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My account has been suspended.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Добрый день! меня не пускает меня в игру, пишет "Ваш аккаунт заблокирован". Пожалуйста, объясните. По каким причинам мне поставили блокировку? Проводил ли кто-нибудь хоть какую-то проверку перед тем, как дать блокировку?! Я отвечу нет! Я играю каждый день и как я понимаю, один некомпетентный человек решил забанить меня, ничего не проверив... Пожалуйста, помогите мне разобраться в этой ситуации. Потому что я уверен, что я честный игрок и готов предоставить любую информацию для разрешения этой ситуации.

Vigor id no potosts that I can't log in to the account.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

TUMAN_G created this task.Jan 7 2025, 2:19 AM
TUMAN_G edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 7 2025, 2:42 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 8 2025, 2:31 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Unbanned, however you have been banned based on large amounts of reports from community. Further reports will lead into non reversible ban.

That is, I need to limit myself in skill? You understand the absurdity of this situation?! I always play shooters, I spent a lot of money on a computer, on a monitor...... I train my reaction, like any normal player there is a desire to be stronger than others, but honestly... That's my interest in the game... It is not correct on your part to issue such blocks! You should at least check if there are doubts.. And you've hit my reputation hard with my friends and the rest of the players. I didn't like your message "Further reports will lead into non reversible ban." after all this, I'm scared to play on this project. It makes sense for me to invest my time and money when there are no security guarantees.

I wonder if the blocking was manual at all?

Geez added a comment.EditedJan 8 2025, 3:41 PM

Your concerns have been noted by the team and we will definitely take them into account in the future. We will be looking more into this to prevent any unjust bans.