This also happens when those items are spawned by CE in less than pristine state.
class CfgVehicles { class WoodenCrate; class WoodenCrateTEST: WoodenCrate { attachments[]={"Knife"}; }; };
This also happens when those items are spawned by CE in less than pristine state.
class CfgVehicles { class WoodenCrate; class WoodenCrateTEST: WoodenCrate { attachments[]={"Knife"}; }; };
Hello lava76.
Can you please provide more details? Such as item examples and send us the crash dumps, if the game crashes.
Turns out the health config was a red herring. I've updated the ticket. Here is a PBO to easily repro the issue:
Spawning WoodenCrateTEST should cause the crash (it sets its own health in DeferredInit after spawning).
Relevant crash files:
I have the same issue.
Everything works fine in 1.26, but in 1.27 it doesn't. When I try to install the locker server goes down.
I have the same problems, and the server crashes. The only way out is to wipe the server
My own crate crashed out on spawn and on craft until i commented out healthLevels[]= from config.cpp