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Dedicated Server not able to load Dependency until manually added to Server Config
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi, I have noticed that a particular mod will not have the server load its dependencies automatically:

08:55:06.670 ENGINE       : Available addons:
08:55:06.670  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (packed)
08:55:06.670  ENGINE       : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F859' (packed)
08:55:06.670  ENGINE       : gproj: '/home/reforger/profile/addons/SADC_SoundMod_6306A99B1D750436/addon.gproj' guid: '6306A99B1D750436' (packed)
08:55:06.670  ENGINE       : gproj: '/home/reforger/profile/addons/Rooikat89-GAMEMASTERMODE_6325046F3AC00FC4/addon.gproj' guid: '6325046F3AC00FC4' (packed)
08:55:06.670  ENGINE       : gproj: '/home/reforger/profile/addons/Rooikat89_6250DB13F50E9BEB/addon.gproj' guid: '6250DB13F50E9BEB' (packed)
08:55:06.670 ENGINE    (E): Addon 'Rooikat89' dependency '5B188C9C9BFEA1D0' can't be added
08:55:06.670 ENGINE    (E): Addon 'Rooikat89GAMEMASTERMODE' dependency '6250DB13F50E9BEB' can't be added
08:55:06.670 ENGINE    (E): Cannot initialize game project settings!
08:55:06.670 ENGINE    (E): Cannot create game!
08:55:06.671 ENGINE    (E): Addon loading failed {6325046F3AC00FC4,6250DB13F50E9BEB,6306A99B1D750436}
08:55:06.671 ENGINE       : Game destroyed.

Once I add dependency 5B188C9C9BFEA1D0 to Server Config, this is then successful and starts correctly.


Operating System
Linux x64
Steps To Reproduce

Not working:

"mods": [
        "modId": "6325046F3AC00FC4",
        "name": "Rooikat 89 - GAME MASTER MODE",
        "version": ""
        "modId": "6250DB13F50E9BEB",
        "name": "Rooikat 89",
        "version": ""


"mods": [
        "modId": "6325046F3AC00FC4",
        "name": "Rooikat 89 - GAME MASTER MODE",
        "version": ""
        "modId": "6250DB13F50E9BEB",
        "name": "Rooikat 89",
        "version": ""
        "modId": "5B188C9C9BFEA1D0",
        "name": "Christmas Trees",
        "version": ""
Additional Information

Used scenario: {136A9A74D6695BD8}Missions/Rooikat89GAMEMASTERMODE.conf

Event Timeline

ceo_of_bacon edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Dec 19 2024, 1:36 PM

Another one today 21:54:03.018 ENGINE (E): Addon 'DogsGearFix' dependency '597491A7AFEE471B' can't be added

This one is interesting because DogsGearFix is supposedly 5F2EC0E6CCF11042 but it does not mention 597491A7AFEE471B in dependency list?

DarkWolf claimed this task.Jan 8 2025, 3:15 PM
DarkWolf added a subscriber: DarkWolf.

I was not able to reproduce this issue.

"mods": [
        "modId": "6325046F3AC00FC4",
        "name": "Rooikat 89 - GAME MASTER MODE",
        "version": ""
        "modId": "6250DB13F50E9BEB",
        "name": "Rooikat 89",
        "version": ""

Downloaded all addons including unspecified dependencies and loaded all of them.

Another one today 21:54:03.018 ENGINE (E): Addon 'DogsGearFix' dependency '597491A7AFEE471B' can't be added

This one is interesting because DogsGearFix is supposedly 5F2EC0E6CCF11042 but it does not mention 597491A7AFEE471B in dependency list?

I was not able to find DogsGearFix addon on workshop so I could not test this one.

Could you try it again to confirm if it still causes this issue on your side?
It is possible that some of those addons were removed or updated since report and is not reproducible since that.

It works now. Didn't work when submitting ticket. The other example mod is indeed not on the Workshop anymore.

DarkWolf closed this task as Resolved.Jan 10 2025, 3:35 PM

In that case I will resolve this ticket since issue is no longer reproducible and could be caused by error on backend which was already fixed.

If you encounter this issue again then feel free to request reopen and further investigation with new data.