The problem is that there is a lot of trolling players who change codelocks in console servers and the administradors can not do anything about it, since there are no logs on who removed or added a combination lock, we can not even proof that it happend and or who did it.
If a group of 5 players go and raid a base and then the base owners complains that their codelocks got changed.
Who should I suspend/ban?
All 5 of them, or do I take a random guess and ban one of them? WHAT IF the base owner is just a sore loser and its pretending that their codelock got changed to ban the raiders?
I have lost a lot of players due to trolls that I can not even penalize due to the lack of evidence, people dont like losing acces to their base, and it is hard to compensate them because I can not even confirm if they are serious or just pretending to get free loot.