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Official Servers 4+ years of hackers being my main cause of death
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Official servers on PC used to be my favorite.
Ever since covid hit in 2020 I have been getting regularly killed by cheaters there.
I estimate that every 5 hours I get killed by an obvious cheater.
I really want to recommend DayZ to my friends, but when the official servers only lead to huge frustration with constant unavoidable cheater-deaths, and finding a proper vanilla DayZ community server being complicated, It just sets them up for a messed up experience which I cannot recommend.
Team Fortress 2 had a very similar problem, it was also nearly unplayable from 2020 - 2024.
But recently they banned (almost) every single cheater / bot in a single day.
Hopefully something like this can be possible for DayZ one day.

Invisible people dropping nades, suddenly everyone gets 1-tapped within one milisecond with no line of sight to any shooters and huge man-sized blood-petals squirt out of everyone, people running at ultra-speed like "The Flash" and also beating us up at the same speed, people gps locating stashes and players (they take me by the hand and lead me to them, explaining how their cheats work). All this has happened numerous, numerous, numerous times to me alone and many many other players.

I appreciate the cheater-ban statistics the DayZ team shares every year or so, but it is not even close to enough.
You are not providing a professional product to the consumer.
Please let us play the official DayZ experience we give you money for, thanks,

New players are very likely to join official servers, so they are set up to have a bad time.
How can you let this slide for 4 - 5 YEARS?
I feel bad sometimes when I think about how many new players go through this, it's such a struggle to get started for noobs only to run into guaranteed cheaters again and again and again.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Play on official servers for estimately 5 hours.
Often less, sometimes more.
Easiest to encounter on full 3pp servers.

Additional Information

Here are only a few examples from the past few weeks alone, this type of disturbance of my game experience must have happened at least 50 times in the past 4 years. And I would like to mention that this number appears while I already avoid official servers for this reason.

Event Timeline

my dear friend, I have been writing these topics to them since 2019 when hell began on the official servers, but no reaction, the developers don't care, they are more interested in adding hats, clothes, changing the spawn, adding-reducing loot and other unnecessary junk, during all this time they have not even tried to do anything, there are only more cheaters, cheats get updates more often than the game itself, it is useless to shout about it, my friends stopped playing, since the official servers are not playable, and they do not want to play mod garbage. It's all sad, the entire online sits on comunity servers, what is the point of them dealing with official servers?
Here is my month of playing on Livonia, I meet cheaters more often than regular players. Better prepare $27 soon, they have to live for something

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Sep 26 2024, 12:59 PM

"You are not providing a professional product to the consumer." this is so 10 out of 10

I want to talk to Dayz community. Everyone from a fresh spawner to expirienced 20k hours veteren.

Yes, you, exactry you, on the other side of the screen. Don't you think it's time to unite?
Don't you think it's time to do something about it?
How much more are you ready to cope with all this?
Wigh countless hours of looting for nithing, with killing from nowhere by no one, with taking out all your stashes at once no matter how good they are?

If you sick of that as much as I am, if you think these guys does not care enough about this, if you don't want to deal with that anymore - DON'T BE SILENT

Write something, help to raise this topic, help to push it through, HELP TO MAKE THEM KNOW that they finally need to do something about it.

ALL IS IN OUR HANDS. IF we keep doing nothing, saying nothing - NOTHING WILL CHANGE
only lonely reports like this from time to time.

DON"T BE CARELESS, THIS IS YOUR GAME, a game that you love with all your heart for emotions that it gave to you, all the best memories for this 10 YEARS


Here is my month of playing on Livonia, I meet cheaters more often than regular players. Better prepare $27 soon, they have to live for something

This is pretty much my experience whenever I play on officials. And has been for four to five years. Good video.

my dear friend, I have been writing these topics to them since 2019 when hell began on the official servers, but no reaction, the developers don't care, they are more interested in adding hats, clothes, changing the spawn, adding-reducing loot and other unnecessary junk, during all this time they have not even tried to do anything, there are only more cheaters, cheats get updates more often than the game itself, it is useless to shout about it, my friends stopped playing, since the official servers are not playable, and they do not want to play mod garbage. It's all sad, the entire online sits on comunity servers, what is the point of them dealing with official servers?
Here is my month of playing on Livonia, I meet cheaters more often than regular players. Better prepare $27 soon, they have to live for something

this is so sad, they need to fix this garbage

This will not be vaporized as it is not profitable for Bohemia itself is money and cheaters are the most profitable in this game

Husky added a subscriber: Husky.Jan 17 2025, 9:48 AM

Cheaters an server performance needs fixing , game is un-playable , forced to play community servers because official is pointless . Just need to start a petition or maybe get one of the bigger streamers to highlight this issue so it gets attention , us posting in here does nothing .

Better hire a priest for the illumination.

ZakLD added a subscriber: ZakLD.EditedJan 18 2025, 9:17 AM

I have 21k hours on dayz, I have been dying constantly to cheaters on offical which is very frustrating. Which I have reported to battle eye with timestamps and video

It seems the cheaters are getting worse and worse.

I wish the cheater issue would be resolved they are obviously spoofing their hardware and network to keep creating new accounts once they get ban and doing it again

They seem to login the server when it was full pop and kill everyone then jump to the next server. Which totally ruins the game considering dayz is a survival game and takes many many hours of looting and working for your gear for a cheat to login for 5 mins and blow everyone up using aimbots, magic bullet, ESP etc, they can also delete your base walls if you went to the hard effort of collecting all the base building gear to build a base. Which is it even worth playing this game that we all love anymore? without people monitoring the servers the cheats are getting away with it

As they find ways to easily bypass the battleye system and make it undetected again,

Play on the mods and you'll be happy.

ZakLD added a comment.EditedJan 18 2025, 10:25 AM

Play on the mods and you'll be happy.

Modded servers don't stop cheats, there are alot of admin abuse on modded servers that I have seen, many of them take payments to spawn in gear for players etc. I prefer offical but there is a major cheat issue on them.

Although there are many cheaters on modded servers they just don't make it as obvious as the cheaters know admins on modded servers can use admin tools freecam to watch them.

Here certainly no one will not fight with cheaters because it is simply impossible on resources

You can change your play style and not collect all the junk from the map. Be sure to refuse transportation, because if a cheater sees a moving car, it is another cheater and immediately kills him or all those who are with him. Refuse good clothes and cool guns because you are 100% dead for the cheater is not even a loot and his such annoying and immediately dead.

Build humble bases that cheaters don't really want to break. A large base is a mandatory task for the cheater to break it and kill all those involved in it. Make small caches and then the cheater will take only what he needs to kill fat players.

I still have mongo remarks about cheaters, but if you just do not understand, you will die much more often. Well, and catch them all of course no one will not because there are many methods of hacking and many methods antichit will never reveal.

And on mod servers you can comfortably play and cheaters there are very rarely play so do not need to lie that the administration servers do not catch them.

As for your game, I guess you don't play DayZ, you just go back and forth since you don't even know the simple truths.

ZakLD added a comment.EditedJan 18 2025, 9:13 PM

As for your game, I guess you don't play DayZ, you just go back and forth since you don't even know the simple truths.

No idea what you are on about, but I have ran modded servers for many years I have seen many cheats that came onto my server they just don't make it obvious. As offical they know they don't care who knows that they are cheating.

I have over 21k hours on dayz I know how it works. Cheats jump server to server regardless just to ruin everyones gaming experience. they also play on modded servers but of course they know they cannot get away with obvious cheating like they would on offical as admin tools and the server has admin logs which the admins can view on the modded.

But anywho like stated by others there is a major cheating issue with the game currently and has been like this for many years

Well, if you kept the server and can not cope with cheaters who so skillfully hide, then the question begs the question how Bohemia will fight them? Or do you have a plan to defeat the cheaters?

I was actually getting curious. You talk about the uselessness of servers where there are mods, where the administration is present and that everything is useless. Well, there are three disabled people in Bohemia, and what do they do, who do they catch?