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Whitewalling needs to be addressed on console particullary PS5 (Week 1 of Asking)
Assigned, NormalPublic


PVPing/Raiding is almost impossible due to players abusing the load-in system to gain where other people are without stepping one foot ourside their base. This method can be done anytime, anywhere. Steps are as follows:

  1. Close application while playing DayZ on a server.
  2. Re-open said application
  3. When you load in, it will take a couple seconds for buildings, while people are almost instant allowing for their location to be revealed even if they are hidden in tree leaves, behind buildings, etc...

This is horrible for the player and creates a highly toxic atmosphere especially in official servers. I'm on PS5 and this is a prevelant issue, occuring since i've started playing. I'm not sure the fix for this, but maybe increasing the load in time? Allowing game textures to "pop-in" before you load in. Or make player models the same time as buildings, etc... Something needs to be done, a fix needs to be made. I will be checking this forum for updates. These bugs kills a players want for official and DayZ in general.



Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Here is two photos, both are from other people's bases that I've whitewalled in order to see inside. Can you see how broken this is? I can instantly guage their entire base and if they were online, I would see them.

Event Timeline

junglecat16789 renamed this task from Whitewalling needs to be addressed on console particullary PS5 to Whitewalling needs to be addressed on console particullary PS5 (Week 1 of Asking).Jan 9 2025, 6:04 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 9 2025, 11:05 AM
junglecat16789 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)