indicate some issue with the PC/OS
Ok is this found in the game files?
@Geez check out my task on the easiest way to whitewall in DayZ prevelant since day 1
Resolved for 1.3.
Hello AwFam.
You can upload the generated files to this ticket by drag and dropping them into the comment window.
In Experimental it failed on removing it from workshop with "Addon removal failed!" and no error logs.
Seems that you are also experiencing same issue as T187289
This is extremely serious! It appears they hacked the server, and every empty space in my loot barrels has been filled with ammo, and in one case, a filter bottle, which isnt even part of this game!
See all the 556?? All tracer rounds. All worn condition. Massive amounts of it. This is just one example. There are over 100 boxes that were left in my loot stash.
See how the 9mm boxes that are legit look? All different conditions.
Please! For the love of GOD, fix this!!! It is ruining the game!
In T184289#2734037, @DarkWolf wrote:Hello, do you still experience this issue on current 1.2.1 or Experimental 1.3 versions?
There are still many hackers all day and night.. I have many videos of gameplay where I get killed by hackers..
There is a crash report how do I add that? Running scans now.
Доброго времени суток! Помогите, после нажатия на сервер, идет время, а потом все на этом, подбор игроков отменен а через не много времени типо вы покинули команду
here is the crash report
Did anyone find a solution to this issue? I am still waiting for a fix
I’m on a 32 inch tv. I have 20/20 vision and I’m having to move right up against the tv to read the writing it’s to small and no adjuster to make it bigger
Same happened to me in Sagbruk with very loot and good weapons. It's very annoying. Please fix it!
Jan 8 2025
I have just got stuck here too. I don't have anyone to try and knock me out, so will server hop to escape.
Issue is still present as of 1.26 and 08JAN2025
hello, thanks for the reply, i got in contact with nitrado they did some configuration and it seems to have stopped it
the computer turns off and on
My game has worked so well that now every 5-10 minutes of the game, my computer restarts itself. xD What should I do? DayZ controls my PC
In T188030#2733459, @byNautiic wrote:I play with Dragonlotion quite often on Arma, I can vouch for him, he is a good-quality player, been around for a long time.
It is common for people to votekick (so possibly also report?) , if for example you dismantle arsenals at the beginning of matches in order to relocate supplies to progress the match.. maybe this is a cause?
I tried to overwrite files in the constructor of the DayZGame class. So this would look something like this:
modded class DayZGame {
In T187299#2733969, @PR9INICHEK wrote:Commanding AIs to use mortars with explosive rounds should be available only for Majors.
Commanding AIs to use other mortar rounds should be the same rank-wise as with human players when they use those rounds.Or just add new AI mortar team who only knows how to use mortars
And abitity to spawn them from Captain or higher
But then what would happen if the "Captain" wanted to leave, & rejoins the server later? Should the rest of players be demoted again?
After a quick glance through the code that is used in the behavior tree for firing mortars, it does look like the AI are limited mostly by the mortar traverse rate. There doesn't appear to be a delay before finding where to aim, and they seem to be always as accurate as possible. There is a delay between shots.
In the 18s video I added to the report I was reporting the hack using the in-game report function you just mentioned.
Hello, do you still experience this issue on current 1.2.1 or Experimental 1.3 versions?
Thank you.
The only suggestion at the moment I could provide is that this could possibly be hardware issue.
Finished sfc/scannow and it couldn't find any issues.
1st attachment is the result from scannow
2nd attachment is system info
3rd attachment is graphics info
Hello, is this still not working on current 1.2.1 or Experimental 1.3 versions?
Your concerns have been noted by the team and we will definitely take them into account in the future. We will be looking more into this to prevent any unjust bans.
I was not able to reproduce this issue.
That is, I need to limit myself in skill? You understand the absurdity of this situation?! I always play shooters, I spent a lot of money on a computer, on a monitor...... I train my reaction, like any normal player there is a desire to be stronger than others, but honestly... That's my interest in the game... It is not correct on your part to issue such blocks! You should at least check if there are doubts.. And you've hit my reputation hard with my friends and the rest of the players. I didn't like your message "Further reports will lead into non reversible ban." after all this, I'm scared to play on this project. It makes sense for me to invest my time and money when there are no security guarantees.
Could you provide more information regarding this issue?