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Marksman Achievment Bug
Need More Info, NormalPublic


today I finally managed to get a kill at 300+ meters.

*Edit: now it has been multiple days ago*

I rushed to a safe spot to log out and check if I got the AV but strangely it shows in the game that it was 424 meters but I didn't get it.

I sent an Email with Screenshots at [email protected], proving what im telling you a guy redirected me.

I feel like you are slapping me in the face because I gave you all you need and now I have to do it again aswell as editing the screenshots to censor private Data.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Dec 10 2024, 12:56 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello PissedCustomer, you can upload screenshots here by simply dragging and dropping them into the ticket or comment window.
Also, was this on a community server or official? As achievements are obtainable only at Official servers.

Hello Geez,

Thank you for the quick answer, I figured that out just before I saw your comment, now screenshots are in the post.


Geez added a comment.Dec 10 2024, 12:58 PM

@PissedCustomer The provided screenshots do not show whether this was an official or community server

Oh yeah of course it was on official

you want a proof?

How can i prove it?

Geez added a comment.Dec 10 2024, 1:02 PM

Oh yeah of course it was on official

Thank you, will forward this to the QA team to see if they can find any issues and will get back to you.

since this process took multiple days i played on and the character is dead now.

I thought you needed 300x hit´s at 300 meters to get the badge


seems like at some point it stopped working since if you look at the screenshots at an earlier time it registered that i got a kill at 233.something meters.

if you look online you will see that I'm not the only one that is having issues with this achievement.

Geez added a comment.Dec 11 2024, 10:18 AM

Hello again.
We have tested this on our end and did not have any issues receiving the achievement. Since this has been several days ago, we do not have any other way to investigate. If you have any other information that could lead us towards reproducing the issue, please let us know here.

Wow its been several days because of you

Just another slap in the face why did I even think that this would have helped

Any more information? Yes your game is a bugfest and I have to do multiple tricks to even be able to connect to official servers like starting as admin and still then I sometimes have to restart steam so it could have to do with the cloud.

Complete let down first being redirected here then hearing that it is because its been several days ... which only happened because your guy didnt forward my issue.


This comment was removed by PissedCustomer.
Geez added a comment.Dec 11 2024, 12:35 PM

Wow its been several days because of you
... which only happened because your guy didnt forward my issue

For the future, we can only suggest posting any game related issues to the feedback tracker immediately, as the support guys cannot deal with the in game related issues. The link is provided in the game via the server messages and we also are working on improving the visibility/accessibility of the link in the future.

Geez added a comment.Dec 11 2024, 12:39 PM

Also considering we were not able to reproduce the issue so far, there is not much we can do on our end.
Hence if there is any information which would lead us under which circumstances the bug occurs, please let us know so we can resolve this for the future.

Hey im sorry I got issues not related to this

I like the game and this bug doenst really change it


thanks for replying and your work

have a good day regards

There are no bugs in dayz, we call them features...

Traqu added a subscriber: Traqu.Jan 9 2025, 4:49 PM

It could have been that the kill wasn't 300+ m.
The main menu stats does not display proper data, and that may be the issue...