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Unable to publish mod again after removing it from Workshop
Assigned, NormalPublic


If you upload a mod to the workshop, remove it and then try to upload it again you get the following error:

  1. No details in console. You have to check the log file and see:

(E): [RestApi] ID:[11] TYPE:[EBREQ_WORKBENCH_GetAsset] Error Code:400 - Bad Request, apiCode="workshopApi.assetDeleted", message="Asset is deleted"

  1. You can no longer upload the mod to the workshop.

To upload the mod again you have to create a completley new project, copy all your files over and upload it as a new mod.
Or you can generate a new GUID from the Utilities menu and replace the old one in your project settings, restart WB and you can upload again.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Upload mod to workshop
  2. Remove mod from workshop
  3. Try to upload it again
  4. Get error

Event Timeline

TheBonBon created this task.Sep 7 2024, 6:15 PM
TheBonBon updated the task description. (Show Details)Sep 7 2024, 7:24 PM

Same thing happens to me with a world editor mission

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Sep 10 2024, 3:37 PM
DarkWolf claimed this task.Jan 8 2025, 3:54 PM
DarkWolf added a subscriber: DarkWolf.

Hello, do you still experience this issue on current 1.2.1 or Experimental 1.3 versions?

Hello, do you still experience this issue on current 1.2.1 or Experimental 1.3 versions?

Looks like it works in 1.2.1.
In Experimental it failed on removing it from workshop with "Addon removal failed!" and no error logs.

Side note (1.2.1):
Since you cant reuse version numbers after trying to upload it again it is kinda hard to know what version you last used, cause it starts at v1.0.0 again and no longer auto increments.

In Experimental it failed on removing it from workshop with "Addon removal failed!" and no error logs.

Seems that you are also experiencing same issue as T187289

Since you cant reuse version numbers after trying to upload it again it is kinda hard to know what version you last used, cause it starts at v1.0.0 again and no longer auto increments.

This could be possibly improved by providing old metadata about addon before it was deleted (description, name, last version...) so we will look how this could be improved.