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Inventory group selection Exp 1.27
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When you close the inventory and open it again, wherever you left your cursor before is where it is now. The highlighted inventory group doesn't default to a set position. Previously, when you opened your inventory it was always in the far right group. With this new unpredictable way that the inventory group selection happens, you have to either purposefully place the selection on where you want it next, or suffer randomness.

It used to be I hit the inventory button, and immediately pressed up or down to scroll around my inventory, and I did that every time. Now I will have to press the bumper once or twice, which will slow me down when I'm trying to quickly get something.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Open inventory
Press bumper
Close inventory
Open inventory
Observe which group is highlighted

Additional Information

While you're in the inventory screen, it would be nice if the selection didn't move on its own, but when you close and open it again, it should default to one place, every time.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 17 2025, 12:09 PM

ive noticed this as well, please get this fixed!!

Piper added a subscriber: Piper.Jan 19 2025, 12:46 AM

Agreed. The new inventory system is brutal to those who have previously invested in the game. The sensitivity change is also uncalled for

has this issue been resolved? it makes using the inventory atrocious, experimental is very difficult with the inventory being the way it is. This bug is horrible!

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Feb 20 2025, 11:19 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Resolved for 1.27 stable