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Zombie Bag Bug
Assigned, NormalPublic


Since the release of 1.26, no matter how you code loot to go into zombie's bags, it will not spawn loot in the bag.

I have tried Cargo chance, cargo presets, attachment chance and attachment presets.

None of it works. It will only fill the zombies inventory and will ignore the bag.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Put the attachment chance for bags on zombies to 1.00 then try using cargo chance, cargo presets, attachment chance or attachment presets to get loot to go into said bag on the zombie and it will not fill the bag at all.

Additional Information

Here's an example of my zombie setup in spawnabletypes and randompresets:

<type name="ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Grey">

		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="FireworksLauncher" chance="0.50"/>
			<item name="SmallProtectorCase" chance="0.50"/>
	    <attachments preset="Detonators"/>
	    <cargo preset="BuildingTools"/>
	    <cargo preset="BuildingMats"/>
		<attachments preset="glassesVillage"/>
		<attachments preset="hatsIndustrial"/>
		<attachments preset="bagsIndustrial"/>
		<attachments preset="vestsIndustrial"/>
		<attachments preset="handsIndustrial"/>


        <attachments chance="0.60" name="Detonators">
				<item name="RemoteDetonator" chance="0.50" />
				<item name="ElectronicRepairKit" chance="0.50" />


Event Timeline

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 23 2025, 9:39 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello SmalllZzy.
Move the attachment to a specific backpack instead of an infected. This will cause the items to spawn with any backpack of that type. If you do not want to do that, the only alternative is to spawn it as cargo instead of an attachment.

	<type name="Headtorch_Grey"> <!-- definition of an item -->
		<attachments chance="1.00"> <!-- definition of an attachment for that item -->
			<item name="Battery9V" chance="1.00" /> <!-- definition of an item that will be attached" -->
	<type name="ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Autumn"> <!-- definition of an infected -->
		<attachments preset="headtorches" /> <!-- definition of a preset to be spawned as an attachment" -->

		<attachments chance= "1.0" name="headtorches"> <!-- definition of a group of items or "preset" -->
			<item name="Headtorch_Grey" chance="1.0" /> <!-- definition of items belonging to that preset" -->

	<type name="ZmbM_ConstrWorkerNormal_Grey">
			<attachments chance="1.00"> <!-- infected do not have attachments slots that would fit these items -->
				<item name="FireworksLauncher" chance="0.50"/> 
				<item name="SmallProtectorCase" chance="0.50"/>
			<attachments preset="Detonators"/> <!-- detonators in this case are not an attachment of an infected, but of a backpack -->
			<cargo preset="BuildingTools"/> <!-- here the cargo is correctly defined, the best course of action would be to look for a mistake in preset -->
			<cargo preset="BuildingMats"/>
			<attachments preset="glassesVillage"/>
			<attachments preset="hatsIndustrial"/>
			<attachments preset="bagsIndustrial"/> <!-- infected does have an attachment slot for a backpack, which is why this works -->
			<attachments preset="vestsIndustrial"/>
			<attachments preset="handsIndustrial"/>

        <attachments chance="0.60" name="Detonators"> <!-- this seems to be correctly set up -->
				<item name="RemoteDetonator" chance="0.50" />
				<item name="ElectronicRepairKit" chance="0.50" />

Hi @Geez, in my original post, I had said I tried cargo chance also and that it does not work for spawning items within an infected's bag. I have now tested this on every single infected with a bag attachment and nothing will spawn in the bags, it will only spawn in the infected's default inventory. This was not an issue until the release of the 1.26 update. This is obviously a new bug and needs rectified. If the dev team wishes, I can make a video on this issue to showcase the bug further. I've been coding my servers for 5 years, I run one of the largest Xbox DayZ Servers, I am not dumb so do not treat me that way, I probably know a lot more about these files than most of the dev team at this point from observation of your reply to me.

Geez reopened this task as Assigned.Jan 23 2025, 1:53 PM