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[Feature Request] Automatically distribute experience points between players after a player with a higher rank leaves the server
Feedback, NormalPublic


One player - the captain leaves the server.

All his experience points are distributed among the players who remained on the server.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

Relates to T188058

Event Timeline

But then what would happen if the "Captain" wanted to leave, & rejoins the server later? Should the rest of players be demoted again?

It could probably also be exploited?

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 9 2025, 11:22 AM
purechaos added a subscriber: purechaos.EditedJan 10 2025, 1:35 AM

This will give more cons than pros, I do not subscribe. @byNautiic has a point

But then what would happen if the "Captain" wanted to leave, & rejoins the server later? Should the rest of players be demoted again?

It could probably also be exploited?

Game can issue a warning before leaving to a player with a high rank that if he does not return to the server within 10 minutes, then his rank will be reset.

And after 10 minutes, if the player has not returned, then distribute his experience among the other players

PR9INICHEK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jan 29 2025, 6:57 PM