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Ai Soldiers 50/50 chance of getting in Helicopter
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number: Latest Update for Playstation 5
Modded? No

Issue Description: I've noticed that the Ai that I recruit in Arma has extreme difficulty in getting into my helicopter, when I choose the option Get in, the soldiers just all walk away towards a random location and when I place the vehicle next to them again and try again they just refuse to get into it. I've had very few success in them actually getting in but I would definitely would like for someone to double check the consistency of that action please.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!

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This comment was removed by FrankThetank1207.
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 16 2025, 3:11 PM

I hope I'm registering this in the correct place.

When playing in single player mode AI troops that have I recruited will ignore me after I've issued approximately 5 orders. The recruited troops display a 'wheel' tab.

Furthermore I'm unable create more AI troops once they are incapacitated as I quickly reach the max number deployable. There seems to be no way of deleting incapacitated troops to acquire more
