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Feedback Tracker - Arma Reforger "How To" Guide
Updated 964 Days AgoPublic

Before submitting a feedback / bug report, please make sure to do following:

Searching through Feedback Tracker

Quickly search through the Recent Tasks on the main page

  • If you experience an issue shortly after update, there is a big chance someone already reported similar issue
  • If you encounter a crash and similar crash was already reported, please report it and do so in your own ticket so we can track the crash and its progress
  • Select Arma Reforger and Open
  • Go to the Maniphest page for more thorough search
  • Hit Edit Query to display search options
  • To search for Arma Reforger issue, make sure the Arma Reforger tag is present
  • Try to use Contains Words to find the issue you are experiencing
  • You can try and use any other search options
  • Remember though, that other users may not always fill in all the info and if your search is too specific, you might end up empty handed

Creating a ticket

  • Click on the STAR ( ⭐ ) symbol in the upper right corner of the FT screen (next to your profile picture) (IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO SUBMIT A TICKET WITHOUT REGISTERING)
  • Select one of the Arma Reforger forms corresponding with the type of issue you experience (example: by platform /private if sensitive information or crash info is being handled)
  • Fill in all the important information (proper descritpion, game version, attach files - crashdumps, pictures of visual issues, videos of sound issues) and any other info you find relevant.
  • The more information we get the faster we are able to find and fix the issue
  • After you have filled in all the important information hit Create New Task below the ticket form

Reporting Crashes

  • It is highly recommended to send the crash data from the in game dialog when the game crashes - this provides us with all the information we require in order to efficiently address the crash as soon as possible
Last Author
Last Edited
Jun 30 2022, 2:51 PM

Event Timeline

Geez created this document.May 17 2022, 11:50 AM
Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)May 17 2022, 11:56 AM
Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)May 17 2022, 12:07 PM
Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)May 17 2022, 3:32 PM
Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
Geez changed the visibility from "Administrators" to "Public (No Login Required)".May 17 2022, 7:59 PM
Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)May 18 2022, 11:18 AM

I have an Xbox Series X and pretty solid internet. I’ve been trying to join a multiplayer game for the past 3 days now and haven’t gotten any luck. I’ve consistently been getting “backend error” or “lost connection”. Or when I load into a game, my screen shows water, then sends me right back to the main menu. The one time I was in a server for at least a minute and was unable to perform any actions nor did the load out area or players showed up on my screen to which I get sent back to the main menu shortly after! I have preformed a trouble shoot on my internet multiple times and have uninstalled and reinstalled Arma Reforger twice! And still no luck! I still feel this game is worth every penny I spent and I understand it’s still in preview however I sincerely hope you folks look into this matter as soon as possible. Especially for the others who are experiencing the same problems as myself and are eager to play the multiplayer experience! Thank you.

Game error

M'y config

en el asiento del acompañante no se ve los indicadores del velocimetro

el juego tien un problema con los fps y el tiempo dentro del mismo por ejemplo si tengo los fps en 60 y efectuo un disparo a rafaga con la ak47 dispara normal y fluido pero si el juego esta a 40 fps y ago lo mismo da una sensación de que la ak47 dispara mas lento como si el contador de fps afectara el funcionamiento del arma lo cual no deveria suseder

otro detalle a destacar es que cuando avanzo mas de la mitad del mapa en modo conflicto el juego empiesa a presentar problemas de carga de texturas se desaparecen estructuras como edificios y aparecen mas lento noto que el disco duro empiesa a trabajar más de la cuenta como si el juego intentara cargar las texturas del servidor este problema no se da todo el tiempo y es en lugares específicos.e notado que a la primera no me uno a ningun servidor solo puedo unirme al segundo intento

Igualmente, cuando me monto en un vehículo con alguien más siento tirones en el juego y aparte del problema de exceso de fuerza G y sonidos extraños que ya ustedes conocen por momentos se pierde todo el terreno y aparece de nuevo y da tirones hacia detrás y delante es una sensación engorrosa y que da mareos no en todos los casos sucede parece tener algo que ver con la diferencia en la conexión del que conduce el vehículo y yo con otros jugadores es menos evidente que con algunos.

Geez edited the content of this document. (Show Details)Jun 30 2022, 2:51 PM
Creating a ticket

Fill in all the important information (proper **descritpion**


This comment was removed by GhannsLt.

Can Bohemia do something about trolls on the Xbox. There is a gamer with multiple accounts that team kills and rips down all of our bases, making the game unplayable. The account names are Diegotraud72, KevinGarcia4093, and Alexander2702d3. We try to ban him, but they join right back in with another account. I have videos if needed, please do something as the game isn't playable.

PR9INICHEK added a comment.EditedAug 16 2023, 4:42 AM

@lordxmorguecart hi :)

I think that you need create a ticket at and send all proofs there

Missing building skins! Sometimes objects and vehicles too.
Changed/updated GPU did not downgrade, however.
O.S is Win 11 Direct x 12
Geforce RTX 3060 Driver Current FPS solid 60 less at worse settings.

Dandes added a subscriber: Dandes.Dec 2 2023, 7:46 AM

Arma Reforger is a very good game, both in terms of vehicles or weapons, it has been growing a lot lately and it is something that makes me very happy, but I have almost not been able to play properly because of the servers that end up limiting me because I live in South America, here almost no one plays, so I have to play on the North American servers, I get very stuck during the game, with an average of 130 to 150 ping and teleporting all the time, it would be nice to have a sevidor here.

Tried re-installing enfusion blender tool but keep getting error when trying to click enable checkbox after installing plug-in zip:

When you lose consciousness and wake up again, pressing both jump and move to the right simultaneously for a short period of time will cause your character to float in the air and maintain the jumping posture while moving continuously. You will lose any control over your character and can only watch it float and move continuously.

Howdy, I require the TFG Huey, TFG Vehicles, the Task Force Gaming Vehicles to be removed from the workshop, I requested the support for almost a year going the three mods now have corrupted files and can't do anything for others. I also can't remove it from steam, for the 1.0 update made them vanish, so please remove these mods

MMO mouse not able to use side buttons mapped buttons when you press one it doesn’t work while moving the Character Xbox can you fix it pls
Thank you in advance 🤙🏻

Kanda added a subscriber: Kanda.Jan 10 2025, 2:04 PM

Hola. Quisiera comentarle respecto al HUD del juego. Juego en una Xbox series X con una pantalla de 32". Resulta ser que la interfaz no se adapta al tamaño de la pantalla por lo cual no puedo visualizar bien la guía de botones y otros indicadores. Podrían agregar una opción donde esta se pueda ajustar a gusto? por favor no eh podido jugar desde hace meses.
Desde ya muchas gracias.
Hello. I would like to make a comment regarding the game's HUD. I'm playing on an Xbox Series X with a 32" screen. It turns out that the interface does not adapt to the size of the screen, which is why I cannot properly view the button guide and other indicators. Could you add an option where this can be adjusted to suit your needs? Please, I haven't been able to play for months.
Thank you very much.

Zay57 added a subscriber: Zay57.Thu, Jan 23, 11:18 AM

Hello, I'm brand new to Arma Reforger for the Xbox, and I have at least 4 TB of storage 2 internally and 2 externally. I've been trying to download mods to play with my PC friends. However, every time I want to switch maps, I have to delete all of my mods and then redownload the mods for the new map I want to play, which takes about an hour to an hour and a half to fully install those mods. I heard that there is a max of 10 GB in the Arma Reforger game, and I'm curious if there is any news about upgrading the storage space to be able to have more mods installed, so it isn't a headache to change maps/mods.