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Jan 17 2025
Better hire a priest for the illumination.
Cheaters an server performance needs fixing , game is un-playable , forced to play community servers because official is pointless . Just need to start a petition or maybe get one of the bigger streamers to highlight this issue so it gets attention , us posting in here does nothing .
Hello. Any good news this topic?
A bit of video demonstration posted in discord (message link: https://discord.com/channels/105462288051380224/105465701543723008/1329698468834316301)
Xbox experimental is only Chernarus. It's always been this way.
the stable version and the experimental version are connected, you have to join your previously played server on stable and back out
It almost seems as if Bohemian Interactive dont care about their native linux-using customers?! Alrighty then...
I think maybe the keys could be a good thing considering that the boats will be so common now. I find it problematic that we'll keep having to go back to the same ship that's out in the open water. We should have dynamic ship crashes, oil rigs or maybe submarines and the keys should be found on those dynamic wrecks.
Don't change melee combat please, its great how it is🙏🏼🙏🏼
Listen, you should think more clearly about what you are writing and why you are writing it. I thought it was common sense on how an airdrop should be implemented. Plane flies over, drops a package, package is visible from far away as it slowly drops, players fight for said package. Does that make enough sense to you? Yes, it's also common sense for a bag to carry three radiators.. like it did for so many years.
The inventory change causes too much downtime, sitting and organizing loot in my actual inventory and making constant trips to my stashes and bases like this takes away from the time I could be experiencing the game like I once did.
I'm sorry that you can't carry 3 radiators in your bag my friend. Your second point just sounds like you aren't wanting to play the game lol. Yes people will camp it and its your job to kill them. Does that sound good to you? Airdrops literally seems pointless unless you can say a way they can implement them without just saying "add airdrops please!!!" And if they do add it, it'll just be a reskin of a heli crash. Does that sound good to you? This game will never be how you and I want it to be. It is up to us to be willing to play the game. And I'm saying we can't be critical, we surely can but resilience is necessary in order to live a happy life in and out of DayZ.
Junglecat That's just the thing. Helicrashes hardly ever draw people to them, I have 11k hours on the game and I could count on my hand how many gunfights I've been in at a helicrash despite it having a crash sound and a plume of smoke. I've only seen one group of players because of a convoy.. and that was on the way to the Livonia bunker. If it's nothing new, then why are they so bad at doing what is intended?
I would agree with the Christmas event ruining the economy of the game, but I would disagree with you sentiment about the containers. It was highly unlikely you'd see people on these other islands because you could easily stop and loot the crate, and that was that but now it will draw people together. Allowing for closer PVP and not making it so easy to find high tier items like M4's, DMR's, etc... I'm not sure it's "the wrong way" to draw people together. In-fact its what helicrashes and convoys do already. Just bringing people closer for high tier loot is nothing new.
I think a command is needed to force the setting of an AI action route (not setDrivePnP ath). It will be suitable for men, especially when indoors
@byNautiic Thanks M8!
yes! i noticed this bug as well and have posted about it. please fix!!!!
Jan 16 2025
Have you found a fix.. have the exact same problem.
Hola. Quisiera comentarle respecto al HUD del juego. Juego en una Xbox series X con una pantalla de 32". Resulta ser que la interfaz no se adapta al tamaño de la pantalla por lo cual no puedo visualizar bien la guía de botones y otros indicadores. Podrían agregar una opción donde esta se pueda ajustar a gusto? por favor no eh podido jugar desde hace meses.
Desde ya muchas gracias.
Hello. I would like to make a comment regarding the game's HUD. I'm playing on an Xbox Series X with a 32" screen. It turns out that the interface does not adapt to the size of the screen, which is why I cannot properly view the button guide and other indicators. Could you add an option where this can be adjusted to suit your needs? Please, I haven't been able to play for months.
Thank you very much.
This will not be vaporized as it is not profitable for Bohemia itself is money and cheaters are the most profitable in this game
The PSO-1-1 have the unlighted PSO 1 graduation "for 7.62 and other" and when you put the 9V battery for lighting it, the PSO 1-1 "9x39 scope graduation" pop over the
PSO-1 graduation.
Please don’t change the melee 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Arma Reforger
When loading into a public vanilla official server. The game crashes as soon as I load into the map after choosing spawn location. I have cleared cache and have an open nat type. I've uninstall and reinstalled the game twice now, and still no fix. It was working fine until the update that was released that allowed PlayStation crossplay. Even after the update on the 10th of Jan it still crashes after spawn.
The changelog suggests that this was fixed. I'll test later if I can still reproduce this after the update.
Resolved for 1.28
I just tried removе the sound speed simulation in the B_Plane_Fighter_01_F sound sets, after tests the sounds started to appear without the huge delay you was able see in video in comment above ↑↑↑↑↑
You can see a video of this test here: https://youtu.be/uF-3orpkeA4
Maybe there's something wrong with the speed of sound formula for airplanes, I hope that the found info will help to fix this bug sooner
Same issue i faced.
@Geez Why ?
Resolved for 1.27