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Banned for no reason
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Got randomly banned from all official servers

All I get is a message saying "you are banned from joining a server for 118250 minutes" etc if I try to join any official server.

Never did nothing to deserve it. Can't cheat I'm on Xbox, never trolled, team killed, gave abuse, never even got kicked out of a game etc. Seemingly took effect when I wasn't even playing.

Frankly it's totally ridiculous, tried to get a reason or solution via email. When I tried to contact the developers they told me basically to contact the developers.

Then I got sent to this 1995 lookin' form, doubt I'm getting a solution but is does explain why so many blatantly obvious bugs even end up in the game.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Be blatantly way better at the game than angry frustrated people probably.

Event Timeline

byNautiic added a subscriber: byNautiic.EditedJan 8 2025, 12:50 AM

I play with Dragonlotion quite often on Arma, I can vouch for him, he is a good-quality player, been around for a long time.
It is common for people to votekick (so possibly also report?) , if for example you dismantle arsenals at the beginning of matches in order to relocate supplies to progress the match.. maybe this is a cause?

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jan 8 2025, 10:10 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Dragonlotion.
Please provide your player ID. Also, please use Xbox specific form next time you are reporting issues on xbox.

I play with Dragonlotion quite often on Arma, I can vouch for him, he is a good-quality player, been around for a long time.
It is common for people to votekick (so possibly also report?) , if for example you dismantle arsenals at the beginning of matches in order to relocate supplies to progress the match.. maybe this is a cause?

Appreciate that Nautiic, I get what you're saying but I ain't done that recently.

I did kill 5-6 USA at night recently and they thought I was cheating in some way. They were all standing in the bushes having a conversation, I'm actually listening to them saying "he shouldn't be able to see us etc". It wasn't even especially dark it was dusk. I got no idea if it was anything to do with that but I'm gonna assume I've been reported for something.

Similar thing happened to another guy I used to play with systemslayer. He got completely banned, definitely didn't cheat etc. He was one of the best players and can only assume some salty people reported reported him.

I have a ban as you would if you were voted out of a game, instead of 5 mins it's for around 86 days. I can still play community servers but I'm not particularly into them. I'm actually decommissioning 2 cars away from 100% game completion, last time I played I thought ahh I'll just do that later... Later never came so that was frustrating. : /

I got no idea what my PlayerID or Xbox only form, I just got sent here via a email link.