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Died in radiation at safe zone fiske fabrikk
Reviewed, NormalPublic



I died in radiation at safe zone when the counter was already started... No comment 15 mins of looting and doing events is lost... Who will compensate me for this loss?


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

I reached safe zone before my health ran out and the counter already started but I died in radiation... 😐

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Dec 9 2024, 3:20 PM
SignofTerror added a comment.EditedDec 9 2024, 6:09 PM

Who will compensate for my loss? I again died in safe zone with full invetroy! Why? Is there a change on safe zones you forgot to mention or what?
5th time I die in radiation.... 😐
And it's not only on fiske, it happen on Eikevjen too

SignofTerror added a comment.EditedDec 19 2024, 9:43 AM

It happened again on Myren died in radiation at safe zone... 😐
I lost 15mins of my life again and all of my loot and airdrop I want a compensation! Really!
Why you can't fix your game?
What happened in season 21, why does it have so many bugs?
I lost all of my weapons too... So annoying!

Same happened to me in Sagbruk with very loot and good weapons. It's very annoying. Please fix it!